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运动生物力学的同步检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘伟民 《体育与科学》1998,19(5):116-119
发展运动生物力学的同步测试技术,探讨综合同步的研究方法,对全面分析和判断运动技术的协调性,研究动作技术特征的相互关系及动作过程的时项划分,有重要意义。本文阐述了运动生物力学同步测试的概念和作用,总结了同步测试的基本方法,简要介绍了本实验室在这方面的研究和应用,提出了一些观点,供生物力学界同仁参考。  相似文献   

针对目前运动EMG测试与处理中存在的难题,我们在借鉴其他学者常用的EMG分析方法的基础上,并充分考虑到当代体育科学研究中跨学科、多指标的综合性研究的需要,开发出一套可与多台仪器联机同步测试的运动遥测EMG数据采集与处理系统。该系统实现了运动EMG信号的现场采集,解决了遥测EMG与其它测试仪器的同步测试问题,从而能够将由运动EMG信号中提取出的结果参量与其它变量进行综合分析,为评定训练效果、分析与改进技术动作提供了一种精确的测试方法。  相似文献   

中国运动生物力学研究现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用文献法,对入选第十届全国运动生物力学交流大会论文集的153篇论文,从研究选题、研究内容、研究方法、研究人员状况等方面进行统计分析.旨在了解中国运动生物力学研究现状,预测中国运动生物力学发展变化的趋势.结果表明:研究论文选题内容广泛,研究深入,运动技术类的运动生物力学研究占主流;方法学研究与测试仪器研制水平提高;研究对象由过去单一的运动员而拓展到普通人群,研究内容由过去的运动技术诊断拓展到人类健康、大众健身活动;运动生物力学教学研究和教材建设的内容较少;三维高速录像分析是未来运动学研究的主要方法.高水平的同步研究较少,多学科、多种方法的同步研究是运动生物力学研究今后发展的趋势。  相似文献   

电子式人体重心测量仪的设计及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据运动生物力学关于人体重心测试原理,设计出一种高精度的人体得心测量仪器。该仪器采用传感器和单片机技术,采集、处理、显示数据,使测试人体得心的方法更简便,结果更精确。  相似文献   

目前,我国的散打、拳击、跆拳道、泰拳等搏击项群运动正广泛地开展,而有关搏击项群运动训练的运动生物力学测试仪器则十分欠缺,这对博击项群运动的定性分析则十分困难,也不利于提高我国的搏击类运动的水平,为此研制了新型搏击项群训练测试仪。该机采用8098单片机处理数据,液晶显示屏显示数据和相关曲线等。测试结果精确明了,过程简便。  相似文献   

采用文献资料调研、数理统计等方法,对入选第12届全国运动生物力学交流大会论文汇编的200篇论文,从研究选题、研究内容、研究方法等方面进行评述.分析中国运动生物力学研究现状,进而探讨中国运动生物力学发展变化的趋势.结果表明,研究论文选题内容广泛,方法学研究深入;运动技术类的运动生物力学研究占主流,训练、测试方法的研究占有较大比重;运动装备、训练器械、测试仪器等应用研究与研制备受关注;运动损伤与大众健康是目前运动生物力学研究的热点.  相似文献   

运动生物力学方法学研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
介绍了运动生物力学方法学研究的现状,列举了常用的测试仪器、研究方法和近年来出现的新方法、新仪器;对运动生物力学方法学研究的发展趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

游泳水槽三线运动分析系统的应用介绍及二次研发的构想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文阐述了游泳水槽中用于运动生物力学分析的三线测试系统的基本原理和使用特点,突出了三线系统在数据、图像的同步采集、即刻反馈上对游泳技术诊断与评价的实时监控功能;并介绍了对其展开二次研发的构想,加入某些计算统计模块,以期更好地发挥三线系统为运动训练服务的指导作用。  相似文献   

前言采用摄影、测力、遥测肌电等多机同步测试研究运动技术的方法,是当前国际上运动生物力学研究中积极提倡的一种重要的研究方法,因为它能较全面获得运动技术信息。我们研究组从1984年年初开始在举重技术研究中试用这种方法。在实测中遇到过不少问题,通过不断总结、改进取得了初步成功。一、所用仪器与同步方法 (一)所用仪器:我们在现场测试中所使用的仪器主要是两架16mm1PL型高速摄影机、两台SC421-  相似文献   

