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目的:构建男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系,研制选材标准的评价模型。方法:问卷调查、专家访谈、实验测试、数理统计等。结果:(1)构建了11~12岁、13~14岁、15~16岁、17~18岁四个年龄组的男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系,其中4项身体形态指标包括下肢长B/身高、体脂百分比、年龄-骨龄、指间距-身高;2项身体机能指标为最大摄氧量相对值、血红蛋白;5项运动心理指标包括反应时、速度知觉、意志品质量表、注意力测试、操作思维;10项运动素质指标包括上肢爆发力、纵跳、3 000 m跑、立位体前屈、闭眼单脚站立、立定跳远、20 m冲刺、引体向上、六边形跳、功能动作筛查(FMS);3项专项成绩指标包括雪上计时1.2 km、5 km、10 km。(2)选材评价模型集成于Web端自动化评估软件,基于越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系与评价标准表,通过百分位数法建立的“P60入围”与“P90精英”两条临界线,评价模型回代检验结果客观有效。结论:我国男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系涵盖4个年龄组,包括5项一级指标、15项二级指标、24项三级指标,并依据不同指标权重研制评价模型,为创新越野滑雪项目的精英运动员选拔方法提供理论依据。  相似文献   

青少年跆拳道运动员的选材标准与测评步骤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合跆拳道运动项目的特点,研究青少年跆拳道运动员的选材标准及参考指标,即体型、运动素质、运动技能、个性心理特征及技术水平和生理生化机能特征,并由此得出该类运动员选材的测评步骤与标准。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、测试法以及数理统计法,对我国17名艺术体操队现役一线优秀运动员和47名各省市艺术体操后备力量进行了形态指标的测试分析,旨为我国艺术体操运动员的选材和训练提供理论和实践依据.结果表明:身体形态对于艺术体操运动员来说是从事本项目的首要条件,尤其是身体各环节间长度的比例,指间距-身高、跟腱长/小腿长A×100及坐高/下肢长C×100是艺术体操优秀运动员的典型形态指标.  相似文献   

跆拳道运动近几年在我国发展较快,但其在运动员心理选材方面的研究还不够完善,文章结合国内关于运动员心理选材的研究,针对跆拳道运动项目的专项技术特点,从心理选材的科学依据入手,对青少年跆拳道运动员心理选材指标问题做出探讨,以期为选拔和培养优秀青少年跆拳道运动员的工作提供参考。  相似文献   

我国优秀男子举重运动员身体机能特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对42名男子举重运动员进行了身体机能的测试与统计处理,结果表明:我国优秀男子举重运动员的最高无氧功率,平均无氧功率FT%,上、下肢绝对肌力,背力与运动成绩高度相关,优秀运动员(健将级)上述指标均较一般运动员(一级)高,为科学选材及训练提供了依据。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家方法和数理统计法对我国高校啦啦队女尖子运动员形态指标进行分析。结果表明:大腿围、身高、上肢长/下肢长×100、下肢长、大腿长/小腿长×100及体重最能体现优秀女尖子运动员的体态模型,为我国高校技巧啦啦操女尖子运动员身体形态训练和选材提供参考。  相似文献   

何洋  庞变花 《体育科学》1993,13(5):37-39
通过十余年,特别是近三年对我国18省市青少年自行车运动员近1500人次进行了身体形态、机能、素质、心理、专项技术等方面的调查测试,分析筛选出较为敏感的青少年自行车运动员选材指标。采用统计计算和专家经验相结合的方法确定出各指标的权重,并制定出13~18岁自行车运动员选材评价标准,为我国青少年自行车运动员选材提供参考依据。  相似文献   

对青少年皮划艇运动员选材指标、方法、程序和原则等进行分析,认为青少年皮划艇运动员选材应从生理指标、心理指标、水感要求和遗传因素4个方面展开,紧扣项目特征,提高选材成功率。  相似文献   

竞走项目科学选材的目的,就是寻找那些在未来能达到世界水平的有才能的青少年中进行初选,以10岁到18岁之间为挑选的年龄段,进行必要的形态、机能、心理、素质和技术方面的测试。其中在心理选材方面尤为重要。竞走是耐力性的运动项目,其特点要求承受时间长、强度大、单  相似文献   

