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通过对青少年问卷调查与访谈,对体育偶像与青少年体育活动参与进行了研究。研究表明:体育偶像对青少年体育运动开始、运动坚持、运动技能学习方面具有积极的影响;体育偶像对青少年体育参与的影响来自青少年对偶像运动形象和信息的认知选择、偶像的社会联系与精神动力的作用、对偶像运动表象的榜样模仿,  相似文献   

针对近年来我国青少年体质健康水平持续下降的问题,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法对我国青少年体质健康影响因素和应对策略进行研究。结论表明:我国青少年体质健康影响因素主要与现代生活方式的变迁、学校体育工作缺位、学生课业负担过重等因素有关。建议:要从凸显体育本质功能,狠抓学校体育质量;发挥家长的引领作用,营造良好的生活方式;发挥国家的导向作用,完善青少年体质健康促进体系等方面改善青少年体质健康状况。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法等就我国体育明星热在社会学结构功能主义的视角下对青少年的影响进行分析和讨论,认为其影响之利在于:能够加强青少年心理和行为规范性,改善其与体育有关的活动方式与途径,提高自身学习、社交能力等方面;弊在于:体育明星的不当言行易使青少年对体育行业产生误解,青少年容易对一些社会现象做出轻易的判断认知,过度沉迷会影响青少年生活与学习等方面;建议从政府、社会、体育明星、青少年本身四方面来规范二者行径.希望从主体内在和外在的双重力度下不断完善体育明星效应,为青少年的成长带来至多正能量.  相似文献   

以武汉城乡两所初中学校学生对体育与健康课程认知差异为研究内容,通过学生对当前体育与健康课程的认知情况,从学生的知识技能掌握、运动技能习得、参加课外体育运动、进行体育课程、对学校和社区的体育设施满意情况等角度出发,对城乡学生体育与健康课程的认知差异进行分析,并提出一定的建议性对策。  相似文献   

雷先良  周贤江 《体育科技》2012,33(2):99-101
主要从我国家庭结构类型、家庭养育方式、家庭教育方式、家庭体育文化氛围、家庭成员素质、家庭居住环境、家庭经济收入、家庭体育行为、家庭健康观念等九个方面探讨影响青少年的体育行为和体质健康问题,分析影响青少年进行体育锻炼行为和体质健康的原因,从而使人们认识家庭因素对青少年体育行为和体质健康的重要性。  相似文献   

随着体育功能的不断扩展,体育活动作为一种手段,提高了学生的体质,增进健康,强健体魄。有利于学生形成一种文明健康的生活方式,克服不良的生活习惯。在运动中体验运动乐趣、获得成功的满足感,对学生的成长有深远的意义。通过问卷调查,对西藏初中生参加课外体育活动的情况、影响他们参加体育活动的重要因素以及他们对参加体育活动的态度等方面进行分析,提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

为丰富国内自我决定动机与体育学习效果的研究视角,系统综述了2000-2018年期间国外有关自我决定动机理论与体育学习效果的研究文献,探讨了自我决定动机对运动技能、身体活动、情感态度和认知学习等方面的影响。结果表明:1)自主性动机对儿童青少年的身体活动、体育学习愉悦感、参与度、努力度和未来继续参与身体活动的意愿等方面的影响得到了肯定;2)自主性动机与运动技能和认知学习之间关系仍不明朗,有待更多的研究进行证明和挖掘;3)控制性动机和无动机对各维度体育学习效果的影响仍未达成共识,有待后续更多的研究加以验证。建议未来相关研究应加强自主性动机与运动技能和认知学习效果的关联研究,进一步关注控制性动机和无动机对各维度体育学习效果的影响,增加纵向研究和序列研究的比例,探讨自我决定动机对不同性别学生体育学习效果的影响差异。  相似文献   

于春艳 《浙江体育科学》2012,34(3):98-103,110
为了进一步揭示青少年体育生活方式的养成机制,从体育锻炼心理学的角度,选取体育价值观、身体自尊两方面的因素,运用问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,以351名大学生作为研究对象,进行深入地研究和探讨。研究结果表明各项心理指标对青少年大学生体育生活方式的形成具有重要的影响作用。其中,青少年的体育生活方式不容乐观;体育价值观对体育生活方式中的体育行为参与具有一定的预测作用,二者也具有显著的正相关关系;身体自尊对形成良好的体育生活方式具有正向的预测作用。  相似文献   

