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This paper seeks to prompt professional debate about the future of physical education and, specifically, the form that curricula should take in rapidly changing times and societies. Arguments focus upon a reorientation and restructuring of the subject to address educational needs and interests relevant to the 21st century. The current revision of the National Curriculum for Physical Education in England and Wales is used as a basis from which to present a case for a distinctly new orientation to be reflected in the design of PE curricula, units of work and lessons. The work of Bernstein and Young is utilised in deconstructing long-established practices and outlining their potential reconstruction in ways that are informed by, and express, a 'critical pedagogy for social justice' [Fernandez-Balboa (1997) Critical Post Modernism in Human Movement, Physical Education and Sport (New York, State University of New York Press)]. A curriculum framework privileging learning achieved in and via activity contexts, as compared to learning of activities, is presented. The developments that are proposed are identified as highly challenging but arguably long overdue in physical education, and as matters of relevance to international professional communities, not only those in England and Wales.  相似文献   

日本依法治体的经验值得我国参考与借鉴。基于Rothwell和Zegveld的政策工具分类思想,本研究立足体育强国建设需求,构建政策工具二维分析框架,对《中华人民共和国体育法》与日本《体育基本法》进行对比研究。发现:日本《体育基本法》在政策工具的结构配置、功能协同、需求支持、配套体系等方面具有一定优势,《中华人民共和国体育法》在完善过程中,可借鉴日本《体育基本法》的优势。建议:进一步调整政策工具结构,发挥政策工具协同作用;统筹政策工具合理配置,契合体育强国建设需求;弥补政策工具缺位,完善法律体系;加强政策工具配合机制,提升政策可操作性。  相似文献   

高校体育教学俱乐部与社区体育的互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校体育教学俱乐部是高等学校体育的重要组成部分,也是高校体育改革具有标志性的课题,高校体育教学俱乐部有课外体育俱乐部、课内体育俱乐部、课内外结合的俱乐部,本文通过对高校体育教学俱乐部与社区体育互动作用,高校体育教学俱乐部与社区体育互动的必要性分析,指出高校体育俱乐部从长远的发展思路上对社区体育活动的影响都是巨大。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料、问卷法和数理统计法 ,对闽西城镇居民在体育意识方面进行调研。结果表明 :目前闽西城镇居民对《体育法》、《全民健身计划纲要》了解甚少 ,对健康的理解程度、体育锻炼的意义、体育的参与意识等方面 ,整体水平还比较低 ;建议采取措施 ,加大体育法规的宣传和普及 ,提高居民的体育意识 ,营造良好健康的社会氛围。  相似文献   

郦悦晨 《体育科技》2014,35(4):174-176
通过文献资料、数理统计及计量分析等方法,检索出以“高校体育”为研究主题的有效文献为302篇.经整理归纳,整合细化出6大类我国高校体育研究内容,分别为体育文化、体质健康、学科建设、阳光体育、后备人才及公共服务.并对这6类进行文献分析,得出我国高校体育“十二五”规划以来的研究重点和热点问题,为高校体育工作发展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

当前我国体育界出现3种"素养"理念:"体育核心素养""身体素养"和"体育与健康学科核心素养"。通过比较研究发现,"体育核心素养"在与教育界保持一致的努力中,延续了以往学校体育改革发展的基本路线,试图整合知识、技能和态度多个维度,以构建体育核心素养体系,该理念具有很强的生命力;"身体素养"以世界的眼光结合认知论的理论架构,重构我国体育的基本结构和认知,其解释力已经超出以往我们对体育的认知范围,对突破体育学术研究边界具有重要意义,该理念已被《体育强国建设纲要》所采用,进入实际操作领域;"体育与健康学科核心素养"则对体育学科如何衔接核心素养教育改革进行探索,通过体育与健康课程落实到教学的所有方面和环节,从而培养学生的体育与健康学科核心素养。尽管以上三大理念都还存在一定争议,但它们共同形成了当前我国体育改革和体育教育改革三股具有影响力的理论力量,之间的分歧与争议有利于形成新的学术讨论焦点。  相似文献   

中文体育文献数据库是国家体委信息所创建的中文体育科技文献数据库。介绍了体育文献数据库的字段设置与数据库的制作程序及数据库建设中遇到的问题,据此对体育科技刊物的编辑提出要求:严格按照GB/T3179—92《科学技术期刊编排格式》的要求进行编辑,提供全面信息,文摘要全面揭示原文的主要信息,主题词要尽量使用《体育汉语主题词表》中的规范词等。  相似文献   

