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G832.019 9802566体操运动员前臂运动特征及其发展特点的研究=Study on the development of accuracy of elbowbending and stretching of Chinese gynmasts[刊,中,A]/李宁//体育科学.-1998.-18(1).-36-39图1表1参5(MYL)竞技体操//前臂//动作//特点//训练//发展//研究采用直观半圆仪,对我国441名体操运动员和563名青少年儿童的前臂屈伸复制运动误差值作了测定和比较分析等研究,结果发现,就这个非专业性的和极为普通的动作—前臂屈伸运动的准确性来讲,在运动等级不同的体操运动员  相似文献   

本文作者采用国家体委科研所制造的WL-Ⅱ握力计,对我国1004名青少年儿童的抓握运动复制误差值作了测定,并用横断法进行了统计分析,结果发现,青少年儿童的抓握运动准确性,在7~13岁期间发展提高最快,13~15岁时准确性明显下降,15~20岁呈恢复性提高,20~22岁的变化不明显。在体操运动训练的作用下,这种运动的准确性,在7~22岁期间,训练者高于无训练者。而且,在青春期这种运动的准确性发生下降及其之后恢复的时间,训练者比无训练者短。  相似文献   

肘屈伸运动的准确性是反映肌肉运动本体感觉准确性的一个计量指标。肘屈伸是一种常见的、非专业的运动。因此,这一运动的准确性是个较好的,代表一个人一般肌肉运动本体感觉准确性的指标。本文旨在揭示7~22岁的一般人和有体操运动训练经历者的肘屈伸运动准确性的年龄发展特点。为体操运动选材、训练提高人的肌肉运动本体感觉准确性、丰富运动训练学和发展心理学的有关理论提供参考依据。  相似文献   

体操是体育运动中创伤发生较多的项目,其根本原因在于体操的技术动作难度大,具有惊险性,而且大都在器械上完成整套动作,一旦摔下就很容易致伤。深入了解体操运动员常见的运动创伤及其性质、部位和特点,才能搞好医务监督,及时予防创伤的发生,不断提高体操运动的技能。从一九七九至一九八三年作者对我省廿六名体操运动员在训练和比赛中所发生的运动创作进行了观察和统计如下:(见后统计表) 廿六名运动员,其中男十二名,女十四名;运动健将七名;训练年限最长者七年,短者二年。五年来共受伤人次114次,慢性损伤79人次占69.3%,急性损伤35人次占  相似文献   

中级前期女子体操运动员上肢力量发展状况的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文采用美国产 Cybex 等动测力系统对 1 5名中级前期女子体操运动员的肩关节、肘关节屈伸力量进行了测定 ,并与完成动作的评分进行相关研究。结果显示 :实验对象的上肢力量发展水平较低 ;肩关节最大力量在快、慢 2种运动方式下的伸值、相对力量在慢速运动方式下的屈伸值和快速运动方式下的伸值以及肘关节最大力量在快速运动方式下的屈值、相对力量在慢速运动方式下的屈值与运动员完成动作评分显著相关  相似文献   

为研究体操运动员肩关节肌肉力量,采用美国研制的CyBex-6000型测力仪,对我国17名女子体操运动员右肩关节进行屈伸肌群的等动向心收缩测试(60°/s、240°/s)。受试者包括国际健将级4名、国家健将级6名和国家一级7名。比较受试者的肌力水平表明,运动水平高的运动员肩关节肌肉力量较高。本研究获得了不同等级的运动员肩关节屈伸肌群的基础数据,为体操运动员的力量训练及康复医疗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着体操运动的日益年轻化,各国运动员们掌握动作技术的速度越来越快,年龄越来越小。最近的研究报告表明,大多数(60%)的复杂动作已能被10~13岁的女孩,12~15岁的男孩所掌握,苏联各级体操运动学校的教练员们认为,4~6岁开始学习简单动作最为适宜. 目前,运动学校的各运动项目学习内容已开始向外扩散,进入了普通学校。其中之一就是体操。一些普通学校已允许学生从7岁开始学习体操运动学校的部分内  相似文献   

运动落地稳定性不仅体现了跳马动作的完整性,而且是评定动作质量的一个重要组成部分,其好坏是直接影响运动员获得高分取得优异成绩的关键。本文通过现场观察的方法对延安大学体育学院04级体操三级通级考试中的51名女生跳马情况进行深入调查,并分析其落地稳定性的有关影响因素,试图能更加有效的提高体操运动中跳马落地的稳定性。  相似文献   

