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文学传播是文学生产者和文学接受者之间的桥梁。近代以来,随着印刷业的发展,报刊业尤其是报刊小说广告对晚清小说的发展有着重要的意义。从晚清时期报刊所载小说广告可知,报载小说广告通过参与小说销售市场的运作,对晚清小说的传播及小说读者群的扩大发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

西方文化对于晚清报刊小说的发展与繁荣的深刻影响,不容忽略。晚清报刊小说折射出中西文化交融的独特特征。文章从办报的物质条件、西方传教士的办报活动、晚清期刊小说、晚清日报小说等角度探讨其中折射出的中西文化交融。  相似文献   

李亚娟 《编辑之友》2017,(6):97-102
“小说界革命”兴起后,晚清报刊小说被赋予鲜明的政治功用性,小说地位得到明显提升,成为启蒙利器.但自光绪三十一年起,报刊小说格局发生新变,小说创作实践与“新小说”理论渐行渐远,小说的快速商品化促使娱乐压倒启蒙.晚清报刊小说的崛起源自被动式的政治热情,但其演转离不开对自身文体本质的能动性追求.晚清报刊小说注定是一场步步深入的渐变式文学变革,在平衡自身艺术品格与社会政治生活的矛盾与张力中找寻出路,并将成为日后中国现当代小说现实主义品格的基本动机和起源.  相似文献   

文迎霞 《编辑之友》2016,(9):99-102
晚清报刊的兴起,为小说传播开辟了新渠道.受市场影响,晚清小说的转载现象突出;传播形式翻新出奇,出现了小说与广告的结合、小说被改编为戏曲等新形式;小说传播的主旨也从强调有益社会转变为迎合读者趣味.  相似文献   

盛洪岩 《兰台世界》2015,(4):149-150
小说兴盛是晚清文学的一大特色,晚清小说在文学格局、观念、形式和内容上都呈现出迥异于往古的特点。报刊小说是晚清小说中的一朵奇葩,它对文体形式的综合考虑,颠覆了流传千年的文学传统。  相似文献   

晚清时期是我国妇女报刊繁荣发展的第一个高潮,作为晚清报界一部分的妇女报刊不仅反映了这一时期的社会发展状况,也承载了当时人们的思想演变状况。文章从晚清女报的出版主体、出版内容、出版宗旨与议论主题等方面,来探讨报刊对于改变国人的思维、言谈、写作定势与交流方式等方面的作用。  相似文献   

晚清时期,西方现代文化的涌入推动了国内报刊业的发展,出现了许多以登载时事、时政评论等为主的时政类报刊.政治环境变迁下的晚清社会,创办的时政类报刊办报环境复杂、民间报与官报并存及报刊内容形式多样等特点是显而易见的.活跃于晚清社会的维新派与革命派,在时政类报刊上展开了激烈的思想交锋,最终革命派赢得了舆论.政治势力的有意推动...  相似文献   

晚清时期,早期报人、维新派、革命派等对政论报刊兴趣格外浓厚,提出不尽相同的报学理论,使之服务于现实的政治需要。基于既成的文本史料,本文通过分析晚清政论报刊的理论建构,认为政论报刊逐渐由民报角色转变为党报角色,报刊的主体功能也由建言通达演变为政治动员。晚清报人对政论报刊的理论建构反映了晚清报人的特殊立场和政治追求,体现了中国报人的特殊价值和理想。  相似文献   

黄荣 《新闻世界》2013,(6):286-287
晚清时期,内忧外患,媒体舆论兴盛,作为三方舆论势力的晚清政府、外丈报刊以及民间报刊,形成了晚清舆论平台上的“三足鼎立”之势。读完《晚清报刊与维新舆论建构》之后,笔者从晚清报律发展之“鉴”、新闻专业主义之“界”、南北媒介网络之“合”三个角度分析了当时传媒的一些特点,并结合当代中国传媒业总结了三个方面的启示。  相似文献   

文迎霞 《编辑之友》2015,(8):97-101
报刊是晚清小说传播的重要媒介.晚清报纸在刊载小说时,遵循市场运行机制,以读者为中心.作为传播者的报馆设立小说专栏,选择类型丰富的作品,并与作者采取竞猜、悬赏、征集小说等方式吸引读者参与.作为受众的读者积极响应报馆和作者的各项活动,并发表对小说及小说刊载行为的看法.以读者为中心的运作模式使报馆、作者的传播与读者接受形成良性循环,造就了晚清报载小说的有效传播.  相似文献   

面对高校这座新闻富矿,校报记者要想成功地挖掘其中的新闻资源,并借助社会媒体让学校的人与事广为人知,就必须具有相应的社会视角。在媒介竞争愈发激烈的今天,在校报记者肩负学校对外宣传重任的今天,社会视角对校报记者来讲,就显得非常重要,也非常必要。  相似文献   

蒋颖 《新闻界》2007,(6):11-12
本文以《四川日报》社会新闻报道为例,深入阐述了社会新闻是党报新闻宣传报道的重要组成部分,办好社会新闻是当前党报新闻宣传改革创新的一个落脚点,提出了党报社会新闻报道应找准的几个视点.  相似文献   