严政 《体育与科学》1998,19(5):19-24
本文总结了我们多年体育科研的经验和成绩。研究认为,体育科研应该把国家体委的意见作为指导方针,以运动训练需要为指引,以市场为方向,以研究为支撑,走体育科研和运动训练紧密相结合之路。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计等方法,对2002—2011年10年间,我国16种中文体育类核心期刊刊登的所有有关排球的科研论文进行了统计分析,结果表明:论文的年刊登总量呈下降的发展趋势;刊登总量排在前3位的期刊是北京体育大学学报(131篇)、中国体育科技(67篇)、西安体育学院学报(58篇);论文中受到基金资助比例最高的是气排球项目,受到国家级基金资助比例最高的是沙排项目;论文数量排前3位的室内排球、沙排、软排最热门的研究主题分别是:技战术、现状调查与赛事(项目)推广、教学。  相似文献   

As academic disciplines, Physical Education and Sport History share interests in performance, participation, physique and the politics of corporeal praxis. Engendering unity between the two disciplines, however, has not been without concern. Scholars working within (and across) both fields have highlighted how the potential for shared knowledge production and meaning making has been, to a degree, stymied by epistemological and methodological criticism and trepidation. Issues over contextualization, rigour, narrative schemas, conceptualizations of the body, and notions of agency and power still, in particular, constrain our current educational and historical readings and renderings of physical culture(s). Scholarly schisms and methodological differences can be overcome, however, and need not prohibit disciplinary collaborations that might better address prevailing ethical questions and affect political cause; vis-à-vis the body, the physical and sport. This brief piece is, consequently, recourse to the scholarly symbiosis between Physical Education and Sport History and echoes the encouragement of our earlier colleagues to play, inquire, create and produce together.  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrate that Sport Education supports the development of an authentic experience of sport. Social media has the potential to further the development of an authentic sport experience since it is a key aspect of contemporary sport culture and can be a space for individuals to interact during the Sport Education. Yet the evidence-base on the use of social media within Sport Education is limited. The purpose of this study was to explore how social media supports the development of an authentic sport experience within Sport Education. The context of this study was within a female recreational community sport futsal club. Players engaged with Sport Education as a focus for their sessions for 13 weeks. The Sport Education season embedded the six key features. During the Sport Education season, players interacted with each other through Facebook. Data were generated from; (1) researcher/player field journal, (2) Facebook posts and (3) post-season player interviews. Data analysis involved inductive, constant comparison and member-checking methods. Results showed that players’ uses of Facebook supported the development of an authentic sport experience. Players’ uses of Facebook strengthened the development of three key Sport Education features; affiliation, festivity and season. Based on the limited amount of research on the impact of social media within Sport Education and community sport, future studies should continue to examine the effectiveness of social media as an interactional tool to enhance the development of an authentic sport experience.  相似文献   

以教育部、国家体育总局颁布的“学生体质健康标准”为依据,采用当今先进的单片机开发技术,设计研制了“智能化学生体质健康评价咨询电脑”,其目的是运用本电脑系统对中小学生体质健康作出科学合理的评价,并根据其评价结果制定出针对每个学生实际情况的营养处方和运动处方,指导青少年进行科学的体育锻炼,提高中小学生的体质健康水平。  相似文献   

以首都体育学院体育教育专业2001-2004级426名学生(男生337名、女生89名)为实验对象,经过四年的实验研究,结果发现,体育教育专业体操课程技术考试必须改革,通过考试方式的改革,不仅能够有效地激发学生的学习积极性,同时能够极大地促进学生体操专项技能提高、创新意识的发展和理论联系实际能力的发展。  相似文献   

随着体育学科不断发展成熟,逐渐形成多学科交叉渗透的研究趋势。土司体育文化研究属于土司学与体育学两学科交叉研究领域。土司与体育相结合形成的“土司体育”研究是元明清时期,中国西南地区实行特殊土司制度期间在民间盛行的体育活动。文章通过查阅历史文献资料,对土司体育文化研究进行综合评述。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑推理法、比较分析法等研究方法,分析了开展阳光体育运动的价值,提出:体质健康不是阳光体育的唯一价值,还应包括社会价值和精神价值;其次,学生体质健康问题不是阳光体育运动的开展能够完全解决的问题,应该引起家庭和社会的多元重视;再次,在整个活动的贯彻执行过程中学生的主体作用不容忽视;此外,还应考虑地域性和学生个体间的差异.研究目的在于挖掘阳光体育的教育和文化价值,拓展和深化对其理论层面的认知,从而为阳光体育运动的健康可持续发展提供理论,使其价值得到更充分的体现.  相似文献   

