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利用血乳酸测定仪( Lactate Pro LT -1710LT)对男子冰球运动员训练后主动和被动恢复血乳酸的清除率比较的研究,为提高男子冰球运动员训练效果提供科学依据,采用血乳酸测试法、心率测试法、摄像分析法、文献资料法等研究法,分析主动和被动恢复血乳酸值与脉搏之间的关系,科学安排训练内容,使运动员训练效果得到提高,其分析结果显示男子冰球运动员训练后主动恢复较被动恢复血乳酸清除率较快,心率恢复差别不明显。  相似文献   

女子手球运动员无氧耐力的监控与评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨女子手球运动员无氧耐力的监控和评价意义,方法:测试女子手球运动员(12名,上海女子手球队)的无氧代谢能力,对心率和血乳酸进行统计分析,在训练和比赛中分析和应用;结果:针对场上位置不同,用心率来控制运动员的最大乳酸训练和耐乳酸训练,通过训练以达到峰值心率为评价标准,监测运动后心率以观察恢复情况;结论:对女子手球运动员训练疲劳和消除共性规律和个性特点进行了系统研究,并把无氧功和心率联系起来以控制训练的强度,从而提高运动员在比赛中的身体素质。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析青少年足球运动员在逐级递增负荷运动中各生理指标的变化,并探讨心率拐点在青少年运动员有氧能力评定中的应用的可能性,为优秀青少年运动员的科学选拔和科学训练提供可能的理论依据。研究对象与方法:U-15队的20名男子青少年足球运动员,测定最大摄氧量、心率、氧脉搏、通气量、呼吸商值;确定通气无氧阈、乳酸无氧阈、心率拐点。研究结果:本研究测得U-15男子足球运动员心肺功能各指标之间均具有显著相关性。受试者乳酸无氧阈、心率拐点的出现在时间上有高度的一致性。不同受试者个体乳酸阈、心率拐点、通气无氧阈出现的时间和所对应的运动强度有明显差异,随着最大有氧能力的增大向右漂移。Conconi心率拐点可以用来评定青少年运动员有氧能力。  相似文献   

两种无氧阈测试法在赛艇运动中应用的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用两种不同的无氧阈测试方法(乳酸法和Conconi法)对赛艇运动员进行测试,并比较其结果的相关性。结果表明:其无氧阈血乳酸值无显著性差异,无氧阈心率存在显著性差异,心率之间的差异有可能是由最大乳酸稳定状态下的个体乳酸阈最大速度引起的,在赛艇训练中以Conconi测试的心率拐点作为无氧阈训练的评定指标更有利于运动员有氧耐力水平的提高。  相似文献   

1,6-二磷酸果糖促进疲劳恢复作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了1.6-二磷酸果糖(FDP)对促进速滑运动员无氧耐力训练后消除疲劳的机理。通过对16名速滑运动员无氧代谢训练前后、运动后1h及次日清晨的生化检测,结果表明:a.服用FDP无氧训练后2h及次日清晨CK活性比,对照组明显降低,说明FDP对人体骨骼肌的细胞有保护作用;b.服用FDP在无氧耐力训练后2h及次日清晨血乳酸浓度明显降低,接近安静时水平,对照组值也降低,但仍高于安静时水平,说明FDP可促进糖酵解,加速运动后血乳酸清除,促进运动后糖原合成;c.对照组次日清晨CK、血乳酸明显高于服用FDP组,说明FDP对运动后疲劳的恢复有明显作用:d.通过询问运动员自我感受。服用FDP能明显减轻运动后肢体酸痛的症状。  相似文献   

有氧能力是皮划艇项目运动能力的基础,作为高强度、高乳酸的无氧糖酵解和有氧氧化供能的项目,皮划艇运动员的有氧耐力水平对运动成绩有着决定性的影响。结合皮划艇项目特征及供能特点,分析皮划艇有氧能力测试过程中多种评价方法(3 000 m耐力跑测试、最大摄氧量测试、高强度负荷后血乳酸测试和无氧阈测试等)。在诸多有氧能力评价方法中无氧阈测试有着广泛而有效地使用历史,其中以4 mmol/L乳酸阈(AT4)与个体乳酸阈(IAT)应用最为广泛,而心率无氧阈或可成为皮划艇项目无氧阈研究的新热点。  相似文献   

