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<正>一"停"得有"层",提升技能学练水平案例:相同教学环节,教师在巡视过程中根据个别学生学练中出现的问题进行再分组:A组出手角度问题,B组最后用力的问题,其他学生原组继续练习。教师根据问题组分层"叫停"纠错,提升学生技能学练水平。分析:教师根据学生出现的技术动作的问题,将学生再次分组,分层"叫停"纠错,针对性和目标性清晰明确,有利于促进学生技能学练水平的提高。  相似文献   

狄光盛 《武当》2009,(3):43-44
人为万物之灵,由男精(精子)(阳),女血(孵子)(阴),男女交配时精卵结合而成受精卵,道医称之为“混元体”,经十月怀胎,降生母体而为新生婴儿。  相似文献   

男子100米9.3秒,1500米3分16秒,跳高2.60米,三级跳远20米,铁饼78.30米,百米自由泳45秒……这些诱人的成绩是田径专家们为我们描述的25年后的世界纪录.不过,要达到这些目标,必须借助于现代科学技术的进一步发展.爱德华兹两破世界纪录,奥秘何在?刚刚结束的第5届世界田径锦标赛共创造了3项新的世界纪录,其中最引人注目的是男子三级跳.英国选手爱德华兹连续两次刷新世界纪录,把这一项目的纪录提高了30多厘米.他成功的奥秘何在?一个由瑞典、丹麦的运动医学专家组成的分析小组运用电脑对他的动作作了分析.他们发现,如果他能减少失误,还有可能把成绩提高到19米.记者有机会看到了专家们用电脑勾画出的爱德华兹三级跳远中最后一级跳的图形.他起跳后,大腿部与上身几乎形成直角,双臂自然举起,双脚尽可能与身体重心保持垂直.  相似文献   

<正> 王晓明老师: 听了您对症状的描述之后,初步诊断困扰您的“病”是在当前体育教学改革逐步深入、新旧教学理论转换的条件下,产生的一种常发型“流行病”。“病因”恐怕是旧教学理论的后遗症和对新教学理论的消化不良所致。此“病”在现阶段的体育教学改革时期堪称顽症,如不及时医治,将会对体育教学改革的生命产生很大的危害。  相似文献   

那么,从自己击出球开始,到球飞到对方场地的这1秒钟时间里,我们应该做些什么呢?你是不是盯着自己击出的球一直到对方的场地?是不是很在意球到底落在了哪里?是不是有时会发出"糟糕"的惊叹?注意了,所有这些都是在浪费时间!球一旦被击出,击球者对其飞行轨迹和方向完全可以做出预测。只要没有极端的强风,击球者不可能不知道球的落点。同时,球的特性从其被击出的那一刻起就已经定型,而不需要我们击球之后再去思考。因此,击球后仍一味关注着球的去向,会在不知不觉的情况下损  相似文献   

本文对我国的体育课程教学中“带着铁链跳舞”“放羊”“满堂灌”“科学放羊”“教师主导”“学生主体”“课堂常规”“自主学习”等诸多概念和说法逐一进行辨析。以期体育教师对“自主学习”有正确的理解和认识,从而在教学实践中能有效地进行课堂教学。  相似文献   

可燃冰 《桥牌》2008,(6):37-39
几天前,有朋友问我,咱们的《茶馆牌友众生相》要写到“十一”了,大小人物也出场了二十位,什么时候能排到我啊?我听了甚是欣慰,至少朋友们没将我所写的东东视为亵渎,已经有些黔驴技穷的我,终于又有了一些坚持下去的动力。  相似文献   

王红宇 《武当》2003,(12):39-40
一、含蓄 芗斋老先生在拳论中所描写的“含蓄”,在实作中,遇敌好似虎扑羊(老虎在扑猎物前瞬间呈现的含蓄状态)。势如龙驹扭丝缰(烈马被骑手拽住缰绳,使马首回扭时马所处的含蓄态,这时骑手  相似文献   

唐宋以前的古人称“壶”和“瓶”,与我们今人“壶”和“瓶”的称呼正好相反。古人所谓的“壶”和今人称之为“瓶”的形象相似;反之,唐朝人称之为“瓶”的器物上却有柄曰“錾”,有嘴曰“流”,与今天的“壶”的形象相差无几。由此可见世事沧桑,斗转星移,竟然连器物的名称也倒转了过来。  相似文献   

“结构--定向”理论与体操教学组织的理论思考   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以“  相似文献   

