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我国优秀中跑运动员体能特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料法、专家调查法、测试法和数理统计法,对影响我国优秀中跑运动员的专项能力的体能因素进行综合分析.确定了影响中跑运动员运动成绩的体能指标,包括身体形态指标、身体机能指标、运动素质指标.分析了我国优秀中跑运动员的体能特征,以期能为科学选材和对运动员体能训练提供参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析和比较研究等方法,分析了近年来对优秀中跑运动员体能的研究状况,研究了影响中跑运动员运动成绩的体能指标,包括身体形态指标、身体机能指标、运动素质指标的研究状况,以期为中跑教练员科学选材和针对运动员体能训练提供参考。  相似文献   

在总结国内外青少年中跑运动员选材的基础上,从身体形态与身体素质两项指标入手,对黑龙江省青少年中跑运动员的选材进行研究,其目的在于探索科学合理的选材模式,提高选材的准确性,为科学地进行中跑运动员选材提供实践和理论依据。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,通过对甘肃省与国内优秀青少年中跑运动员有关身体形态文献数据的比较分析。最终结果表明甘肃省与国内优秀青少年中跑运动员身体形态相比较有一定的优势,但在体能、运动技术方面与国内同水平运动员存在差距,寻找制约运动员运动成绩提高的主要因素,为甘肃省中跑运动的发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

本文通过对民族体中27名少年男子蹼泳运动员的部分身体形态指标的测试进行选材,并经过系统训练研究分析蹼泳运动成绩与身体形态指标的内在联系与其相关因素,建议从事蹼泳运动业余训练选材时要注重体重指标和腰围、胸围、大腿围大的少年男子运动员。  相似文献   

研究对象:我国优秀中跑运动员。 研究方法:文献资料法、专家调查法、测试法和数理统计法。 研究结果与分析:1.中跑运动员的身体形态特征对中跑运动员来讲,身体形态的要求要比长跑要求严格,要有一定的身高、下肢长、小腿长度、踝关节围度小、跟腱明显等特点。我国优秀中跑运动员的身高与国外选手仍有差距,男、女差数分别为3.8和3.9厘米,克托莱指数中外选手仍有较大差别,但是无论女子或男子运动员都稍高于以往的全国平均水平;踝围/跟腱长、(下肢长B-小腿长A)/小腿长A×100指数与国内以前的研究结果比较接近。  相似文献   

以2009年全国U15少年女子篮球比赛12支省地代表队参赛运动员为样本,对少年女子篮球运动员身体形态与基本技术进行测试和评价,了解我国现今女子篮球后备运动员的大致状况,比较各支代表队在相关测试指标上的差距,分析结果可供制定我国女子篮球发展战略,为优秀女子篮球运动员选材和制定选材方法及训练方法提供参考。  相似文献   

我国优秀游泳运动员身体形态简易评价模型的建立   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以2006年我国国家游泳集训队队员为研究对象,通过数理统计法、实验研究法及文献资料法,以建立起我国优秀游泳运动员身体形态指标的简易评价模型为目的,对各形态指标进行研究。结果表明:我国优秀游泳运动员的身体形态可分为基本形态、身体成份以及体型三大因子;研究提示游泳项目要求运动员应具有身高臂长,身体充实度高,手面积宽大的特点,同时要体现出“倒锥体”形的流线型体征,但对运动员的皮下脂肪含量要求不高;我国优秀游泳运动员身体形态指标的简易评价模型为我国优秀游泳运动员的高级选材提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

一、身体形态根据国内外一些优秀中长跑运动员的情况来分析,体重都较轻,中跑运动员的身高略高于长跑运动员,一般理想的身高、体重为:男子中跑运动员为1.75米以上,体重为70公斤以下;男子长跑运动员身高为1.70米以上,体重65公斤以下。女子中跑运动员  相似文献   