一、中跑的供能特点 由于中跑界于短跑和长跑之间,所以中跑的能量来源比较特殊,既需无氧代谢,也需有氧代谢。据测试表明,中跑的有氧代谢是随着距离的增加而逐渐加大的,如800米无氧代谢和有氧代谢分别占70%和30%。因它的无氧代谢占很大比重.故有人将800米跑称之为拉长的短跑。而1500米各占50%,它的无氧代谢比蘑小于短跑,有氧代谢比重小于长跑。此外,从中跑的运动特征看,它属于极限强度的运动,比赛后程的氧债可达20-30升,血液中的血乳酸大量增加,可达270-280毫克,最大吸氧量可达70-80毫升/千克/分,肺活量达到5升左右。由此可见,一名优秀的中跑运动员不仅要有较高的速度素质,还必须具备良好的速度耐力水平,即较高的心肺系统的机能,能承受后半程高浓度血乳酸的能力,即抗血乳酸能力。而这一机能水平的发展和提高必须通过科学系统的训练才能实现。[第一段]  相似文献   

各种距离跑后血乳酸值、心率与运动成绩关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
血乳酸是糖酵解的终末产物。运动后血乳酸水平的高低,是国内外用以评定无氧代谢能力的重要指标。通过测定运动后的血乳酸值、即刻心率、运动成绩,可了解运动员的竞技状态、训练效果和负荷反应。本文研究的目的在于探讨普通大学生在不同距离跑后三者之间的变化规律。一、研究对象和方法 (一)研究对象: 从我校1985年4月中旬和11月初两届全校大学生运动会与9月下旬新生运动会中,每个赛组随机抽测两名运动员,共测男女运动员123人。经校医院体检,被测学生身体健康。  相似文献   

为了了解我国优秀青少年冰球运动员运动能力状况。对24名优秀青少年冰球运动员身体训练期的运动能力进行监控,测定其Yo-Yo间歇恢复测试(YIRT)指标及血乳酸、心率、最大摄氧量等运动能力指标,并探讨运用YIRT监控冰球运动员身体训练的可行性。结果表明:身体训练后青少年冰球运动员YIRT成绩和最大心率具有非常显著性提高(P〈0.01),YIRT后的血乳酸具有显著性提高(P〈0.05),最大摄氧量无差异(P〉0.05)。表明青少年运动员的速度和耐力能力有所提高,可以推断青少年冰球运动员身体训练供能是以糖酵解系统为主,有氧氧化系统为辅,磷酸原系统参与部分动作的模式。相关性检验结果显示YIRT与血乳酸具有一定相关性。建议应进行长期、阶段性的连续监控研究。  相似文献   

从比赛中心率和跑动特点看我国足球运动员的体能状况   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
足球运动员在比赛中的活动实际上是一种长时间无规律的包含高、中、低三种强度的间歇运动。鉴此,只有在提高有氧耐力的基础上,通过间歇训练发展运动员的无氧能力,特别是无氧非乳酸能力,才会更有效地改善足球运动员在比赛中的体能状况。正确运用间歇训练法的关键是控制好练习的时间和间歇时间两个要素。以最大能力完成5~30秒练习,间歇0.5~5分钟,有助于无氧非乳酸能力提高;以次最大能力完成30~90秒练习,间歇30~90秒,有助于提高无氧乳酸能力。  相似文献   

为了更进一步探讨组合训练在中跑项目中的训练效果,在实验和长期跟踪观察的基础上,对上海中跑运动队应用组合训练的效果进行研究。通过对运动员实验前后的VO2max(最大摄氧量)、基础心率、体质量等指标变化的观察以及运动员完成相同负荷后的BLA(血乳酸)、HR(即刻心率)指标变化情况进行分析。结果表明:组合训练在中跑运动员专项身体训练中能够有效地提高运动员的身体机能和竞技能力,是值得我们积极去探索的一种训练方法。  相似文献   

