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文章主要是探讨跆拳道运动对儿童柔韧素质的影响,为儿童提高身体素质提供科学的锻炼手段,同时为跆拳道运动对儿童健身提供一定的科学理论依据。研究根据儿童生长发育的特点,对实验组受试者实施为期4个月的跆拳道训练。研究严格遵循柔韧素质指标测试方法,根据坐位体前屈测试数据的变化,并通过实验组与对照组的横向对比,与自身的纵向对比,来揭示跆拳道运动对儿童柔韧素质的影响。研究结果:实验组实验前、后相对比及和对照组相比,柔韧素质测试指标均有明显提高。  相似文献   

目的通过创编健身关节操对中学生柔韧素质和平衡能力影响的研究,结合"阳光体育"活动为提高中学生身体素质的全面发展提供科学依据。方法以西安市在校初中学生125人为研究对象,进行10周的"健身关节操"健身方案的实施,每周3次,每次60 min,锻炼结束后,对实验对象坐位体前屈、转肩、俯卧背伸、劈纵叉、单足闭眼等指标进行测试。结果发现经过10周"健身关节操"练习后,除实验男组的俯卧背伸无显著性变化外,其余实验男、女组受试者的指标均有显著性提高(P<0.05),特别是坐位体前屈和单足闭眼站立2项指标,在10周锻炼前后对比,均有非常显著性提高为(P<0.01)。结论经过10周"健身关节操"的练习,可以使中学生的腰部、髋关节以及肩部柔韧性大幅度提高,同时静态站立平衡能力也有显著性提高。建议结合阳光体育的开展创编一些形式多样的有氧健身操和舞蹈并积极推广到学校。  相似文献   

<正>坐位体前屈是近年来《国家学生体质健康标准》(以下简称《标准》)测试的内容之一,主要是锻炼学生关节和肌肉的柔韧性,是测试学生在静止状态下的腰、髋等关节可能达到的活动幅度,反映这些部位关节、韧带和肌肉的伸展性和弹性及学生身体柔韧素质的发展水平。在练习中通过采用适宜的练习手段和方法,来提高受测部位的柔韧素质,以提高坐位体前屈的成绩。一、"坐位体前屈"的动作方法平坐在地上,伸直双腿,脚面绷直,弯曲腰部,双手放在头的两侧,尽力向前伸慢慢用力,不要晃。二、国家规定的测试规格将坐位体前屈测试仪放置在平坦地面  相似文献   

目的:观察健身气功易筋经练习对大学生平衡能力及柔韧素质的影响。方法:随机选取贵州省毕节学院体育系大一年级学生23人,在专业技术人员指导下进行健身气功易筋经竞赛功法练习,每周进行5次,每次练习2小时,持续一个月,受试者在练习前后进行闭目单足立和单足前脚掌站立以及立位体前屈和坐位体前屈测试。结果:一个月的健身气功易筋经练习后闭目单足立和单足前脚掌站立时间较练习前显著变长(P<0.05),练习后立位体前屈和坐位体前屈数值较练习前显著升高(P<0.01)。结论:通过健身气功易筋经的练习可以提高大学生静态平衡能力及柔韧素质。  相似文献   

形体训练对女大学生柔韧和力量素质影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察形体训练对女大学生柔韧素质和力量素质的影响。方法:30名女大学生采用配对设计方法,为期16周的形体训练,并在训练前后进行柔韧素质和力量素质指标测定。结果:训练16周后,女生坐位体前屈、两腿纵向劈叉、仰卧起坐、俯卧两头起、俯卧撑等指标均高于训练前,经统计学处理呈显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论:形体训练可以有效地提高女大学生的柔韧、力量素质,有利于培养女大学生形成良好的身体形态和表现力的提高。  相似文献   

<正>坐位体前屈是中小学体质健康测试项目,其目的是测量在静止状态下的躯干、腰、髋等关节可能达到的活动幅度,主要反映这些部位的关节、韧带和肌肉的伸展性和弹性及身体柔韧素质的发展水平。如何使每一位学生在兴趣的驱使下学练坐位体前屈,以达到发展柔韧素质的目的呢?根据多年的教学经验,笔者发现应从适合学生身心发展的规律出发,采用新颖、有趣的教学手段,方能达到事半功倍的效果。一、利用头部下颌夹物学练坐位体前屈笔者在坐位体前屈教学中发现,学生在做坐位体前屈时有的抬头,有的低头。为山西冯鹏  相似文献   

<正>一、研究对象与方法(一)研究对象苏苑实验小学四年级的两个教学班,分别是实验班和对照班。(二)研究方法1.文献资料法:收集有关素质练习对提高学生运动机能的相关性文章和科学锻炼的相关性资料及国内期刊的相关性文献资料。2.实验法:实验班选择发展耐力、力量、速度和柔韧素质等方面的素质练习,对照班则不安排相应的练习内容。3.对照法:实验班每节体育课运用5分钟素质练习,对照班不运用。一个学期后对比实验班和对照班学生的《国家体质健康  相似文献   