王荣辉  张一民  任弘 《体育科学》2007,27(7):30-40,50
通过对我国包括国家集训队运动员在内的182名一线跳水运动员竞技能力指标实测结果的分析,明确了我国优秀跳水运动员竞技能力结构模型,建立了跳水优秀运动员选材(高级选材)的指标体系,其中包括体能类指标:小腿长A/下肢长B×100、原地纵跳/身高×100(男)、20次仰卧举腿计时、30 s十字变向跳;技术类指标:自选动作难度之和、自选动作平均得分;心理类指标:赛前情绪总分(男)、成就动机总分、注意力总分、意志品质总分(男)、智力分。并提出将眼底检查结果作为资格指标,将动态平衡得分、第2周下降高度作为辅选指标,确定了跳水优秀运动员选材评价标准。  相似文献   

中国西部竞技体育综合实力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献调研、专家访谈、比较分析等方法,以东部上海市为参照对象,对我国西部竞技体育的综合实力进行分析.在实力表现上,四川和陕西处于西部领先地位,但与上海相比还有较大差距.西部地区竞技体育后备人才、优秀运动员、教练员、竞技体育投入等指标的情况与其实力表现指标的情况具有相似的特征比例.地区经济水平落后、体育普及程度低是制约西部竞技体育综合实力提升的重要原因.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify anthropometric and biomotor variables that discriminated among groups of elite adolescent female athletes aged 14.3 +/- 1.3 years (mean +/- s) from four different sports (tennis, n = 15; swimming, n = 23; figure skating, n = 46; volleyball, n = 16). The anthropometric variables included body mass, height, bi-epicondylar breadth of the distal extremity of the humerus and femur, maximal girth of the calf and biceps and the sum of five adipose skinfolds. The biomotor variables were maximal aerobic power, muscular endurance and flexibility of the trunk. Discriminant analysis revealed three significant functions (P < 0. 05). The first discriminant function primarily represented differences between figure skaters and all other groups of athletes. The other two underlined anthropometric and biomotor differences between swimmers and volleyball players and between tennis players and swimmers, respectively. After validation, the analysis showed that 88% of the athletes were correctly classified in their respective sports. Our model confirms that elite adolescent female athletes show physical and biomotor differences that clearly distinguish them according to their particular sport.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the Flemish Sports Compass (FSC), a non-sport-specific generic testing battery. It was hypothesised that a set of 22 tests would have sufficient discriminant power to allocate athletes to their own sport based on a unique combination of test scores. First, discriminant analyses were applied to the 22 tests of anthropometry, physical fitness and motor coordination in 141 boys under age 18 (16.1 ± 0.8 years) and post age at peak height velocity (maturity offset = 2.674 ± 0.926) from Flemish Top Sport Academies for badminton, basketball, gymnastics, handball, judo, soccer, table tennis, triathlon and volleyball. Second, nine sequential discriminant analyses were used to assess the ability of a set of relevant performance characteristics classifying participants and non-participants for the respective sports. Discriminant analyses resulted in a 96.4% correct classification of all participants for the nine different sports. When focusing on relevant performance characteristics, 80.1% to 97.2% of the total test sample was classified correctly within their respective disciplines. The discriminating characteristics were briefly the following: flexibility in gymnastics, explosive lower-limb strength in badminton and volleyball, speed and agility in badminton, judo, soccer and volleyball, upper-body strength in badminton, basketball and gymnastics, cardiorespiratory endurance in triathletes, dribbling skills in handball, basketball and soccer and overhead-throwing skills in badminton and volleyball. The generic talent characteristics of the FSC enable the distinction of adolescent boys according to their particular sport. Implications for talent programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

对2007-2012年间广东省集体小球类项目(手球、曲棍球、垒球)运动损伤后等速肌力康复效果进行归纳总结。应用等速肌力测试系统为广东集体小球项目运动员提供了419人次5 872关节次等速康复训练,康复前后进行角速度为60°/s的膝、肩关节等速肌力测试,以及角速度为30°/s的踝关节等速肌力测试,结果发现:(1)膝关节损伤发生率最高,达到60.88%,踝、肩也是损伤多发部位,整体看来,下肢损伤发生率高于上肢。(2)各项目运动员经过一段时间的等速康复训练后,关节等速肌力得到显著提高。结论:(1)在集体小球项目中,运动损伤发生部位与运动专项特点密切相关,损伤发生率从高到低依次为膝、踝、肩、腰背、髋。(2)等速肌力康复作为一种康复手段,在集体小球项目运动员运动损伤过程中效果明显,提供了客观可靠的量化指标。  相似文献   

