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目的:运用元分析的方法检验复合式训练对青少年下肢爆发力影响的干预效果,检验并提出最优的运动干预方案。方法:运用STATA 15.1和Review Manager 5.3对纳入的10篇文献和301名被试者通过设置抗阻类型、抗阻强度、间歇时间、训练频率和训练周期等5个调节变量进行亚组分析,采用固定效应模型进行整体效应、异质性、发表偏倚性检验。结果:(1)复合式训练对跳跃类运动表现的影响效应量d0.36,对短跑类运动表现的影响效应量d-0.51,两者达到中等效应且具有统计学意义;(2)本研究纳入的10篇文献异质性较低,间歇时间、训练频率和训练周期的对跳跃类和短跑类运动表现影响的效应量有一定差别。结论:(1)复合式训练能够显著提升青少年跳跃类和短跑类运动表现;(2)抗阻训练选择等张收缩、强度70%1RM以下、小于3分钟的间歇时间、在4~8周内选择每周1-2次的复合式训练能够对青少年运动表现有较好的提升;(3)围绕青少年人群开展的复合式训练较为缺乏,后续研究应加强理论与实践研究。  相似文献   

目的:采用Meta分析系统评价整合性神经肌肉训练(INT训练)对运动员运动表现不同效应指标影响的确切效果,为促进INT训练在运动员训练实践中的应用提供依据。方法:截至2020年8月10日,检索Web of Science、Pubmed、Medline、CNKI、Wan Fang、VIP数据库中关于INT训练对运动员群体力量、速度、跳跃、平衡、灵敏协调等素质干预的随机对照实验文献,由2名研究者独立对纳入文献进行筛选、数据提取及质量评价,使用Reviewer Manager 5.3软件进行效应量合并、敏感性分析、亚组分析和异质性检验,运用Stata14.0软件进行Meta回归和发表偏倚分析。结果:16篇文献中108份研究纳入Meta分析,其低偏倚风险11篇,中等偏倚风险5篇,纳入分析总样本量809人。Meta分析结果显示:(1) INT训练对最大力量有显著性影响,对于受试者下肢力量促进效果优于上肢;(2) INT训练对短跑能力影响的合并效应量不具有显著的统计学意义,除Lindblom研究外,其他2项测试结果呈阳性,INT训练干预后,成年受试者短跑测试成绩明显提升;(3) INT训练对跳跃能力有显著性影响,训练周期和测试方式的差异可能是造成效应量异质性较高的原因;(4) INT训练对平衡能力有显著性影响,训练周期、干预频次/周和测试方式的差异可能是造成效应量异质性较高的原因;(5) INT训练对灵敏素质有显著性影响,性别、年龄和干预时间的差异可能是造成异质性较高的原因。结论:INT训练对于青少年组,男性组运动员最大力量水平产生更好的效应,且对于下肢力量促进效果显著优于上肢;对于成年组运动员短跑和冲刺能力的提升效果优于未成年组;对于成年组、女性组运动员跳跃能力产生更好的训练效应,总效应量随干预时间的减少而降低,且对于纵跳、单脚侧、前跳能力的提升效果优于多级跳;能显著影响并提升运动员单腿支撑平衡能力;对于运动员在变向、加减速度灵敏协调素质的提升效果明显。INT训练对运动员运动表现促进效果大小与受试者运动经历、训练目标的导向、干预的周期、频次和时间等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

目的:运用Meta分析的方法检验对比式训练对下肢爆发力的干预效果。方法:计算机检索Web of Science、Science Direct、PubMed和中国知网数据库中有关对比式训练对运动表现的实证研究,查找期限设定为截止到2021年6月,基于STATA/SE15.1和Review Manager5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果:本研究共结合16篇文献,受试者385人。Meta分析结果显示:对比式训练对跳跃类和短跑类运动表现的提升均具有较好效果(SMD=0.68/-0.84),且具有显著性,其中选择4~8周的训练周期、2次/周的训练频率、抗阻形式选择等张收缩、高负荷训练选择混合强度、低负荷训练强度选择自重训练、组内和组间间歇小于2分钟对跳跃类表现提升的效果较好;选择2次/周的训练频率、抗阻形式选择等张收缩、高负荷训练强度选择80% 1RM及以上、低负荷训练强度选择自重或40% 1RM、在组内和组间间歇均选择小于2分钟对短跑类表现提升的效果较好。结论:对比式训练对下肢爆发力表现具有较好提升效果,但需要对训练变量进行特定设置及考虑个体因素。  相似文献   

