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为了阐明不同胎龄肾上腺的形态结构及发育情况,我们取13—41周新鲜胎儿肾上腺64例,进行测量及光电镜观察将测得数据经统计学处理绘制生长曲线.光镜下测量不同胎龄胎儿的肾上腺永久性皮质的厚度,并做径统计学处理,结果表明:36周之前各胎龄组之间没有显著性差异,36—40周和前面各胎龄组之间均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。电镜观察表明:胎儿肾上腺永久性皮质自26周分出球状带和束状带,各带细胞超微结构特点随胎龄增加变得更为显著。本文为胎儿内分泌方面的研究提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   

本文将人胚胎期新鲜垂体105例测重量、体积,然后速入Bouin氏液固定,石蜡包埋,切片经过PAF—AB—PAS—OG法染色后,光学显微镜下观察,并且论述腺垂体和神经垂体的发生过程。当胚胎十二周时,可见垂体前叶即有很清楚的PAS阳性细胞和少数AB阳性细胞。实验中对各种分泌细胞的百分值做了统计。其中可以看到垂体的相对重量随胎龄的增长而下降。文末对垂体发生和分化的动力学问题进行了讨论。垂体是内分泌腺之“首”,在胚胎期发生也较早,但对其演变过程及相关数据报告甚少,我们为了阐明国人胚胎期垂体的形态结构,以便深入探讨胚胎期垂体的功能意义,为临床上利用胎儿内分泌器官移植治疗内分泌失调疾患提供依据。  相似文献   

提要欲通过观察肺泡上皮及气一血屏障的超微结构,阐明不同胎龄肺脏的发育程度,我们选14~41周胎儿肺脏17例,进行石蜡及树酯包埋,普通及超薄切片,在光镜及透射电镜下进行观察。结果表明胎龄14周,肺部结构为假腺期,19周已有I型细胞和气一血屏障。20周后I型上皮细胞逐渐分化,22周其胞质内形成板层小体。经图象分析仪测量,  相似文献   

为了阐明不同胎龄垂体前叶细胞的功能状态,取16~4O周新鲜胎儿垂体17例,电镜下观察。依照前叶细胞的超微结构特点,可以把它们分为四种类型:未分化型细胞、分化中细胞、巳分化细胞和退化中细胞。前叶细胞的分化过程可能经历了干细胞→分化中细胞→各类激素细胞的系列顺序。胎龄16~22周时,前叶内以未分化细胞为主,偶见已分化细胞;胎龄29~34周时胞质颗粒明显的分化中细胞及已分比细胞占1/2以上。  相似文献   

男性生殖腺由腹腔后上方的生殖嵴演变而来,原位于后腹壁上部,随胎儿身长的增加及其他因素的作用.使睾丸位置随胎龄增长而相对下降。并在胚胎晚期降入阴囊内,这一过程对男性生殖腺的生长发育至关重要。为了阐明不同胎龄睾丸的位置,我们取引产男性胎儿209例,胎龄10~41周,逐一剖腹或剖开阴囊,观察统计睾丸位置。为了便  相似文献   

单底没有形成,反弹被迫推后。本周沪指转危为安,守住了2800点,也迎来了反弹,下周无疑又是一个值得期待的一周。导致周初反弹失败的因素,当属经济数据,不仅通胀  相似文献   

近期,外围不可抗拒力打乱了A股的波动,也打乱了两会后主力运作的格局,致使本周沪指在2900点附近震荡。面对一些不确定性因素的存在,下周市场的走向和操作又该如何界定?  相似文献   

为了阐明不同胎龄胸腺细胞、血胸屏障及胸腺小体的形态特点,使用光镜和电镜技术,观察了受精龄10~40周胎儿胸腺31例,对胸腺细胞早期,中期与成熟过程中超微结构特点,血胸屏障层次与特点和胸腺小体的密度和超微结构,进行观察、统计和讨论、为临床利用胎儿胸腺提供了形态学依据.  相似文献   

节后的沪指反弹在2月22日之后,便展开了缩量调整,而两会即将在下周闭幕结束,所以市场的维稳力量恐将消失,而下周也有一个关键的时间点,如3月14、15日美联储议息会议,而诸多媒体报道目前也是说美国加息是板上钉钉的事情了.所以,下周市场将迎来两大重要事件对市场的冲击,而沪指能否在下周扛过去,这是一个关键走势考验.如果沪指能在下周扛过去微跌、或者不跌、或者甚至逆势上涨,那便证明市场是强势的,如若这样市场后市就可看高一线;反之,则说明市场仍然是震荡市或者弱势,那么大家在接下来的操作便需要小心谨慎了.  相似文献   

调整的隐忧仅仅只是在本周二得以实现,随后强劲的反弹势头,助推沪指重返2800点,下周似乎是乐观的一周。上周担心数据影响市场走势,仅仅只是调整两天,随着二季度经济数据的相继公布,本周后三个交易日,成交温和放大,沪指节节攀高,2800点已重返,上升趋势似乎恢复。结合央行9周来首次实现净回购,本月再提准的可能性不大,似乎也可据此认为后继政策继续紧缩的可能性不大。当政策面相对稳定后,依照当前的惯性,下周应该是继续维持  相似文献   

The consequences of prenatal maternal stress for development were examined in 125 full-term infants at 3, 6, and 12 months of age. Maternal cortisol and psychological state were evaluated 5 times during pregnancy. Exposure to elevated concentrations of cortisol early in gestation was associated with a slower rate of development over the 1st year and lower mental development scores at 12 months. Elevated levels of maternal cortisol late in gestation, however, were associated with accelerated cognitive development and higher scores at 12 months. Elevated levels of maternal pregnancy-specific anxiety early in pregnancy were independently associated with lower 12-month mental development scores. These data suggest that maternal cortisol and pregnancy-specific anxiety have programming influences on the developing fetus.  相似文献   