体育艺术表演专业是近几年我国多所体育院校和普通高校结合当前社会和市场对体育发展多元化、社会化的需求,而增设的一门新专业。从广西体育高等专科学校的现有办学条件出发,经过科学的调查与分析,广西体育高等专科学校有必要,也有条件开设体育艺术表演专业,为国家和社会培养体育艺术表演的专业人才。在满足社会和地方需求的同时,也为广西体育高等专科学校办学带来新的机遇。  相似文献   

Relationships have been found between teacher efficacy and many teaching and learning variables, but few researchers have examined teaching efficacy in physical education. The instrument reported here, the Physical Education Teaching Efficacy Scale, was developed based on the teaching efficacy literature, existing scales, and National Association for Sport and Physical Education's Teacher Education Standards. Students attending 11 institutions who are majoring in regular and alternate physical education teacher education and who are at different stages of preparation (N?=?592) completed the initial survey. Exploratory, followed by confirmatory, factor analysis resulted in a 35-item, 7-factor scale. Factors were Content Knowledge, which were activities one might teach; Applying Scientific Knowledge in Teaching, which reflected academic content; Accommodating Skill Differences; Teaching Students with Special Needs; Instruction, which included management, motivation, and instruction; Using Technology; and Assessment. Results support that the Physical Education Teaching Efficacy Scale addresses many aspects of teaching physical education and meets research criteria for validity and reliability.  相似文献   


We report on three projects and an accompanying critical research agenda designed to establish and evaluate a new pedagogy in Australian physical education based on the sport education curriculum model first published by Siedentop et al. [Siedentop, D., Mand, C. & Taggart, A. (1986) Physical Education: Teaching and Curriculum Strategies for Grades 5‐12 (Palo Alto, Mayfield]. The projects, involving over 80 schools throughout Australia, are set in a context featuring an amalgam of postmodern youth culture, governmental inquiries and reports and the continuing difficulties facing physical educators in their workplaces. Against a backdrop of subject marginatyia, the projects’ findings have lent support to the proposition that it is dysfunctional programme structures (rather that deficits in teaching skills) that are most to blame in denying teachers access to significant subject matter learning targets. Our work presents evidence that the student‐centred, extended‐unit sport education curriculum model has the potential to be responsive to these challenges. It is conducive to ongoing school‐based professional and curriculum development, has led to widespread programme restructuring, has improved outcomes for many lower skilled students and has generally produced positive results for aspects of students’ social development. However girls tend still to be dominated by boys in particular sports. The model is positively affecting the career expectations of pre‐service students. As the model is already diffusing rapidly in Australian schools, there is a need to identify issues and chart an educational course for any further development.  相似文献   

运动人体科学专业是一门新兴的多学科交叉专业,其专业课程设置问题对于专业人才的培养、拓宽学生就业渠道等方面具有重要作用。本文对哈尔滨体育学院运动人体科学专业课程设置现状进行了分析,肯定了已经取得的成绩,并针对此现状提出了改进的建议:着力挖掘更多突出学科特色的课程;合理把握医学课程设置比例与深度;增强学生实践能力;开拓学生视野,提高学生创新能力;在部分课程中开设双语教学等。以期对于运动人体科学专业建设和学科发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

Teachers in the school subject Health and Physical Education (HPE) need to be able both to teach health and to do so in a healthy (equitable) way. The health field has, however, met with difficulties in finding its form within the subject. Research indicates that HPE can be excluding, meaning that it may give more favours to some pupils (bodies) than to others [cf. Webb, L. A., Quennerstedt, M., & Öhman, M. (2008). Healthy bodies: Construction of the body and health in physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 13(4), 353–372.; Webb, L., & Quennerstedt, M. (2010). Risky bodies: Health surveillance and teachers’ embodiment of health. QSE. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 23(7), 785–802; Williamson, B. (2015). Algorithmic skin: Health-tracking technologies, personal analytics and the biopedagogies of digitized health and physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 20(1), 133–151], and thereby being unhealthy for unfavoured pupils. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how HPE teacher education students in Sweden interpret health in HPE and discuss possible implications for future education in the school subject. The study involves 81 Bachelor/Master theses, connected to the HPE school subject and examined at six different Swedish universities. All the student theses were examined in 2012. Of the identified theses, 30 can be related more or less directly to health in physical education. These are the ones further scrutinized here. The contents of the selected essays may be categorized on the basis of tests as tools to measure health/ill health/performance, the knowledge required to teach health and also health as part of pedagogy. In sum, the theses display a reproductive approach to the subject, which involves the risk that the subject will subsequently function as disciplining, standardizing and excluding for some pupils, especially for those who do not engage in sports in their leisure time. In order to develop HPE’s potential into becoming healthier and more equal, researchers, teacher education and teachers do not primarily need to perceive health from the activity and individual perspectives, but rather from a power relations and equity perspective aiming towards equality.  相似文献   

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