同步技术在运动生物力学测试中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘伟民 《体育与科学》1998,19(5):110-115,96
人体运动是一个复杂的过程。要全面准确分析运动技术,了解运动规律。必须实现各种运动生物力学测试手段的同步检测。本文介绍了这方面的研究内容,包括同步信号的产生、接收、传输、转换和控制的实用技术。阐述了运用计算机技术实现运动生物力学测试同步控制方法。  相似文献   

有限元法在运动生物力学研究中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有限元法作为一种有效的研究方法,在体育器械、竞技动作、运动损伤等运动生物力学领域的创新性,已经引起国内外研究者的高度重视。在综合大量文献和已有研究的基础上,系统总结了有限元法在运动生物力学领域的研究现状及应用进展,并探讨了结构模型、材料力学和数值分析等研究技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

运动生物力学研究方法的评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对运动生物力学、研究方法及测量手段进行回顾总结。根据现代运动生物力学发展的规律与特点,对现代运动生物力学、研究方法及测量手段进行一定层次的归纳分类,并对今后运动生物力学研究方法的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

连续纵跳及其疲劳的生物力学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对27名体育系男生30次连续纵跳的纵跳摸高高度、动力学指标进行测定,对数据进行统计处理、对应比较。结果表明,纵跳摸高高度是评价运动性疲劳的有效指标,10秒钟内纵跳的纵向最大力值和冲量值可作为评价疲劳的指标。本研究确定了一些生物力学的疲劳指标,为运动生物力学对运动性疲劳的研究积累了一定的数据材料。  相似文献   

Qualitative biomechanical principles for application in coaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many aspects of human movements in sport can be readily understood by Newtonian rigid-body mechanics. Many of these laws and biomechanical principles, however, are counterintuitive to a lot of people. There are also several problems in the application of biomechanics to sports, so the application of biomechanics in the qualitative analysis of sport skills by many coaches has been limited. Biomechanics scholars have long been interested in developing principles that facilitate the qualitative application of biomechanics to improve movement performance and reduce the risk of injury. This paper summarizes the major North American efforts to establish a set of general biomechanical principles of movement, and illustrates how principles can be used to improve the application of biomechanics in the qualitative analysis of sport technique. A coach helping a player with a tennis serve is presented as an example. The standardization of terminology for biomechanical principles is proposed as an important first step in improving the application ofbiomechanics in sport. There is also a need for international cooperation and research on the effectiveness of applying biomechanical principles in the coaching of sport techniques.  相似文献   

网球是一项技术复杂,大小肌肉群都要参与的运动。正手击球是网球技术中最重要的技术之一,是各种打法都必须具备的主要得分手段。从生物力学角度看影响正手击球技术动作效果的因素很多。因此,从生物力学角度对正手不同动作阶段技术进行分析,完善运动员技术动作、减少运动损伤以及提高运动成绩都有重要作用。  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   

In this review, we explore the role of motor control and biomechanics in developing an understanding of soccer skills using kicking as the main vehicle. The links between these sub-disciplines of sport science have not been well established in the past because of an emphasis on cognitive processes in traditional accounts of motor behaviour. We argue that a dynamical systems interpretation of the processes of coordination and control in movements with multiple degrees of freedom signals a new era in the relationship between the sub-disciplines of motor control and biomechanics. Although research on coordination and control of soccer skills is currently sparse, there are indications that the relationship between motor control and biomechanics could form a significant component of scientific programmes in talent identification and skill development. Further interdisciplinary work is needed to enhance understanding of coordination and control of soccer skills.  相似文献   

In this review, we explore the role of motor control and biomechanics in developing an understanding of soccer skills using kicking as the main vehicle. The links between these sub-disciplines of sport science have not been well established in the past because of an emphasis on cognitive processes in traditional accounts of motor behaviour. We argue that a dynamical systems interpretation of the processes of coordination and control in movements with multiple degrees of freedom signals a new era in the relationship between the sub-disciplines of motor control and biomechanics. Although research on coordination and control of soccer skills is currently sparse, there are indications that the relationship between motor control and biomechanics could form a significant component of scientific programmes in talent identification and skill development. Further interdisciplinary work is needed to enhance understanding of coordination and control of soccer skills.  相似文献   

体育科学研究认识论探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对当代科学发展规律的认识探讨,从哲学认识论的角度,结合体育科研工作实际,提出了体育科研仪器的悖论,分析了微观研究的主要特点,指出了数学方法在体育科研中的局限性,强调根据具体研究情况正确选择适当的科研方法等。  相似文献   

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