<正>本校班级学生数额都在60~80人,在本学期的坐位体前屈摸底测试中发现了这样的问题,有部分学生在双腿弯曲状态下,双手伸直也很难将游标推动达到测试仪器"0"厘米,说明这类学生柔韧素质不仅弱,而且两侧肢体柔韧程度发展不均衡。如何在大班额的情况下使柔韧素质较弱的学生也能提高成绩呢?笔者进行了多次坐位体前屈的教学改进,总结了一些方法,供老师们参考。一、设置简便学练、测试方法 1.将坐姿为主的练习改为以站姿练习为主2.利用学生自身资源制定自测标准为方便学生进行自我检测,制定了"双手指尖触及地面为及格,双手握拳拳面触及地面为良好,双手掌根触及地面为优秀的自测标准(见图1~图3)。图1图2图3河  相似文献   

为了进一步深化大学体育的教学改革实践,提高教学质量,促进学生体质全面发展。本文采用文献资料法、实验法等,进行翻转课堂教学实验。对比分析实验前后,实验班和对照班在学生身体素质和健美操运动技能掌握的变化情况。结果显示:身体素质方面,实验班学生的坐位体前屈、立定跳远、仰卧起坐成绩明显提高,800 m跑成绩无显著变化;对照班学生只有仰卧起坐成绩明显提高,坐位体前屈、立定跳远和800 m跑成绩无显著变化。健美操运动技能掌握方面,实验班学生在动作熟练度、身体协调性和动作准确性明显提高,在音乐节奏感方面无显著变化;对照班学生音乐节奏感和身体协调性明显提高,动作熟练度和动作准确性无显著变化。结论:翻转课堂教学模式,能够激发学生学习主动性,有效延长学生课后学习和练习的时间,提高学习效率,有益于学生的技能掌握和素质提高。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实验法和数理统计法对山西中医学院160名普通学生进行为期4个月的分组对照实验研究。结果显示,实验班学生的坐位体前屈及纵跳等各项指标的成绩与对照班相比都存在显著的差异,整体力量素质与柔韧素质的提高非常明显,学生满意度较高,对普通高校健美操训练质量有非常积极的意义。鉴于形体训练对健美操教学中的突出作用,在今后的课程设置、教材规划、授课过程中应坚持贯彻实施二者的有机结合,坚持贯彻与实施。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the games for understanding model by comparing it to a technique approach to instruction and a control group. The technique method focused primarily on skill instruction where the skill taught initially was incorporated into a game at the end of each lesson. The games for understanding approach emphasized developing tactical awareness and decision making in small game situations. Two physical education specialists taught field hockey using these approaches for 15 lessons (45 min each). The control group did not receive any field hockey instruction. Data were collected from 71 middle school children. Pretests and posttests were administered for hockey knowledge, skill, and game performance. Separate analyses of variance or analyses of covariance were conducted to examine group differences for cognitive and skill outcomes. The games for understanding group scored significantly higher on passing decision making than the technique and control groups during posttest game play and significantly higher than the control group for declarative and procedural knowledge. The games for understanding group scored significantly higher on control and passing execution than the other groups during posttest game play. For hockey skill, there were no significant differences among the treatment groups for accuracy, but the technique group recorded faster times than the control group on the posttest.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the games for understanding model by comparing it to a technique approach to instruction and a control group. The technique method focused primarily on skill instruction where the skill taught initially was incorporated into a game at the end of each lesson. The games for understanding approach emphasized developing tactical awareness and decision making in small game situations. Two physical education specialists taught field hockey using these approaches for 15 lessons (45 min each). The control group did not receive any field hockey instruction. Data were collected from 71 middle school children. Pretests and posttests were administered for hockey knowledge, skill, and game performance. Separate analyses of variance or analyses of covariance were conducted to examine group differences for cognitive and skill outcomes. The games for understanding group scored significantly higher on passing decision making than the technique and control groups during posttest game play and significantly higher than the control group for declarative and procedural knowledge. The games for understanding group scored significantly higher on control and passing execution than the other groups during posttest game play. For hockey skill, there were no significant differences among the treatment groups for accuracy, but the technique group recorded faster times than the control group on the posttest.  相似文献   