本研究根据参加全国速滑锦标赛的68名优秀少年运动员的最大通气量、去脂体重及身体形态指标的直接测试结果,以最大通气量、肺活量、去脂体重为因变量,以测定的形态为自变量。利用多元回归分析,探讨了儿童少年最大通气量、去脂体重、肺活量等机能指标与各形态指标之间的相互关系,以此建立了与速滑运动员运动能力相关的多元回归方程式,可用于该年龄段速滑运动员运动能力与潜力的间接测定与译价。  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate and quantify physiological differences among groups of distance runners. The subjects included 20 elite distance runners (8 marathon, 12 middle-long distance) and 8 good runners. Working capacity and cardiorespiratory function were determined by submaximal and maximal treadmill tests, and body composition by hydrostatic weighing. The variables studied were maximum oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2 max), [Vdot]O2 submax, lactic acid submax, lean body weight, and fat weight. MANOVA showed that the good runners differed from the elite runners (p < 0.01) and the elite marathon runners differed from the elite middle-long distance runners (p < 0.05). Discriminant analysis showed that both functions were significant. The first was a general physiological efficiency factor that separated the good and elite runners. The second separated the elite marathon and middle-long distance groups. The second function showed that the marathon runners had lower lactic acid submax values. The middle-long distance runners had higher [Vdot]O2 max values. Classification analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of the discriminant analysis; 80% of the elite runners were correctly classified as marathon or middle-long distance runners. The discriminant functions were used to develop a multivariate scaling model for evaluating distance runners. Two premier runners, one marathoner (F. Shorter) and one middle-long distance runner (S. Prefontaine), were found to be at the extremes of the scale. The data showed that the discriminant functions provided a valid model for evaluating differences among elite distance runners.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how female marathon runners of varying standards differed in body composition and physique and in their training regimes, and secondly to develop predictors of distance running performance from the anthropometric and training variables. Female marathon runners (n = 36), all participants in a national 10 mile (16 km) road racing championship, were divided into three groups according to their best time for the 26.2 mile race. They were assessed for body composition and somatotype using anthropometric techniques and completed a questionnaire about their current training for the marathon. No difference was found between the groups of distance runners when measured for height, bone widths and circumferences. The three groups were found to have similar body weights of approximately 53 kg, a value which is much lower than the average for sedentary women, but which compares favourably with those from previous studies of female long distance runners. While all the runners had a lower per cent fat, as measured from skinfold thicknesses, than sedentary women, the elite runners were seen to have significantly lower values (P less than 0.05) than the other two groups. The difference in body fat was particularly reflected in the triceps skinfold value. There was also a tendency for the elite runners to be more ectomorphic and less endomorphic than the others. The better runners were seen, on the whole, to have been running longer, and to have more strenuous regimes, both in terms of intensity of training and distance run per week. Multiple regression and discriminant function analyses indicated that the number of training sessions per week and the number of years training were the best predictors of competitive performance at both 10 mile and marathon distances. They also indicated that a female long distance runner with a slim physique high in ectomorphy has the greatest potential for success.  相似文献   

为掌握现代五项国际新规则下项目发展趋势对运动员竞技能力要求的关键要素,科学建立形态、体能、技能、智能和心理为一体的现代五项优秀选手综合性选材指标体系,通过分析2017-2019年国际比赛中世界优秀现代五项选手的竞技成绩结构,结合专家问卷调查和相关选材指标统计筛选,研究发现:现代五项选材需要选择体能性项目游泳及跑射专项素质都较好的运动员,并注重考虑击剑相关的专项素质能力在选材指标体系中的权重比例。在分析和调研的基础上建立了生长发育、身体形态、生理机能、身体素质、专项能力、心理特征和教练员非量化评定等六大类现代五项综合性选材指标体系。结论:只有全面系统地分析国际现代五项优秀选手在新规则下的竞技成绩结构,掌握竞技能力构成要素,才能建立并不断完善现代五项优秀运动员的选材指标体系。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法和数理统计法,对我国优秀中跑运动员的专项素质指标进行了综合分析,确定了影响中跑运动员专项成绩的主要专项素质指标,并运用实验法进行检验,最终确定专项素质评价指标。专项素质指标为科学评定和诊断中跑运动员专项素质与专项成绩发展水平,最优地控制训练过程,选择训练方法与手段提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:从运动员选材角度探讨短跑和中长跑项目运动员在跳深实验中支撑时间的特征,为支撑时间应用于田径运动员选材提供依据。方法:以上海市一、二线短跑和中长跑共84名运动员为研究对象。所有研究对象均进行身高、体重、跳深实验测试,分组研究两项目运动员支撑时间特征。结果:短跑男子优秀组最快和平均支撑时间都快于一般组(P<0.05),女子优秀组最快和平均支撑时间也都快于一般组(P>0.05),中长跑组也表现基本一致的趋势;项目之间进行比较也基本表现出一致性趋势,也就是短跑组最快和平均支撑时间基本快于相同运动等级中长跑组(P>0.05)。结论:支撑时间在短跑和中长跑项目中具有明显的项目特征和等级特征,可以应用于短跑或中长跑项目选材。  相似文献   