髋关节滑膜皱襞生长发育的应用解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
木文对胎儿、儿童和成人三个年龄组,总计126侧髋关节进行了解剖学观测.发现片状滑膜皱襞在胎儿5月龄时就已经发生,绒毛状皱襞则在儿童早期才开始出现.并发现滑膜皱襞伴随着机体的生长发育,形态逐渐增大,数量逐渐增多,直到成年期方趋于稳定.同时发现,髋关节的滑膜皱襞(唇外皱襞)主要分布在三个部位:股骨头韧带的基部、髋臼唇外缘和股骨颈滑膜反折处.特别是髋臼唇外缘的滑膜皱襞有少数(9.52%)嵌入头臼之间的缝隙之中,作者认为唇外皱襞(C皱襞)是导致儿童髋关节滑膜皱襞综合症的形态学基础.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that stressful events during pregnancy can influence the developing fetus, resulting in attentional and neuromotor problems. This prospective study examined whether periods of vulnerability exist for neurobehavioral impairments associated with prenatal stress, using a nonhuman primate model. Twenty-eight rhesus monkey infants were born to mothers in 3 groups: (1) early gestation stress involving mild psychological stress from gestational days 45-90, (2) mid-late gestation stress from days 90-145, and (3) undisturbed controls. Infants were separated from their mothers on days 4, 9, 15, and 22 (+/- 1) postpartum for growth and neurobehavioral assessments. Results indicated that infants from the early gestation stress condition weighed less than infants from mothers stressed during mid-late gestation. Moreover, whereas both groups scored lower than controls on measures of attention and neuromotor maturity, early gestation stress was associated with more pronounced and more pervasive motor impairments than mid-late gestation stress. These results suggest sensitivity to prenatal stress effects peaks during early gestation, tapering off during mid-late gestation. Clarifying the period of greatest vulnerability to prenatal stress moves toward elucidating the underlying mechanism for prenatal stress effects and may lead to more successful intervention and/or prevention.  相似文献   

本文应用免疫组织化学PAP法,对硫脉致甲状腺功能低下(甲低)小鼠胃窦粘膜5—羟色胺及生长抑素样免疫反应细胞,进行免疫组织化学染色。结果发现:甲低时胃窦部5—羟色胺细胞数目减少(P<0.01),染色变浅,形态无明显变化。而生长抑素免疫反应细胞数目有增加趋势。此结果提示:甲状腺素可影响胃窦粘膜EC细胞中5—羟色胺的合成。  相似文献   

Biographical surveys of 65 inventors employed in the mining industry were contrasted with those of a control group of men of similar age, education and period of employment who had failed to display inventiveness in their work. The following variables were taken into account: health and physical fitness; family life; financial status; educational status; origin and development of interests; work history. Among family variables certain characteristics of both parents were found to be decisive such as age, education, practising a profession, parental relationship and attitudes, atmosphere in the home created by parents as well as child rearing strategies. The empirical data showed that certain features of fathers who were inventors stimulated development of their sons' creativity, while some features of fathers of the control group children inhibited such trends in their children.  相似文献   

Biographical surveys of 65 inventors employed in the mining industry were contrasted with those of a control group of men of similar age, education and period of employment who had failed to display inventiveness in their work. The following variables were taken into account: family life; course of learning; origin and development of interests; financial status; health and physical fitness; course of professional work. It was shown that positive parental attitudes had influenced the development of certain features in theses people as children, which later resulted in their adult life in a creative approach to their professional work. In a similar way, negative parental attitudes were restrictive and made development of such features difficult.  相似文献   

This article aims to integrate and reach beyond three distinct discourses on humanistic and liberal education: the philosophical-curricular, the historical, and the highly politicized debate between conservative and radical educational theorists. It will be argued that humanistic education can be classified into four forms -- classical, romantic, existentialist, and radical -- and that they should be viewed as complementing rather than negating each other. Finally, an integrative model of humanistic and liberal education will be offered, one whose foundational principles are acculturation, autonomy, and authenticity.  相似文献   

This study compares supernormal children with normals, in order to establish criteria for the identification of analogical reasoning in supernormal children. There were three experiments in the study involving analogical reasoning with figures, with pictures of objects or words, and with numbers. The subjects were 1,950 3‐ to 14‐year‐old normal children divided into 12 age groups, and over 100 supernormal youngsters. Relatively difficult items were more useful than easy ones in identification, while the developmental levels of supernormal children not only surpassed those of normal children of the same age, but the supernormals were found to be superior in grasping the interrelationship of objects in bipartite situations. Identification of supernormal children through analysis both of their performance and also of processes and characteristics in experimental tasks is not only necessary but also feasible.  相似文献   

Fetal movement and habituation were examined in relation to behavior and development in early infancy. 39 fetuses were evaluated between 28 and 37 weeks gestation. A vibrating stimulus was repeatedly applied to the maternal abdomen until the fetus habituated (i.e., ceased moving in response). Fetal movements were observed on an ultrasound monitor by 2 observers who recorded their observations onto a strip chart. Using a median split, fetuses were placed into high- or low-movement groups and fast- or slow-habituating groups. The groups were compared after birth on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Preliminary evidence is presented that fetal rate of habituation predicts some aspects of infant behavior and development.  相似文献   

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