新课程实施已近6个年头,由于长期受到体育教学大纲思维的影响,当前仍不同程度的存在用"双基"达成情况作为衡量课堂教学"有为"与"无为"之标准,应及时打破这种教学观,树立与之相对的、符合新课标的新型"无为"教学观。本文通过对传统"有为"教学观的解析、新型"无为"教学观的界定以及两者的区别与联系进行论述,阐明了新型"无为"教学观适应体育课堂的时代要求,有助于学校体育科学发展,并在实践的基础上,将"无为"教学分为有趣、乐趣、志趣三个教学实施阶段的建议以及应注意的问题,以供大家参考借鉴。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、比较分析法、逻辑分析法等方法对2010-2013版和2014版啦啦操竞赛规则对比变化进行分析和研究,得出分值比例由1:1变为3:3:3:1、统一了评分标准、取消了难度等级、扣分力度加大等结果,希望为今后啦啦操竞赛训练提供一些理论参考。  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to the multidimensional nature of athletic involvement, which includes identity formation as well as participation in sports activities. Five hundred eighty-one sport-involved undergraduate students completed a questionnaire assessing their sport-related identities, goal orientations, primary sport ratings, and conformity to masculine norms. F-tested mean comparisons and hierarchical linear regressions were used to explore the characteristics associated with two distinct sport-related identities ("athletes" and "jocks"). Jock identity was associated with an ego-oriented approach to sports (men only), whereas athlete identity was associated with a task-oriented approach (both genders). Jock identity was positively associated with conformity to masculine norms, particularly for men, whereas athlete identity was positively associated with some masculine norms (i.e., Winning) and negatively associated with others (i.e., Playboy). These findings help to identify the correlates of a "toxic Jock" identity that may signal elevated risk for health-compromising behavior.  相似文献   

以武汉市区级青训中心运行体系为研究对象,通过专家访谈法、实地调查法等研究方法,对武汉市区级青训中心发展情况和整体运行模式进行研究分析。探讨校园足球推广计划和足球发展试点城市项目在我国同步实施和推广的现状。以期为武汉市乃至全中国青少年足球训练和后备人才培养工作提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代的来临,为旅游产业在更大范围内的融合提供了前所未有的机遇.基于"互联网+"时代的主要特征,从"互联网+"时代的视角着重论述了滑雪旅游产业发展的动力机制及其存在的障碍,并提出了促进滑雪旅游产业发展的政策建议."互联网+"时代下的滑雪旅游产业发展的动力机制主要有:旅游消费者需求的改变、技术的进步与创新和外部市场环境的变化等.当前滑雪旅游产业发展的障碍为旅游信息化的水平不高、旅游消费者个人隐私安全的制约、旅游管理体制的不健全和复合型旅游人才的匮乏.因此,为促进中国旅游产业的深度融合,需要努力提高旅游信息化水平、加强网络立法、深化旅游综合改革和大力发展旅游教育.提出适合我省滑雪旅游的思路和建议,为更好地推动我省滑雪旅游市场的开发,为相关主管部门提供可借鉴的参考意见.  相似文献   

Hiking physiology and the "quasi-isometric" concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The literature indicates that the heart rate of a planing-dinghy sailor, in winds of 4 - 5 m . s(-1), is in the range seen in aerobic athletes, yet oxygen consumption (VO(2)) is roughly half that of the same individual cycling at that heart rate. Thus, although upper-body dynamic activity is a contributing factor, the dominant physiological demand must be the "quasi-isometric" stress on the lower-body anterior muscles - especially the quadriceps, which appears to impose 40 - 50% of the total oxygen demand in a typical hiking posture. Therefore, a non-trivial part of the sailor's fitness training should involve sustained quadriceps stress. Estimates of this stress on water vary widely in the literature, but about 25 - 30% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) tallies with endurance times recorded both in the literature and in an outline of new work reported here. Muscle blood flow is restricted under such a load, but not occluded. Laser Doppler measurements of femoral blood flow on a leg-extension ergometer found similar values during 10 - 30% MVC, much less at 40%, and marked hyperaemia on relaxation from 20% MVC or more - implying metabolic debt. Adding low-amplitude alternating leg movements while holding the same overall load stationary, and therefore increasing only internal not external work, further elevates blood flow and VO(2) both during and after exercise. Femoral-vein lactate concentration is also higher after these movements. Speculations that unusually dynamic lower-body movements by elite sailors might assist hiking endurance are not supported by these findings. Nevertheless, afloat or ashore, capillary lactate concentrations hardly ever exceed 5 mmol . l(-1), even during the post-exercise surge - challenging assumptions that the quadriceps had been profoundly anaerobic while under load. On the contrary, it appears that aerobic metabolism contributes substantially, if not completely, to energy supply. A preliminary comparison of elite sailors with aerobic athletes suggests that isometric endurance at a given percentage MVC does not differ between the two groups, but the sailors have higher MVCs. In individuals not highly strength-trained, greater electromyogram activity immediately before capitulation than in an MVC performed while fresh indicates that physiological (not just volitional) limits have been reached. It is concluded that the literature and the outline of my recent work with colleagues support the view that the predominant physiological load during single-handed dinghy sailing is quasi-isometric in form and accounts for roughly half of the metabolic demand. Any more complete account of the physiology of hiking will require simultaneous on-water measurement of electromyographic, cardiovascular, and metabolic indicators in sailors extending from club to Gold Medal standard.  相似文献   

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