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本文根据鲍威尔、刘易斯等优秀跳远运动员助跑最后10米分段速度的变化,指出最后5米助跑速度比第一段5米助跑速度快,它与快速起跳结合的技术,是当今跳远训练的发展方向。  相似文献   
Cathepsin S (CS) was shown to play a key role in cancer progression, atherosclerosis, heart valve disease, insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. The present prospective study aimed to investigate the influence of sports on CS, interleukin-6 (Il-6) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels.

Ninety-eight of 109 participants completed the study. Ergometries were performed at baseline and after 8 months to evaluate/quantify the performance gain. Blood samples were taken at baseline and every 2 months. CS was measured by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Compared to the control group (mean performance gain ?3.41 ± 4.62%) we observed a significant physical-activity-induced increase of CS levels (3.45–3.73 ng · ml?1; P = 0.027) and a significant decrease of Il-6 (2.43–1.91 pg · ml?1; P = 0.031) and hsCRP-levels (0.11–0.09 mg · dl?1; P = 0.001) in the intervention group (mean performance gain: 12.13 ± 6.32%). Furthermore, the tendency of the progression was significant for CS and Il-6 (P = 0.002/0.033).

We could show a significant sports-induced decrease of the classic inflammation parameters hsCRP/Il-6, probably expressing a downregulation of permanently prevalent inflammation processes. Simultaneously CS levels increased significantly. Our results show that increasing CS amounts are not simply to equal with an enhanced inflammation status and might even have beneficial effects on inflammation and angiogenesis.  相似文献   
目的:应用ActiGraph GT3X对网球运动等非周期性运动能量消耗进行测评,建立适合网球运动能耗预测的回归方程,从而丰富ActiGraph测量体系.方法:以K4b2测量值作为校标,分别在拍柄、持拍手手腕外侧、腰部髂肌外侧、大腿中央前侧和脚踝外侧(持拍手同一侧肢体)各佩戴一个加速度计(ActiGraph GT3X),同步对网球运动中不同球速下(30 km/h、60 km/h)的原地正、反手击球,侧向移动正、反手击球,向前移动正、反手击球,侧向移动正反手交替击球和模拟自由单打的运动过程进行监测.结果:腰部、大腿和踝关节部位GT3X的EE和MET预测值存在明显低估,与K4b2测量值一致性较低;手腕和拍柄部位GT3X的EE和MET预测值存在明显高估,与K4b2测量值一致性较低;研究建立了2个网球运动能耗预测回归方程,经检验其预测值与实测值没有显著性差异.结论:运用ActiGraph GT3X对网球等隔网对抗运动项目进行监测存在显著误差,EE和MET的预测存在明显高估或低估的现象;基于ActiGraph GT3X所建立的能耗预测方程能对网球运动进行有效的运动监测.  相似文献   
Myokines may play a role in the health benefits of regular physical activity. Secreted protein acidic rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a pleiotropic myokine that has been shown to be released into the bloodstream by skeletal muscle in response to aerobic exercise. As there is evidence suggesting that SPARC release may be linked to glycogen breakdown and activation of 5’ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, we hypothesised that brief supramaximal exercise may also be associated with increased serum SPARC levels. In the present study, 10 participants (3 women; mean?