目的:系统总结不同运动干预诱导激活后表现增强(PAPE)的相关研究,为制定适宜的PAPE诱导方案提供参考与启示。方法:检索Web of Science、PubMed、EBSCO、CNKI等数据库的相关文献,通过筛选后共纳入71篇。结果:涉及的运动干预包括深蹲、奥林匹克举、臀推、硬拉、腿推举、飞轮抗阻训练、超等长跳跃、阻力冲刺跑、全身振动训练、可变阻力训练、聚组训练、血流限制训练12种。结论:以冲刺PAPE为诱导目标时,适宜采用臀推、阻力冲刺跑、高翻以及超等长跳跃;以跳跃PAPE为诱导目标时,适宜采用自由重量深蹲、等长深蹲、分腿蹲结合血流限制训练以及跳深和负重蹲跳;力量水平高的运动员适宜采用全幅度运动方式以及等长深蹲;力量水平低的运动员适宜采用半幅度运动方式、固定器械腿推举以及全身振动训练;适宜将可变阻力训练和聚组训练与传统抗阻训练相结合应用于复合式训练中;飞轮抗阻训练和血流限制训练无需大重量器械即能对机体有较大的刺激效果,可用于赛前激活方案中。  相似文献   

目的 综合评价正念训练提高运动员运动表现的效果。方法 检索Web of Science, Sport Discus,PubMed和Embase数据库,筛选有关正念训练提高运动员运动表现的对照实验研究,通过Cochrane系统评价工具表对纳入文献进行质量评价,采用Review Manager 5.4软件进行Meta分析并运用STATA15.1软件进行发表偏倚检验和敏感性分析。结果 共纳入18项研究;正念训练对运动员运动表现(SMD=1.27,95%CI[0.73,1.81],Z=4.64,p<0.01)、正念水平(SMD=0.82,95%CI[0.57,1.08],Z=6.3,p<0.01)的影响呈大效应量,心理效益(SMD=0.72,95%CI[0.48,0.96],Z=5.94,p<0.01)呈中效应量。结论 正念训练能够有效改善运动员的运动表现、正念水平和心理效益;对运动表现的提升效果受结局指标类型的影响,对绩效类指标的提升效果最好,对体能类指标的提升效果一般。  相似文献   

探讨抗阻力训练对青少年短跑运动员成绩的影响,以江苏省盐城市体育学校8名(4男,4女)青少年短跑运动员为研究对象,8名运动员分为两组进行3个周期的训练,实验组加入皮条循环身体素质练习。对实验前后的立定跳远、100m跨步跳(步数)、10s高抬腿(次数)、100m的成绩进行结果对比。结果显示:抗阻力训练对青少年短跑运动员成绩的提高良好的效果。  相似文献   

刘辉利 《中华武术》2006,(11):18-19
跳跃练习是青少年短跑训练体系中速度一力量、爆发力、力量耐力三者相互转化、相互促进的重要手段之一,有周期性、针对性的科学安排跳跃练习,对提高短跑训练的水平有着十分重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

青少年男子短跑运动员膝关节等速肌力特征研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的:通过对36名二级青少年男子短跑运动员双侧膝关节进行等速测试,探析青少年短跑运动员膝关节向心屈伸肌群的生物力学特性.为运动训练、科学选材及临床康复等提供理论依据。方法:利用Kinitech等速康复肌力测试系统对青少年男子短跑运动员膝关节屈伸肌群进行等速测试。结果:青少年男子短跑运动员双侧膝关节屈伸峰力矩随测试速度的增加呈递减趋势,且膝伸肌大于膝屈肌(P〈0.05),峰力矩屈伸比(V/E)随给定测试速度的增加呈递增趋势;最大功率随测试速度的增大而增加,同一测试速度下屈、伸肌群最大功率无明显差异,左、右侧相比也无显著性差异(600/s伸肌除外);屈伸肌群达峰力矩的角度(APT)表现为伸肌角度明显低于屈肌角度,随速度增加左右两侧膝关节达峰力矩的角度无显著差异:双侧膝关节屈伸肌群达峰力矩的时间(TPT)随测试速度的增加而减小,同一测试速度下伸肌达峰力矩的时间大于屈肌;右侧膝关节屈肌相对峰力矩(PT/BM)与下肢形态学指标表现出不同程度的正相关。结论:青少年男子短跑运动员膝关节峰力矩变化规律与成年人相一致,但左右侧膝关节屈伸肌群做功能力发展不平衡,屈伸肌群运动达峰力矩角度、达峰力矩的时间存在显著差异。  相似文献   

周建梅  刘春生 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(5):605-606,600
速度是人体进行快速运动的能力,速度能力是综合素质的表现。通过以青少年速度训练为例,运用60m反复跑、间歇跑、上下坡跑多种训练手段来达到提高绝对速度的目的。探寻青少年运动员快速提高短跑成绩的科学训练规律。  相似文献   