该研究以视觉表象的操作速度和准确性为反应变量,对210名不同运动技能学习水平者进行了测试.结果表明:(1)运动学习者的技能水平对其视觉表象操作能力的发展具有重要影响,前者高后者也高,反之亦然;(2)运动学习者的视觉表象操作能力与所从事的运动专项有关,田径、球类、游泳、武术和体操在大类项目的学习者,以体操运动员的表象操作速度和武术运动员的操作准确性发展水平较高,而其他运动员之间未表现出有关的显著性差别;(3)运动技能的学习者在视觉表象的操作速度和准确性方面优于一般文化知识的学习者;(4)视觉表象操作能力的发展水平与人的年龄、性别和文化知识水平没有必然的联系.  相似文献   

无论是低水平还是高水平的体操运动员都深知比赛准备工作的重要性(如:出现竞技状态的时机,能量的储备,保持最佳精神状态和赛前训练安排等等)。运动员比赛的不仅是成套动作,而且还有心理状态,这种心理状态可能提高或削弱运动成绩。信心十足或忧心重  相似文献   

关于世界体操运动员年龄结构变化趋势的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以雅典奥运会运动员为主要对象,对当今世界体操强国运动员年龄结构进行研究。结果显示:获得团体和个人全能比赛前8名运动员的平均年龄,男子接近24岁,女子超过18岁;而获得男子吊环和自由体操单项奖牌运动员的平均年龄超过27岁和25岁,年龄最大者为34岁;女子进入跳马决赛运动员的平均年龄超过19岁,获得银牌者为26岁。可以认为,新北京奥运周期世界体操男子已进入到“成年化”、女子也进入到“青年化”发展的新时期。  相似文献   

采用特尔菲法构建评价指标体系及标准,运用帕累托分析、目标挑战模型等对我国9~10岁优秀少年男子体操运动力量素质的训练水平进行评价与诊断。结果表明:(1)9岁组上肢力量、躯干力量与下肢专项爆发力发展参差不齐,上肢慢用性拉引力量与腰腹快速屈伸力量整体水平有待提高;10岁组上肢与躯干综合力量素质得到全面协调训练,但下肢爆发力良莠不齐,整体水平欠佳。(2)训练周期内容安排上,两个年龄组均应重点发展上肢支撑与拉引力量素质,且9岁组还应突出发展上肢快速推撑与屈伸力量素质;(3)发展目标上,下一阶段两个年龄组都应加强下肢爆发力和躯干专项力量的科学训练,且10岁组还应重点提高身体控制能力和上肢支撑力量的训练质量。  相似文献   

Gymnastics talent identification focuses on the identification of young gymnasts who display characteristics for potential success in the future. The aim of this study was to identify which current performance characteristics are related to performance in competition 2 years later. Twenty-three female gymnasts aged 7-8 years completed a multidimensional test battery measuring anthropometric, physical, and coordinative characteristics and were technically evaluated by expert coaches. Two years later, the all-around competition results of those gymnasts now participating in elite (n = 12) and sub-elite (n = 11) competition were obtained. None of the initial measurements significantly correlated with the results of the sub-elite gymnasts 2 years later. For the elite gymnasts, a non-sport-specific motor test battery correlated strongly with the competition result, with more than 40% of the variation in competition performance being explained by the result on that test 2 years earlier. Neither the coaches' judgement nor the anthropometric and physical characteristics were sensitive enough to predict performance. A motor coordination test might be valuable in the early identification of gymnasts, as its discriminative and predictive qualities might be sufficiently powerful for selection within a relatively homogeneous population of gymnasts exhibiting similar anthropometric and physical profiles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine age and competitive level differences in the relationship between determinants and level of sport commitment. Gymnasts (N = 304) comprised three age groups (8–11, 11–14.5, and 14.5–18 years) and two competitive levels (Levels 5–6 and 8–10). Multiple regression analyses revealed: (a) perceived costs and social constraints from parents and best friends were the strongest predictors of commitment for the youngest gymnasts, (b) perceived costs, personal investments, and parent social constraints predicted commitment for 11–14.5-year-old gymnasts, and (c) perceived competence and costs predicted commitment for the oldest gymnasts. Competitive level differences also emerged; for Level 5–6 gymnasts, personal investments, perceived costs, coach social support, and social constraints by coach, best friend, and teammates were predictors of commitment. Personal investments and teammate social constraints were significant predictors for Level 8–10 gymnasts. Developmental factors and additional determinants are important to consider in further studies of the sport commitment model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine age and competitive level differences in the relationship between determinants and level of sport commitment. Gymnasts (N = 304) comprised three age groups (8-11, 11-14.5, and 14.5-18 years) and two competitive levels (Levels 5-6 and 8-10). Multiple regression analyses revealed: (a) perceived costs and social constraints from parents and best friends were the strongest predictors of commitment for the youngest gymnasts, (b) perceived costs, personal investments, and parent social constraints predicted commitment for 11-14.5-year-old gymnasts, and (c) perceived competence and costs predicted commitment for the oldest gymnasts. Competitive level differences also emerged; for Level 5-6 gymnasts, personal investments, perceived costs, coach social support, and social constraints by coach, best friend, and teammates were predictors of commitment. Personal investments and teammate social constraints were significant predictors for Level 8-10 gymnasts. Developmental factors and additional determinants are important to consider in further studies of the sport commitment model.  相似文献   