±?SD age: 21?±?3 y, body mass index (BMI): 22?±?3?kg?m?2, and V˙O2max: 39?±?6?mL?kg?1?min?1) performed an acute bout of supramaximal cycle exercise (20-s Wingate sprint against 7.5% of body mass, with a 1-min warm-up and a 3-min cool-down consisting of unloaded cycling). Serum SPARC levels were determined pre-exercise as well as 0, 15, and 60?min post-exercise and corrected for plasma volume change. To determine whether regular exercise affected the acute SPARC response, participants repeated the acute exercise protocol three times per week for four weeks, and serum SPARC response to supramaximal exercise was reassessed after this period. Acute supramaximal exercise significantly decreased plasma volume (?10%; p?<?.001), but was not associated with a significant change in serum SPARC levels at either the pre-training or post-training testing sessions. In conclusion, in contrast to aerobic exercise, a single brief supramaximal cycle sprint is not associated with an increase in serum SPARC levels, suggesting that SPARC release is not related to skeletal muscle glycogen breakdown.  相似文献   
随着网络技术的发展,在下一代互联网技术和IPv6机制的支持下,网络的速度、质量、安全将得到加强,端到端技术将得到极大地应用。基于端到端技术的协同办公机制顺应扁平化发展趋势,使日常办公打破了时间和空间的限制,大大地提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
IPv6协议下,数据包应用AH或ESP协议使得数据包长度增加,从而导致网络负载增加,数据传输时延增加。本文介绍了使用IPComp在IPv6协议下处理的数据包进行压缩以减小数据包长度的方法。  相似文献   
校园网安全问题分析与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文首先分析了互联网安全问题的根本原因,接着介绍了校园网安全管理的特点和常见的威胁,然后介绍了当前CERNET安全管理的几项措施,提出了加强校园网安全管理的几项建议,最后介绍了以IPv6为核心的下一代互联网对网络安全的影响。  相似文献   
在1952—1970年担任西储大学图书馆学院院长期间,谢拉积极探索文献工作教育:在学科理论方面,进行文献工作学科理论建设;在学术研究方面,设立美国图书馆学院第一个专门的文献工作研究中心“文献工作与交流研究中心”;在教学活动方面,在图书馆学教育项目中引入文献工作相关课程,强化以文献工作为重点的专业图书馆人才培养。谢拉的文献工作教育是对传统图书馆学教育的改造,适应了图书馆学教育专门化的发展趋势,其立足点是以文献工作提升图书馆职业的社会价值,服务于图书馆人才培养,体现出明显的图书馆本位立场。谢拉领导下的西储大学图书馆学院的文献工作教育是一种过渡形态的早期情报学教育,促进了20世纪美国图书馆学教育向图书情报学教育格局的转型。参考文献62。  相似文献   
刘凌  范启国  岳峰 《体育与科学》2005,26(5):64-66,71
由于缺乏特异性强的心肌标记物,对运动训练中造成的心肌损伤难以早期诊断,心肌肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)作为新的心肌标记物,为运动所致的心肌损伤提供了新的监测手段。通过对运动员大量周训练中血清cTnT浓度变化的检测,我们明确检测到运动性心肌损伤的存在,并对该损伤进行评价。方法:选取划艇队员17名,分为一线组和非一线组,观察两组队员在经过大周期训练中的两个最大量周训练中的血清cTnT和CK浓度变化,结合大周期训练中摄氧量变化,对其心脏机能进行评定。结果:在cTnT、CK血清浓度变化上,各组队员血清cTnT含量均属适度增长范围,各组的cTnT、CK两者之间存在相同的变化趋势。一线组队员cTnT、CK血清浓度在第一个大量周升高,第二个大量周下降(P〈0.01)而非一线组队员两周内cTnT和CK血清浓度呈上升趋势(P〈0.01)。在摄氧量多个方面,一线组训练前后有显著性变化(P〈0.05或P〈0.01或P〈0、001),心肺机能得到发展,非一线组队员摄氧量各方面变化不明显。结论:在大运动量训练中存在心肌受损,但该心肌受损是可复的。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、录像观察、信息技术和数理统计等研究方法,对第4届世界杯武术散打比赛决赛中男子运动员技术动作的运用情况进行统计与分析。得出结论:拳法技术使用最为频繁,但多用于试探性进攻及搂抱情况下的无效攻击,成功率较低;腿法、摔法成功率较高,是运动员得分的主要技术手段;有方向性的发展拳法技术,重点发展腿法、摔法技术,使各项技术协调发展才能真正提高取胜几率。  相似文献   
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