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尊师重教是邓小平教育理论的重要内容,更是其自告奋勇抓教育的实践体现。邓小平尊师重教思想的基本内容是:充分肯定教师作用,致力提高教师地位;切实提高教师待遇,尽快改善教师的生活和工作条件;加强教师队伍建设,努力提高教师素质。  相似文献   

邓小平同志一贯强调尊重教师。邓小平同志关于教师的地位、作用、教师的生活待遇,教师的教育教学能力和业务培训等方面的谈话,是他尊师重教思想的具体体现。  相似文献   

中国古代一些典籍中记载了比较丰富的尊师重教思想,一些教育家也大力倡导尊师重教,对我国民间形成尊师重教的传统具有积极影响。梳理这些尊师重教的思想,对当今社会重树尊师重教理念,提升教师社会地位和职业声誉具有重要意义。  相似文献   

邓小平同志一贯倡导尊师重教.高度重视教师及教师队伍建设。本文从教师的地位与作用、教师的工作和生活待遇、教师队伍建设三个方面论述了邓小平同志对教师队伍的关心与支持。  相似文献   

发展是邓小平理论的内涵,也是邓小平教育思想的精神实质,邓小平一贯重视教育发展对社会发展的作用,力图以战略高度和改革角度改变过去教育落后的面貌,使中国的教育迎头赶上。为中国的社会主义事业做出应有贡献。  相似文献   

邓小平同志根据马列主义.毛泽东思想关于知识分子的基本观点,总结了我党历史上特别是“文化大革命”中在知识分子问题上的经验教训,科学地阐述了社会主义社会中知识分子是工人阶级的一部分,是先进生产力的开拓者,在现代化建设中具有特殊重要的作用,是值得信赖和依靠的重要力量。科学技术是第一生产力,科学技术人才的培养,基础在教育,人民是培养革命后代的园丁,他们的创造性劳动,应该受到党和人民的尊重。  相似文献   

郭玉祥 《甘肃教育》2009,(22):14-14
尊师重教是中华民族的优良传统。教师作为“传道、授业、解惑”的本体,应该得到来自社会方方面面的尊重。  相似文献   

教育思想在邓小平理论中占有突出地位,邓小平关于教育地位的论述十分深刻。教育是国民经济发展的基础,是党确立的优先发展战略;领导是教育地位得以保证的关键。  相似文献   

孟宪承是我国著名的老一辈教育家,华东师范大学首任校长,数年从事高等教育工作。在多年的教育理论学习和高等教育工作中,他总结了诸多高等教育思想,其中包括高等师范教育思想。他在高等师范学校的定位、人才培养、课程设置和教师培养等方面的思考,对当代师范大学的发展仍有很大启示。  相似文献   

Vocational pathways to Higher Education have a key role in opening teacher education to under-represented groups but bring with them particular challenges. Teacher educators need to address the challenges faced by these learners, of not only connecting their learning but also challenging their knowledge, and doing so in an invested work environment. This paper shares my experiences as a teacher educator working with two groups of Indigenous and non-Indigenous para-professional pre-service teachers in remote and urban Central Australia. I identify four key role-shifting challenges individuals face in developing their professional practice and locate them in two interdependent areas: social sphere challenges arising out of the situated learning setting of professional experience, and those occurring in the personal sphere of professional identity. I suggest that the new ways of mentoring and the development of student’s reflexive capacity needed to address these challenges can best be mobilised by re-positioning the role of professional identity at the centre of both professional experience and academic learning.  相似文献   

This study investigated how teacher education academics embed sustainability education in learning and teaching, using a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed journal articles. A taxonomy of four distinctive approaches was developed: (1) embedding sustainability education widely across curriculum areas, courses, and institution; (2) through a dedicated core/compulsory subject; (3) through a component of a core/compulsory subject; and (4) through a dedicated elective subject. This paper investigates the differing rationales, theoretical frames and pedagogical approaches used and identifies the perceived challenges underpinning each of these approaches. The final section offers an analysis and discussion of the implications of our review findings for teacher education academics and researchers, and others in the broader academic community who are interested in change towards sustainability through education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived components of effective teachers among teacher educators in research and teaching-oriented institutes in Israel.  相似文献   

略论邓小平“教育优先发展”思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“教育优先发展”,是邓小平所开拓的马克思主义教育理论的新境界,是一个完整的思想体系。学习与实践邓小平“教育优先发展”的思想,确立“教育优先发展”的战略地位,有助于我们加快建设小康社会的进程.加快实现基本现代化的进程。  相似文献   

This study looks at how student teachers learn to teach during school-based teacher education. It explores the changes that occurred in the practical theories of the student teachers and how the student teachers made these modifications. Eight student teachers were closely monitored during their training. The study's findings show that all student teachers developed broad, well-structured practical theories that focused on pupils' learning processes. Their learning processes displayed considerable individual variation. As a result of these findings, several questions have been formulated for further research concerning the impact of learning style on learning outcomes and learning in a work-based context.  相似文献   

There are many similarities between the Nordic countries of Sweden and Finland, but they have made different decisions regarding their teacher-education policies. This article focuses on how the objectives of teacher education, particularly the vision of the ideal teacher, have changed in Sweden and Finland in the period after the Second World War. In Finland, the period since the 1960s can be described as a gradual scientification of teacher education. The image of the ideal teacher has transformed according to a research-based agenda, where teachers are expected to conduct minor-scale research in the classroom. In Sweden since the 1980s, on the other hand, teacher education has oscillated between progressivist and academic orientations, following shifts in government between the Social Democratic Party and the centre-right. Since the turn of the millennium, however, a consensus in favour of a strengthened research base of teacher education has also emerged in Sweden.  相似文献   

儒家对于“心性论”思想的探索始于孔子,而“心性论”思想的真正创立者是孟子,他提出人性具有的“善性”是“心性论”思想具有的本来面目,人性具有的“善端”是“心性论”思想的道德情感的根本依据,“尽心、知性、知天”的“心性”认识论和方法论,并构建了以“人性论”为基础、心性修养为内容和道德价值为取向的儒家“心性论”思想。以孔孟为代表的儒家“心性论”在后世获得空前发展,尤其是经历唐代韩愈、李翱的儒学复兴运动,及至程朱理学和陆王“心学”的创建,儒学“心性论”不断理论化、系统化,而成为中国思想文化的核心理论。最终,儒家“心性论”思想由“人性论”、“伦理论”、“修养论”走向了“本体论”、“认识论”和“实践论”,从而构建了全方位的、立体的、全息的儒家“心性论”哲学体系和思想体系。  相似文献   

主题为"教师教育改革与提升教师专业化水平"的第六届中日教师教育研讨会,2004年7月17-19日在香港大学教育学院召开。此次会议分别以大会主题报告、大会发言和小组发言等形式,就中日两国教师教育改革与发展的现状、问题,特别是教师专业化的理论与实践探索,展开了深入的研讨与交流。  相似文献   

This study attempts to reveal the process of teacher leadership (TL) and its implications for teacher education. Two rounds of interviews, including focus group interviews with six chosen schools in Taiwan, were conducted to reveal the process. It was found that the development of TL is a stretching process from the key leader to core members, then to general followers, and the pattern of development is a process of assemblage from the private side to the public side. It is also argued that the private resource of TL (e.g. recognising the complexity of inner experiences, the ontic vulnerability and the needs of others) is contributive to educational creativity and reform. Finally, the private–public-integrated model and three strategies of articulation (internal, theoretical–practical-situated and external) are proposed conceptually and practically for further development of teacher education and educational change.  相似文献   

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