目的评估增强式训练对运动员下肢运动能力的影响。方法按照检索、筛选、合格、纳入4个步骤对3个数据库(Web of science、Pub Med、SPORTDiscus)进行文献检索,并通过纳入标准和排除标准对符合研究的文献进行编码,使用物理治疗循证数据库(PEDro)对研究文献进行质量评估,运用stata13.0软件对各项指标进行Meta分析。结果 1)增强式训练对下肢垂直跳跃能力的提高有中等效应的正向影响[SMD=0.64,95%CI (0.24,1.04)];2)增强式训练对下肢短跑成绩的提高有中等效应的正向影响[SMD=-0.71,95%CI (-0.95,-0.47)];3)增强式训练对血液中CK浓度的提高具有较大的影响[SMD=0.89,95%CI (0.36,1.41)]。结论增强式训练是提高运动员下肢运动能力的一种有效训练方法,主要表现在垂直跳跃、短跑能力上,但也会造成下肢酸痛,在制定训练计划时应充分考虑这一因素。  相似文献   

Plyometric training composed by unilateral exercises with horizontal jumping direction seems to be an effective way to improve physical performance in athletes. The present study aimed to compare the influence of a combined jumping direction and force application (horizontal-unilateral vs. vertical-bilateral) plyometric training on linear sprinting, jumping, change of direction (COD) and dynamic balance in young elite basketball players. Twenty young (U-13 to U-14) male basketball players (age: 13.2?±?0.7 years, body mass: 59.5?±?12.7?kg, height: 172.9?±?7.9?cm) were randomly assigned either to a unilateral-horizontal (UH, n?=?10) or bilateral-vertical (BV, n?=?10) plyometric group, twice a week for 6-wk. Both groups performed between 60 and 100 jumps/session. UH executed all jumps unilaterally with horizontal direction, while jumps in the BV were bilaterally with vertical direction. Performance was assessed by a linear sprinting test, vertical and horizontal jumping tests, COD tests (V-cut and 5+5?m with a 180°COD test), an ankle dorsiflexion test and dynamic balance tests (anterior and postero-lateral directions). Within-group differences showed substantial improvements (Effect size (ES):0.31–1.01) in unilateral vertical and horizontal jumping, V-cut test and postero-lateral direction with right leg after both training interventions. Furthermore, UH group also substantially improved (ES:0.33–0.78) all sprinting times and postero-lateral direction with left leg, while BV enhanced anterior direction with left leg (ES:0.25). Between-group analyses showed substantially greater improvements (ES:0.33) in 10-m and V-cut test in UH than in BV. The likely beneficial effect (small ES) achieved in sprinting abilities suggests the combination of unilateral-horizontal jumps to improve such abilities.  相似文献   

对国内外近20年来关于篮球比赛负荷特征的文献研究后发现:(1)篮球是在大约持续90 min的时间内完成的以高强度爆发性的跳跃、冲刺、对抗、拼抢等运动形态及中低强度的走、慢跑、专项化移动交替进行的不规则间歇性运动项目。平均不到3 s就有一次移动方式的变化,每30 s左右就有一次高强度的移动方式。(2)不同位置球员在比赛中所承受的负荷是不同的,以后卫最大。因此,篮球专项体能训练应突出位置特征、个体化特点。(3)不同性别的球员在比赛中所承受的负荷并无显著性差异,其训练方法和强度控制可以互相借鉴。(4)水平级别越高的球员,其所承受的比赛负荷也越高。  相似文献   

Biological maturation is associated with physiological changes which in turn affect motor performance. No study has assessed the association between growing up habitually shod versus habitually barefoot and motor performance in the context of maturation, so this approach is unique. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of biological maturity on motor performance dependent on the participants’ footwear habits. Sixty-five German habitually shod (mean age 13.28?±?0.83 years) and fifty-five South African habitually barefoot (mean age 13.38?±?0.87 years) participants were included. Dynamic postural control was determined via backward balancing, explosive strength by standing long jump and sprinting performance based on a 20-m sprinting test. All tests were performed barefoot and shod. Biological maturation was calculated by using the maturity offset value. Linear mixed models were used to analyse interactions between the maturity offset value, footwear habits and motor performance. Throughout maturation, there was a significant difference between habitually barefoot and habitually shod balance performance (P?=?0.001). Maturation led to balance improvements in habitually barefoot adolescents, but not in habitually shod adolescents. No such differences could be observed for standing long jump and 20-m sprint performance. Maturity offset was a significant predictor for jumping and sprinting performances (P?相似文献   