6名短跑及8名中跑运动员分别完成300m冲刺跑及2×800m最大速度跑,于运动前5min、完成后即刻、完成后4min直至22min(间隔时间3min)分别采血测定血氨及血乳酸含量。结果显示,300m冲刺跑及2×800m中距离重复跑均可导致机体血氨水平显著增高,血氨水平与运动强度具有正相依存关系,血氨峰值出现的时间以运动后4-7min为多,均滞后于血乳酸峰值。血氨可以作为监测运动强度的敏感指标,并与血乳酸具有显著的相关关系。受试者血氨水平的增高与其机体机能状态及疲劳程度密切相关。  相似文献   

以某省6名男子轻量级赛艇运动员为研究对象,分析递增负荷测功仪训练中队员心率和血乳酸浓度变化。结果表明:心率和血乳酸浓度都随功率递增而相伴升高,心率在个体乳酸阈前后一定范围内出现急剧增高。  相似文献   

目的:为进一步研究100m、400m和1500m三种不同全速跑后血乳酸和心率的变化,选取同一年级同一班共六名志愿者参与本实验。方法:分别记录六名受试者全速跑完100m、400m、1 500m运动前和运动后3min的血乳酸值和心率值。结果:两名受试者进行100m无氧运动后,血乳酸值和心率值均有所升高,但升高幅度较小,血乳酸值最高达7.6mmol/L,心率值最高达154b/min;四名受试者进行400m和1500m有氧运动后,血乳酸值和心率值升高幅度较大,血乳酸值最高达16.2mmol/L,心率值最高达192b/min。结论:人体内的血乳酸含量和心率大小随运动项目的负荷强度和运动持续时间的增加而增加,有氧运动前后血乳酸升高幅度明显高于无氧运动,而无氧运动前后心率升高幅度明显高于有氧运动。因此,可根据血乳酸值和心率值来评定人体运动的负荷强度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the energy contributions in middle-distance running events for male and female university athletes. The oxygen uptake (VO2) response during high-speed running was measured directly during exhaustive treadmill tests. Muscle mass was estimated using anthropometry. Each athlete completed an average of three races over 400 m, 800 m or 1500 m. Five minutes after each race, they provided a blood sample for determination of blood lactate concentration. For each race, energy cost, which was expressed as oxygen equivalents, was calculated as the sum of the aerobic and anaerobic components. The aerobic contribution was calculated as the sum of oxygen stores (2.3 ml O2.kg body mass-1) and total VO2 (based on the VO2 response to treadmill running). The anaerobic contribution was calculated as the sum of the energy available from phosphocreatine stores (37 ml O2.kg muscle mass-1) and the energy from glycolysis (3.0 ml O2.kg body mass-1 per mmol.l-1 increase in blood lactate concentration). For the women, the anaerobic energy contributions for the 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m averaged 62% 33% and 17% respectively. For the men, the anaerobic contributions averaged 63%39% and 20%respectively. This information will help coaches and sport scientists to design and implement individualized training programmes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the energy contributions in middle-distance running events for male and female university athletes. The oxygen uptake (VO2) response during high-speed running was measured directly during exhaustive treadmill tests. Muscle mass was estimated using anthropometry. Each athlete completed an average of three races over 400 m, 800 m or 1500 m. Five minutes after each race, they provided a blood sample for determination of blood lactate concentration. For each race, energy cost, which was expressed as oxygen equivalents, was calculated as the sum of the aerobic and anaerobic components. The aerobic contribution was calculated as the sum of oxygen stores (2.3 ml O2.kg body mass-1) and total VO2 (based on the VO2 response to treadmill running). The anaerobic contribution was calculated as the sum of the energy available from phosphocreatine stores (37 ml O2.kg muscle mass-1) and the energy from glycolysis (3.0 ml O2.kg body mass-1 per mmol.l-1 increase in blood lactate concentration). For the women, the anaerobic energy contributions for the 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m averaged 62%, 33% and 17%, respectively. For the men, the anaerobic contributions averaged 63%, 39% and 20%, respectively. This information will help coaches and sport scientists to design and implement individualized training programmes.  相似文献   