大学生田径运动会运动损伤的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探寻大学生田径运动会运动损伤的原因,以便有针对性地开展对运动会伤病的预防。对三峡大学2001年、2002年、2003年三届田径运动会中运动损伤的发病情况进行调查分析。表明女运动员损伤发生率明显高于男运动员;大学生田径运动会损伤的原因依次是运动训练水平不够、场地设备及气象条件的影响、准备活动不充分;损伤发生的部位依次是大腿和膝部、小腿和踝部;发生损伤的项目依次是跨栏、中距离跑、三级跳远、标枪。  相似文献   

心理定势在当今的竞技体育运动中有着举足轻重的作用。本文列举和分析了我国优秀运动员在 2 7届悉尼奥运会比赛中的成功事例 ,提出了运动员在日常训练及比赛时期应具有的心理定势。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify anthropometric and biomotor variables that discriminated among groups of elite adolescent female athletes aged 14.3 ± 1.3 years (mean ± s) from four different sports (tennis, n = 15; swimming, n = 23; figure skating, n = 46; volleyball, n = 16). The anthropometric variables included body mass, height, bi-epicondylar breadth of the distal extremity of the humerus and femur, maximal girth of the calf and biceps and the sum of five adipose skinfolds. The biomotor variables were maximal aerobic power, muscular endurance and flexibility of the trunk. Discriminant analysis revealed three significant functions (P ? 0.05). The first discriminant function primarily represented differences between figure skaters and all other groups of athletes. The other two underlined anthropometric and biomotor differences between swimmers and volleyball players and between tennis players and swimmers, respectively. After validation, the analysis showed that 88% of the athletes were correctly classified in their respective sports. Our model confirms that elite adolescent female athletes show physical and biomotor differences that clearly distinguish them according to their particular sport.  相似文献   

跆拳道运动项目的比赛特点决定了它属于激烈的对抗性比赛项目,是集力量、速度、耐力和协调性等诸多身体素质的综合,日常训练要求对运动员要求高强度、高密度、高负荷的大运动量的训练,极易导致运动员出现运动性疲劳的状况,从而影响运动员日常训练和比赛的成绩.文章主要研究跆拳道运动员运动性疲劳产生的机理以及通过合理休息、营养学、物理疗法、心理治疗等多种消除运动性疲劳的方法,为跆拳道运动员构建出一套完善的立体式恢复方法,为跆拳道运动员运动性疲劳的恢复提供极其重要的理论依据  相似文献   

文章以四川省散打队五名队员为对象,采用追踪实验法和统计分析的研究方法,运用生理生化和心理等指标和手段,对运动员运动性疲劳进行综合科学监控。研究结果认为,将整体监测与个体监测配合运用,是监测运动性疲劳的可靠手段;而将生化指标与心理指标结合使用,是监测运动性疲劳的有效手段。运用生理生化指标和心理指标对散打运动员进行综合监控,其效果优于单一使用生理生化指标或心理指标。  相似文献   

This study developed a method to determine whether the distribution of individual player performances can be modelled to explain match outcome in team sports, using Australian Rules football as an example. Player-recorded values (converted to a percentage of team total) in 11 commonly reported performance indicators were obtained for all regular season matches played during the 2014 Australian Football League season, with team totals also recorded. Multiple features relating to heuristically determined percentiles for each performance indicator were then extracted for each team and match, along with the outcome (win/loss). A generalised estimating equation model comprising eight key features was developed, explaining match outcome at a median accuracy of 63.9% under 10-fold cross-validation. Lower 75th, 90th and 95th percentile values for team goals and higher 25th and 50th percentile values for disposals were linked with winning. Lower 95th and higher 25th percentile values for Inside 50s and Marks, respectively, were also important contributors. These results provide evidence supporting team strategies which aim to obtain an even spread of goal scorers in Australian Rules football. The method developed in this investigation could be used to quantify the importance of individual contributions to overall team performance in team sports.  相似文献   

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