在体育健康促进视域下,既要掌握青少年的身体素质和运动技能情况,同时也要清楚青少年学习技能和动机激励因素,以及进行体育活动时候的行为表现。研究运用文献法、调查法等,就青少年学习动机激励因素在物质、制度、精神、自我实现方面进行分析探讨。针对青少年体育运动学习动机激励的因素对体育课程教学进行评价,并提出优化发展策略,以推动其实现终身体育的思维观念和良好的行为习惯。  相似文献   

上海市青少年体育发展现状实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等,对上海市青少年体育发展现状进行实证研究。结果显示:在“阳光体育运动”认知与参与层面,青 少年学生对于“阳光体育运动”的认知基本上处于浅显了解层面,“应试教育”制度下造成的“学习压力大”仍然是制约青少年参加体育活动的最 主要因素;在学校体育教育层面,体育教师的“量”较充裕,但“质”不容乐观,学校体育场馆器材基本能满足体育教学,但体育课教学内容尚不能 满足学生多元化的体育需求;在社区体育层面,针对青少年的社区体育场地设施较为短缺,社区青少年体育活动的组织情况不容乐观,青少年参 与社区体育活动的状况不佳;在家庭体育层面,家长对青少年参与体育活动的态度较为积极,但对青少年参加学校运动队训练支持率一般。  相似文献   

Purpose: Despite the strong belief in sports programs as a setting in which socially vulnerable youth can develop life skills, no overview exists of life skill development in sports programs serving this youth group. Therefore, the present systematic review provides an overview of the evidence on life skill development in sports programs serving socially vulnerable youth and, insofar as it was investigated in the included studies, of the conditions conducive to life skill development in these sports programs. Method: Potentially relevant studies published during 1990 to 2014 were identified by a search in 7 electronic databases. The search combined terms relating to (a) sport, (b) youth AND socially vulnerable, and (c) life skills. Eighteen of the 2,076 unique studies met the inclusion criteria. Results: Each included study reported that at least 1 life skill improved in youth who participated in the studied sports program. Improvements in cognitive and social life skills were more frequently reported than were improvements in emotional life skills. Only a few of the included studies investigated the conditions in the studied sports programs that made these programs conducive to life skill development. Conclusions: Sports programs have the potential to make a difference in the life skill development of socially vulnerable youth. This conclusion needs to be treated with some caution, because the studies experienced many challenges in reducing the risk for bias. Several alternative research strategies are suggested for future studies in this field.  相似文献   

在推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的背景下袁培育和发展各级各类非营利性质的青少年体育组织是政府转变职能尧强化社会服务尧激发市场活力的改革要求遥以政府尧社会和市场治理体系为分析框架袁对青少年体育组织治理进行研究袁提出应构建由政府或体育行政机构与社会尧家庭或青少年组成的治理网络体系遥青少年体育组织以其属性多元尧形式多样尧层级跨域等特点袁承载着通过为青少年提供体育服务促进其健康和培育体育后备人才的重要责任遥为有效实现青少年体育组织服务职能且满足当前青少年体育需求袁应推动其建设成为拓展课外锻炼的重要组织袁从培养兴趣尧养成习惯袁增强体质尧磨练心智袁校外拓展尧场所开放袁传授技术尧提高技能袁倡导公益尧服务社会 5 个方面承担社会责任遥  相似文献   

Background: Sport-based youth development (SBYD) programs aim to teach life skills to youth within a physical activity context. An explicit objective of most SBYD programs is that youth learn to apply, or transfer, life skills beyond the sports program. Limited research has been conducted on the cognitive processes that help youth understand how life skills apply within and beyond sports.

Purpose: This study uses a conceptual framework on transfer of life skills to examine the role of life skills in an SBYD program. Research questions include: (1) how does the SBYD program integrate the teaching of life skills, (2) how do youth participants experience the life skills in the boxing program, and (3) how do youth participants perceive the life skills impact them beyond the program.