陈建敏  宋永旺 《体育科研》2018,(4):65-69,88
目的:研究和揭示小轮车泥地竞速比赛的有氧代谢和无氧代谢特征。方法:对3名广东省重点运动员在赛前模拟赛、全国冠军赛和锦标赛赛时进行全程心率和赛后血乳酸进行值测试和分析。结果:(1)在模拟赛、全国冠军赛和全国锦标赛赛时运动员每轮比赛的最高心率都达到个人峰值心率(HRpeak)的90%以上,平均心率达到88% HRpeak以上;(2)每轮比赛赛后间歇期平均心率处在67%~70%HRpeak的中等强度心率范围,且整体呈上升趋势;(3)全国正式比赛赛后血乳酸水平明显高于模拟赛,达到最高乳酸训练区(血乳酸值大于15 mmol/L)的强度。结论:小轮车泥地竞速项目不仅对运动员最大无氧代谢能力提出了极高要求,同时要求运动员具备优秀的有氧代谢能力。  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to determine if field-based variables associated with cardiovascular and neuromuscular stress could be used to accurately monitor and predict middle-distance running. Eleven middle-distance runners (age 21.3±1.6 years) completed three trials of steady-state running at 11, 13, and 15 km · h–1, and test performance was compared with competitive performance (personal best times converted to standardized Mericer scores). Oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), and stride characteristics (ground contact time [Ct], flight time, step length, and step frequency) were monitored during treadmill running with the ratio of HR:1/Ct calculated. Heart rate and stride characteristics were significantly altered (all P<0.05) with increased running speed, while the HR:1/Ct index was unchanged. Stride characteristics, heart rate, and the HR:1/Ct index were reliable measures with no mean bias and low levels of random variation. The HR:1/Ct index was strongly related to competitive performance (r=–0.80 to 0.88, P<0.01). This was primarily attributed to the association between heart rate and Mercier scores (r=–0.81 to 0.87, P<0.01), whereas ground contact time was only moderately related to competitive performance at the fastest running speed (r=–0.60, P<0.05). Simple measures associated with cardiovascular and neuromuscular stress can be reliably monitored in middle-distance runners. A HR:1/Ct index provides a stable measure at any given submaximal running speed and may provide a useful tool for monitoring and predicting middle-distance running.  相似文献   

Comparison of maximal anaerobic running tests on a treadmill and track   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To develop a track version of the maximal anaerobic running test, 10 sprint runners and 12 distance runners performed the test on a treadmill and on a track. The treadmill test consisted of incremental 20-s runs with a 100-s recovery between the runs. On the track, 20-s runs were replaced by 150-m runs. To determine the blood lactate versus running velocity curve, fingertip blood samples were taken for analysis of blood lactate concentration at rest and after each run. For both the treadmill and track protocols, maximal running velocity (v max), the velocities associated with blood lactate concentrations of 10 mmol x l-1 (v10 mM) and 5 mmol x l(-1) (v5 mM), and the peak blood lactate concentration were determined. The results of both protocols were compared with the seasonal best 400-m runs for the sprint runners and seasonal best 1000-m time-trials for the distance runners. Maximal running velocity was significantly higher on the track (7.57 +/- 0.79 m x s(-1)) than on the treadmill (7.13 +/- 0.75 m x s(-1)), and sprint runners had significantly higher vmax, v10 mM, and peak blood lactate concentration than distance runners (P < 0.05). The Pearson product--moment correlation coefficients between the variables for the track and treadmill protocols were 0.96 (v max), 0.82 (v10 mM), 0.70 (v5 mM), and 0.78 (peak blood lactate concentration) (P < 0.05). In sprint runners, the velocity of the seasonal best 400-m run correlated positively with vmax in the treadmill (r = 0.90, P < 0.001) and track protocols (r = 0.92, P < 0.001). In distance runners, a positive correlation was observed between the velocity of the 1000-m time-trial and vmax in the treadmill (r = 0.70, P < 0.01) and track protocols (r = 0.63, P < 0.05). It is apparent that the results from the track protocol are related to, and in agreement with, the results of the treadmill protocol. In conclusion, the track version of the maximal anaerobic running test is a valid means of measuring different determinants of sprint running performance.  相似文献   

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