姚强 《体育科技文献通报》2011,19(12):60-61,112
目的:探讨领会教学法在高校足球选修课教学中的作用。方法:在普通高校足球选修课进行领会教学法的实验研究。结果:领会教学法对学生身体基本素质没有显著性提高作用;领会教学法可有效提高实验组学生理论考试成绩;领会教学法后,实验组学生的颠球、带球过杆射门、定位球踢远、脚内侧射门和脚内侧停球成绩有了显著提高(P〈0.05)。结论:领会教学法有助于提高学生的理论知识水平和足球技战术水平,其在足球教学中的教学效果优于传统技能教学法,在高校足球普修课中具有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of training change-of-direction speed and small-sided games on performance in the Planned-AFL agility test and reactive agility. Twenty-five elite-standard U-18 Australian Rules football players were randomly allocated either to a change-of-direction group or a small-sided games group. Players participated in one or two 15-min sessions per week with 11 sessions conducted over a 7-week period during the season. Tests conducted immediately before and after the training period included the Planned-AFL agility test and a video-based reactive agility test specific to Australian Rules football. The reactive agility test variables were total time, decision time and movement response time. The small-sided games group improved total time (P = 0.008, effect size = 0.93), which was entirely attributable to a very large reduction in decision time (P < 0.001, effect size = 2.32). Small-sided games produced a trivial change in movement response time as well as in the Planned-AFL agility test (P > 0.05). The change-of-direction training produced small to trivial changes in all of the test variables (P > 0.05, effect size = 0–0.2). The results suggest that small-sided games improve agility performance by enhancing the speed of decision-making rather than movement speed. The change-of-direction training was not effective for developing either change-of-direction speed as measured by the Planned-AFL test or reactive agility.  相似文献   

通过运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法及观察比赛过程中出现的一些现象和问题,对赛场上出现的一些问题进行分析研究,提出相应的对策,并对今后田径运动会的开展方向给出相应的建议。具体建议:高校田径运动会应以“健康第一”为主线,突出体验性、团体性和地域性,重参与的体育精神应该贯穿运动会的始终;鼓励运动会由各个学院联合承办;多增设一些小、中、大型的团体性趣味项目和当地民俗体育项目;应将团体名次纳入年终考评。  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the effects of a differential-learning program, embedded in small-sided games, on the creative and tactical behavior of youth soccer players. Forty players from under-13 (U13) and under-15 (U15) were allocated into control and experimental groups and were tested using a randomized pretest to posttest design using small-sided games situations. Method: The experimental group participated in a 5-month differential-learning program embodied in small-sided games situations, while the control group participated in a typical small-sided games training program. In-game creativity was assessed through notational analyses of the creative components, and the players’ positional data were used to compute tactical-derived variables. Results: The findings suggested that differential learning facilitated the development of creative components, mainly concerning attempts (U13, small; U15, small), versatility (U13, moderate; U15, small), and originality (U13, unclear; U15, small) of players’ actions. Likewise, the differential-learning approach provided a decrease in fails during the game in both experimental groups (moderate). Moreover, differential learning seemed to favor regularity in pitch-positioning behavior for the distance between players’ dyads (U13, small; U15, small), the distance to the team target (U13, moderate; U15, small), and the distance to the opponent target (U13, moderate; U15, small). Conclusions: The differential-learning program stressed creative and positional behavior in both age groups with a distinct magnitude of effects, with the U13 players demonstrating higher improvements over the U15 players. Overall, these findings confirmed that the technical variability promoted by differential learning nurtures regularity of positioning behavior.  相似文献   

方法:采用专门的体育游戏实验,对1141名患有感觉统合失调的儿童进行训练.结果:有效率在91%以上.3~5岁患儿有效率95.7%;6~8岁患儿有效率92.5%;9~11岁患儿有效率85.7%;12~13岁患儿有效率为70%.不同年龄阶段儿童训练效果差异有显著性,但不同类型、不同程度SID之疗效差异无显著性.结论:年龄对SID患儿体育游戏疗效有明显影响;建议及早进行体育游戏干预.  相似文献   

为满足高山滑雪大型国际国内比赛实际需要,设计并研制了高山滑雪竞赛管理系统。该系统根据大型赛事流程将赛事分为赛前管理系统、赛中管理系统、赛后管理系统,极大地提高了我国高山滑雪运动的竞赛管理水平。在分析构建整个系统功能结构的基础上,将组件对象模型(COM)应用于比赛处理模块,并通过灵活的报表管理方式提高了系统的通用性和灵活性,达到大型赛事要求,具有技术先进、数据准确和省时高效等优点。总结经验并提出我国应建立专业化的研发队伍;研发整体性、集成性的管理系统;研发通用性、灵活性的成绩处理软件以及与国际接轨,得到国际雪联的认可等完善我国高山滑雪竞赛管理系统的有效措施,以适应国际国内搞滑雪大型赛事的需求。  相似文献   

以百年奥运田径运动发展为背景,回顾了新中国田径运动介为运会竞争所取得的成就,探讨了当代中国与世界田径发展面临的困惑。认为80年代以来制约中国田径成绩进一步提高的订因素有:1)“全运”战略对中国田径运动的发展存在着负面影响;2)青少年训练过程中的拔苗助长现象严重;3)国内商业年度大奖赛次数过多、密度过大;4)奥运、亚运选拔制度有待进一步完善。同样,随着奥运商业化和职业化进程的加速,当代世界田径也正面  相似文献   

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