Methodology: This research took place at three community boxing academies in New Zealand. The three academies were selected because they are affiliated with a boxing program that is committed to implementing a life skills framework called the Passport to Success. Forty-one youth (31 boys, 10 girls) across the three sites participated in focus groups interviews about their experience in the program. Additionally, observations of program implementation documented the daily routines of each boxing academy. Using a qualitative case study design, inductive analysis and constant comparative methods were used to identify emergent themes.

Findings: Youth participants perceived life skills to be a foundational component of the boxing program. The life skills were presented to youth through the ‘Passport to Success’, a document featuring eight key life skills. The coaches focused on the Passport to Success in several ways, including setting an expectation that youth memorize the life skills to demonstrate their commitment. Several youth participants discussed learning valuable lessons around the life skills. Finally, youth were able to describe scenarios which demonstrated how the life skills connected with other areas of their lives.

Conclusion: Life skills implementation was guided by the Passport to Success and an expectation that youth develop positive relationships in the gym. A routine strategy for memorizing the Passport to Success provided a clear example of youth learning the meaning of life skills in the context of sports. The youth participants demonstrated cognitive connections in their explanation of the value of life skills beyond the boxing program. Using the conceptual framework on transfer [Jacobs and Wright 2018. “Transfer of Life Skills in Sport-Based Youth Development Programs: A Conceptual Framework Bridging Learning to Application.” Quest 70 (1): 81–99] helps to explain the cognitive connections youth participants make between life skills in a sports program and their application beyond sports.  相似文献   

This article emerges from a background of UK policy concerns about young people's participation in physical activity. It rehearses the arguments for lifestyle sports as a rich ground for enhancing students' engagement with physical education (PE). A review of the still limited literature suggests that lifestyle sports may have an under-exploited potential to develop skills, confidence and personal identity in learners that transfer to other areas of learning and life. To illustrate the argument, the article takes unicycling as an instructive case of lifestyle sport, and draws on survey data from a study of unicyclists carried out in several countries. A discussion of these data explores the beneficial characteristics of this unusual sport as participants in the study perceive them. A conclusion suggests a need for greater flexibility in PE curricula which might ‘mainstream’ lifestyle sports for both inherent achievement and exponential personal development of students.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨体适能在青少年体育培训中的运用,通过针对青少年的体育培训模式,帮助青少年树立健康意识和观念。  相似文献   

高中生具有良好的体育生活方式,各分维度平均分大小依次为:健康型、愉悦型、社会型、学习型、健美型、挑战型;自身需求得分稍高于社会拓展得分。性别、年级、是否独生子女主效应在各维度上有不同差异,且存在交互作用。男女生在各维度上都有显著性差异;独生子女与非独生子女在社会型和学习型上也存在显著性差异。高中各年级体育生活方式各维度得分在一、二年级呈增长趋势,且有显著性差异,到高三有明显减少。  相似文献   

21世纪: 中国社会生活方式与体育的社会学透视   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
以百年嬗变进程的中国社会为背景,通过对城乡生活方式趋同与体育;城市生活方式的新特点与家庭体育;生活方式多元化及消费阶层化与体育;消费新潮中的体育消费;老人生活与体育等的讨论,粗略地透视了21世纪的中国社会生活方式与体育。  相似文献   

基于我国青少年体质健康水平下降的现实状况,分析其内部与外部原因。认为:应试教育体制的盛行,竞技体育与学校体育发展的失衡,青少年生活方式的改变,体育教学模式的落后是影响我国青少年体质健康水平的主要因素。提出青少年体质健康的干预策略:促进青少年体质健康政策制度的完善与落实;突出青少年体质健康的学校教学改革;提升青少年体质健康的体育经费支撑。  相似文献   

从体育本体论视域对身体素养、体育素养、健康素养的内涵及关系进行了分析。研究认为:身体、技能、行为是构成体育本体的重要组成部分,身体是人的第一存在,是体育的第一本体,身体是技能与行为的寄宿,技能与行为是身体的延展。身体素养来自于身体活动,具备身、心、行、知的统一性;体育素养即体育学科素养,生成于体育教育活动,包涵知识、技能与能力三要素;健康素养生成于健康教育,包括健康知识、健康技能、健康意识和健康生活方式与行为四个关键要素。身体、体育与健康素养不是相互独立的个体,始终存在着从属、关联、辩证的关系,相互联系、相互影响、相互支撑,协同构成大的体育本体。  相似文献   

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