运用曲线拟合统计方法,建立曲线拟合模型,对1995-2005年浙江城市汉族学生断面的BMI指数曲线拟合后比较分析。结果表明,1995-2005年浙江省城市汉族7~22岁男女生BMI指数均值总体随着年龄递增而增长,男女生BMI指数快速增长主要集中在8~12岁和8~11岁年龄段,城市女生BMI指数突增期较男生提前1~2岁。  相似文献   

采用录像观察、问卷调查、案例分析等研究方法,分析新规则下女子自由体操发展趋势,揭示女子自由体操动作的演进规律,并以此为导向和依据,结合对程菲少年训练的案例分析和我国少年女子体操运动员的整体水平分析,确立了新规则下我国10~11岁少年女体操运动员自由体操主要基本难度动作系列。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the range of movement in gymnastic and dance populations. Sixty-five participants (41 females, 24 males; mean age 21.4 years) were assessed. The sample included dancers and gymnasts ranging from novice and club standard to international and professional status. Non-specialized physical education students acted as controls. Range of movement was measured at the shoulders, hips, lumbar spine and ankles using a Loebl hydrogoniometer, and inherent joint laxity was assessed using Beighton and coworkers' adaptation of the Carter and Wilkinson 9-point scale. The right and left sides of the body were assessed and measures of active and passive motion were recorded. A graded increase in laxity was observed from controls, through novice gymnasts, to dancers and finally international gymnasts. The greater laxity of females than males was also confirmed. Dancers and gymnasts had a greater passive range of movement in all joints, which was partly inherited and partly acquired. There was a large difference between their active and passive ranges, which appeared to render the joints unstable.  相似文献   

The quantification of joint laxity in dancers and gymnasts.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this study was to determine the range of movement in gymnastic and dance populations. Sixty-five participants (41 females, 24 males; mean age 21.4 years) were assessed. The sample included dancers and gymnasts ranging from novice and club standard to international and professional status. Non-specialized physical education students acted as controls. Range of movement was measured at the shoulders, hips, lumbar spine and ankles using a Loebl hydrogoniometer, and inherent joint laxity was assessed using Beighton and coworkers' adaptation of the Carter and Wilkinson 9-point scale. The right and left sides of the body were assessed and measures of active and passive motion were recorded. A graded increase in laxity was observed from controls, through novice gymnasts, to dancers and finally international gymnasts. The greater laxity of females than males was also confirmed. Dancers and gymnasts had a greater passive range of movement in all joints, which was partly inherited and partly acquired. There was a large difference between their active and passive ranges, which appeared to render the joints unstable.  相似文献   

儿童、青少年时期是人生中最为重要的生长发育阶段,人体的各个器官系统都发生了巨大的变化.人体形态也随之发生快速变化,对其形态特征的研究可以为指导体育教学和适宜健身器械的开发提供依据.共计测量了7~18岁儿童、青少年25个身体形态指标,分为长度、宽度、围度等方面指标,通过对25个指标数据进行聚类分析,显示7~18岁的儿童、青少年身体形态指标的平均数变化趋势遵循“向心律”规律,女生生长发育提前于男生,但都遵循“先快后慢”的趋势,其增长最快的年龄段基本一致,出现在7~14岁阶段.通过对各年龄组男、女生身体形态指标平均数差值的聚类分析,提示较为适合的以形态差异为依据的性别年龄分组应该是:7~9岁年龄组(无性别差异);10~12岁年龄组(无性别差异);13~15岁年龄组女生;13~15岁年龄组男生;16~18岁年龄组女生;16~18岁年龄组男生.  相似文献   

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