This eight-nation comparative study adopts a multi-modal analytical approach in investigating education driven stratification in political participation and the simultaneous roles of various media (print newspaper, television, radio, and social media) and press freedom in influencing this inequality. The findings suggest that informational use of social media, print newspaper, and radio increases the likelihood of participation, but consuming television news inhibits participation. Furthermore, social media use, like radio and television use, exacerbates education-generated inequality. Press freedom as a socio-political factor reinforces the role of the television, print newspaper, and social media in participation inequality. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

1942年整风运动之后,在中共"全党办报、群众办报"的号召下,各抗日根据地的黑板报开始普及,经过通讯小组"代办"和干部教师"包办",逐步形成了民众自办的局面,从传播内容到媒介形态均呈现出鲜明的大众化特征.黑板报以广泛的普及性弥补了大报的不足,在社会动员方面发挥了独特作用,同时丰富和拓展了群众办报的理论内涵及实践外延,在以此为中心构成的公共空间里,舆论作为一种新的力量登上了乡村社会的历史舞台,改变了原有的社会组织方式和人际关系,推动了基层民主的初步尝试.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):186-201
This study examined the reliability and stability of newspaper and television public affairs exposure; the relationship of social structural variables and media exposure, when measurement error is taken into account; and the effect of these social structural variables on change in exposure. A secondary analysis was performed on a two wave national study composed of 7201 respondents. Using a LISREL model, the results indicated that: (1) the indicators of newspaper public affairs exposure were more reliable than the indicators for television public affairs exposure; conversely, the television public affairs construct was more stable than the newspaper construct, although both yielded fairly high stability estimates; (2) various indicators of location in the social structure (age, education, income, perceived social class, and sex) had effects on exposure to newspaper and television public affairs information, and effects on the change in this type of exposure over time. It was concluded that more attention should be directed toward measurement error issues and toward operationally and theoretically defining media exposure.  相似文献   

Jane Chapman 《Media History》2015,21(3):238-251
Within the cut-throat world of newspaper advertising the newspapers of Britain's Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) Votes for Women and the Suffragette managed to achieve a balance that has often proved to be an impossible challenge for social movement press—namely the maintenance of a highly political stance whilst simultaneously exploiting the market system with advertising and merchandising. When the militant papers advocated window smashing of West End stores in 1912–1913, the companies who were the target still took advertisements. Why? What was the relationship between news values, militant violence and advertising income? ‘Do-it-yourself’ journalism operated within a context of ethical consumerism and promotionally orientated militancy. This resulted in newspaper connections between politics, commerce and a distinct market profile, evident in the customisation of advertising, retailer dialogue with militants and longer-term loyalty—symptomatic of a wider trend towards newspaper commercialism during this period.  相似文献   

Social media are increasingly being used as sources in mainstream news coverage. Yet, while the research so far has focused mainly on the use of social media in particular situations, such as breaking news coverage, during crisis news events or in times of elections, little attention is paid to journalists' routine, day-to-day monitoring of social media platforms. The aim of this study is to examine the use and selection of social media as sources in routine newspaper coverage. First, it presents a quantitative overview of all the articles published between January 2006 and December 2013 in the print editions of two Flemish (north Belgian) quality newspapers, De Standaard and De Morgen, that explicitly refer to Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Next, a content analysis is conducted of a sample of newspaper articles published in 2013 that explicitly mention Facebook, Twitter or YouTube as sources of information. The goal of this content analysis is to examine the different appearances and functions of social media references in the news. The study thus provides a first insight into Belgian newspaper journalists' regular sourcing routines in relation to social media.  相似文献   

贺艳 《新闻界》2007,(4):114-116
在当前报业激烈竞争的环境下,竞争结果往往是对报业及文化多样性的损害。欧洲报业却通过以下方式努力保持报业及文化的多样性:社会政策法规鼓励出版自由和表达自由,对垄断和媒介集中有相应的规范;VAT控制模式通过影响报纸的成本而促进报业的多种类存在;报纸资助制度则由国家对报纸进行资助,以保存传统文化及报纸种类的多元化。  相似文献   

Research on news coverage of social protest has yielded evidence of a “protest paradigm,” a framework of common news attributes that contribute to the marginalizing of protesters as social deviants. Analysis here investigates whether adherence to the protest paradigm varies by structural characteristics of the communities in which news organizations originate. More specifically, news organizations in less pluralistic communities may exhibit lower tolerance for social conflict than news organizations in more pluralistic communities. This research compares newspaper coverage of social protest from communities with varied levels of pluralism. Results showed that newspapers in less pluralistic communities were more critical of protesters when local government was the target and were less likely to quote protesters in stories. Further, newspapers in less pluralistic communities were more critical of protesters when stories were on the front page than those appearing elsewhere in the newspaper. Implications for understanding the protest paradigm and influences of community structure on news coverage patterns were explored.  相似文献   

整个19世纪,英国报纸的发行量呈明显的上升趋势。究竟是什么原因呢?本文旨在从政治、经济和社会三个方面来分析那个阶段导致英国报纸发行量上升的根本原因。  相似文献   

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