Complex training, a combination of resistance training and plyometrics is growing in popularity, despite limited support for its efficacy. In pre- and early pubertal children, the study of complex training has been limited, and to our knowledge an examination of its effect on anaerobic performance characteristics of the upper and lower body has not been undertaken. Furthermore, the effect of detraining after complex training requires clarification. The physical characteristics (mean+/-s) of the 54 male participants in the present study were as follows: age 12.3 +/- 0.3 years, height 1.57 +/- 0.07 m, body mass 50.3 +/- 11.0 kg. Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental (n = 33) or control group (n = 21). The training, which was performed three times a week for 12 weeks, included a combination of dynamic constant external resistance and plyometrics. After training, participants completed 12 weeks of detraining. At baseline, after training and after detraining, peak and mean anaerobic power, dynamic strength and athletic performance were assessed. Twenty-six participants completed the training and none reported any training-related injury. Complex training was associated with small increases (< or =5.5%) in peak and mean power during training, followed by decreases of a similar magnitude (< or = -5.9%) during detraining (P < 0.05). No changes or minor, progressive increases (< or =1.5%) were evident in the control group (P > 0.05). In the experimental group, dynamic strength was increased by 24.3 - 71.4% (dependent on muscle group; P < 0.01), whereas growth-related changes in the control group varied from 0 to 4.4% (P > 0.05). For 40-m sprint running, basketball chest pass and vertical jump test performance, the experimental group saw a small improvement (< or =4.0%) after training followed by a decline (< or = -4.4%) towards baseline during detraining (P < 0.05), whereas the control group experienced no change (P > 0.05). In conclusion, in pre- and early pubertal boys, upper and lower body complex training is a time-effective and safe training modality that confers small improvements in anaerobic power and jumping, throwing and sprinting performance, and marked improvements in dynamic strength. However, after detraining, the benefits of complex training are lost at similar rates to other training modalities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of periodized resistance training on accelerative sprint performance. Sixteen physically active men participated in a randomized controlled study. An experimental group (n = 10) completed an 8-week periodized resistance training intervention, while a control group (n = 6) did not train. Pre- and post-training measures of 20-m straight-line sprint time, including a 10-m split, maximum strength, and explosive strength, were recorded. Flight time, stance time, stride length, and stride frequency were quantified from digitized video recordings of the first three strides of the 20-m sprint. Resistance training resulted in significant increases in maximum strength (parallel back squat: 19%) and explosive strength (6-10%). However, both groups increased 0-10 m sprint times (experimental group = 6%; control group = 3%) while 10-20m times were reduced (experimental group = 7%; control group = 4%), highlighting the mechanical differences between the distinct sprint phases. The change during the 0-10m interval was accompanied by a reduction in stride frequency during the first three strides. Strength coaches should be aware that the potential benefits of increased muscular strength during short sprints are likely to be affected by mechanical specificity and that improvements in sprinting performance may not occur immediately after a period of resistance training.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of a combined strength-training programme (full-back squat, YoYoTM leg curl, plyometrics and sled towing exercises) on performance in elite young soccer players and to examine the effects when this training programme was performed one or two days per week. Thirty-six male soccer players (U-17 to U-19) were recruited and assigned to experimental groups (EXP1: 1?s?w?1; EXP2: 2?s?w?1) or a control group (CON). Performance was assessed through a countermovement jump (CMJ) test (relative peak power [CMJPP] and CMJ height [CMJH]), a 20-m linear sprint test with split-times at 10-m, and a change of direction test (V-cut test) 1 week before starting the training programme and also 1 week after performing such training programme. Within-group analysis showed substantial improvements in CMJ variables (ES: 0.39–0.81) and COD (ES: 0.70 and 0.76) in EXP1 and EXP2, while EXP2 also showed substantial enhancements in all linear sprinting tests (ES: 0.43–0.52). Between-group analysis showed substantially greater improvements in CMJ variables (ES: 0.39–0.68) in experimental groups in comparison to CON. Furthermore, EXP2 achieved a substantial better performance in 20-m (ES: 0.48–0.64) than EXP1 and CON. Finally, EXP2 also showed greater enhancements in 10-m (ES: 0.50) and V-cut test (ES: 0.52) than EXP1. In conclusion, the combined strength-training programme improved jumping ability, independently of training frequency, though the achievement of two sessions per week also enhanced sprinting abilities (linear and COD) in young soccer players.  相似文献   


The relative effectiveness of six intensive training programs on the development of four selected skills was studied, with emphasis on limited time encountered within the semester organizational plan. One hundred and twenty college freshmen men volunteers were randomly assigned to training groups of 30 members each, which met for two sessions a week for 16 weeks.

Results indicated that: (a) direct practice jumping, alone or combined with repetitive sprinting or weight training, was significantly superior to weight training alone on standing broad jump development; (b) direct practice of a zigzag run was superior to both weight training and repetitive sprinting; and (c) when group acquisition of “adequate” skill is the objective, performance improvements educed over the first nine weeks were great enough to question the merits of persisting at an activity over a full semester. Only the zigzag run was adversely affected by the spring vacation cessation of training.  相似文献   

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