通过心理测量、专家评定、机能测试 ,研究表明 ,构成优秀女子中长跑运动员运动能力的基本因素 ,按重要程度依次为心肺功能、形态、机能素质、自信成功归因、抱负水平、心理承受力、失败归因、意志品质等 ;影响优秀女子中长跑运动员运动能力的主要因素按重要程度依次为最大耗氧量 /体重、心功指数、训练年限、肺活量 /体重、年龄、10 0 0 m跑能力。  相似文献   

网织红细胞在低氧训练中变化规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
观察低氧训练中优秀女子中长跑运动员网织红细胞参数及血红蛋白的变化规律,旨在筛选预测和评价低氧训练效果的指标。研究表明,在26天的低氧训练中,高住高练低训组网织红细胞参数在不同时段显著增加,说明骨髓红系造血功能增强;高住高练低训组训练效果优于低住高练组;未成熟网织红细胞和网织红细胞成熟指数是低氧训练的敏感指标,并与血红蛋白变化存在一定关联性。提示:未成熟网织红细胞和网织红细胞成熟指数可作为低氧训练效果的预测指标。  相似文献   


Sixty-two elite adolescent (age: 16.39 ± 1.62 yrs) female track and field athletes volunteered to be measured isokinetically for peak torque of the leg flexors and extensors. The sample included 16 throwers, 11 jumpers, 12 middle-distance runners (> 400 m), and 23 sprinters. A Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer was used to measure dominant leg strength at 180°/sec. One-way ANOVA revealed significant between group differences for absolute flexion and extension (Nm), extension/body weight (Nm/Kg), and extension/lean body weight (Nm/Kg). Scheffe post-hoc comparisons showed that, for absolute leg extension strength, throwers were stronger than middle-distance runners (by 54.4%), sprinters (35.6%), and jumpers (23.6%). For absolute leg flexion movements, throwers were stronger than middle distance runners (37.4%) and sprinters (32.1%). Jumpers had greater extension peak torque values than middle-distance runners relative to body weight (14.0%), and throwers were stronger than middle-distance runners for extension/lean body weight (14.9%)). No other comparisons were significant. However, when strength was expressed relative to body weight or lean body weight, there were few differences between events for flexion or extension. Given that absolute strength scores were correlated with body weight and lean body weight, peak torque/body weight or peak torque/lean body weight may be more sensitive than absolute values as indicators of underlying factors (such as training status or fiber type composition) responsible for the differences in muscular strength between groups.  相似文献   

为了探索优秀中长跑运动员赛前训练身体机能评定的方法,对22名优秀中长跑运动员赛期训练过程中的血尿素氮(BUN)指标进行检测和分析。结果发现,血尿素氮(BUN)是反映中长跑运动员赛前训练运动负荷的敏感指标;优秀中长跑运动员血尿素氮(BUN)的基础值为(6.40±0.62)mmol/L;男女运动员血尿素氮(BUN)的运动值有显著性差异,基础值和恢复值两项指标都没有显著性差异,未见训练年限对血尿素氮(BUN)有影响;提出了适于优秀中长跑运动员周运动量的评价标准,在今后的实际训练中,可根据不同对象个体差异进行适当调整。  相似文献   

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