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大学生运动员运动表象的测量与SIQ的初步修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探索适合我国运动员运动表象应用情况的测量工具,在系统分析运动员SIQ测量文献的基础上,以我国部分大学运动员为个案,对《运动表象问卷》在我国大学生运动员中进行了试用与修订。首先,选取了160名大学生田径运动员对SIQ的信度和效度进行了初步检验;其次,依据SIQ在大学生田径运动员中的信效度检验情况和对部分大学生运动员访谈的结果修订了SIQ。然后,选取了349名大学生运动员对修订后的SIQ进行了信效度的检验。研究表明:1)SIQ运用于大学生田径运动员时,其构想效度不太理想,造成这一结果原因可能在于被试对象的"体教结合"环境、价值取向等方面差异的影响;2)修订后的SIQ由22个条目5个维度构成,具有良好的信效度。该量表是从表象对运动员在行为过程中调节作用的视角下编制而成,可以作为进一步深入研究我国大学生运动员运动表象应用的测量工具,也可以尝试性地推广到我国职业运动员领域的应用。  相似文献   

运动员认同测量工具的研制与检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:编制一个适用于我国运动员的、具有良好信度与效度的运动员认同量表,使该工具既能测出个体的总体运动员认同状况,又能对认同的不同维度做进一步的区分与评价;研究方法:1)编制运动员认同问卷,通过对385名运动员进行施测,并对结果进行了验证性因素分析,最终形成了包含5个维度24个项目的"运动员认同测量问卷",问卷具有良好的信度、效度;2)重新选取723名运动员的大样本,对运动员认同问卷进行验证性因素分析,再次证明"运动员认同测量问卷"具有良好的信度、效度.  相似文献   

以我国692名国家队及省队运动员为被试对象,对Fletcher等人编制的运动员组织压力源问卷进行了初步修订。结果表明,修订后的运动员组织压力源问卷在我国运动队中应用具有良好的信度和效度,达到了心理测量学标准,可作为评估我国运动员组织压力源的有效和可靠工具。  相似文献   

目的对O’Connor和Casey于2015年编制的心理健康素养问卷在运动员群体中进行修订和检验。方法在国外相关问卷的基础上,分别选取了广东省、湖北省和江苏省不同项目的 283名精英运动员(Mage=18.9, SD=3.95, R ange=12~31)参与此次研究,来验证该问卷在中国运动员群体中的信、效度。结果该问卷的内部一致性信度为0.704,重测信度为0.763。由专家评定的内容效度CVI(The Content Validity Index)为0.86。与寻求专业性心理帮助态度问卷总分的相关系数为r=0.255, p=0.000;与知觉到的贬值歧视量表总分的相关系数为r=0.349, p=0.000;与寻求心理帮助行为意向问卷总分相关系数为r=0.165, p<0.01。结论本研究修订的心理健康素养问卷在精英运动员群体中具有良好的信度和效度,可适用于今后国内相关的研究。  相似文献   

通过研究对《运动员恢复——应激问卷》的信度和效度进行了检验,从而考察了该问卷测量我国射击运动员的应激和恢复状态的有效性。研究结果表明,该问卷的内部一致性信度较低,但具有较高的重测信度,还具有较好的结构效度和同时效度。  相似文献   

大学生压力测量工具的研制与检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:一套测量大学生压力的工具,使该工具既能测出个体的总体压力状况,又能对压力的不同维度做进一步的区分与评价;研究方法:1)编译“压力测量问卷”,通过对1060名大学生进行测试,并对结果进行了验证性因素分析,最终形成了包含4维度40个项目的“完整版大学生压力测量问卷”,具有良好的信度、效度;2)对完整版问卷进行了简化修订,并通过对原有样本的验证性因素分析,形成了包含4维度21个项目的“简化版大学生压力测量问卷”;3)重新选取1547名大学生,对简化版问卷进行验证性因素分析,证明“简化版大学生压力测量问卷”具有良好的信度、效度。  相似文献   

旨在开发一个可用于体育运动实践的简便有效的心理唤醒测量工具。对原有的运动员心理唤醒量表进行了修订和简化,并搜集了修订后量表的信效度资料。研究结果表明,运动员心理唤醒量表(MASA)具有较好的内部一致性信度、重测信度和结构效度。  相似文献   

为考察应激与运动员倦怠关系及其中介变量,采用运动员倦怠问卷(ABQ)等测量工具,对专业运动员进行研究.结果:从事闭锁式和开放式运动项目的运动员对倦怠的各维度均存在主效应;结构方程模型分析结果支持了修正后的理论假设模型.结论:①情绪/身体耗竭在性别上存在显著性差异,女性高于男性;成就感降低在运动等级上存在显著差异;从事运动5年以下的运动员成就感降低最明显,从事运动9年以上的运动员运动贬低最强烈.②从事个人项目与集体项目的运动员倦怠水平无差异;运动员倦怠的3个维度在开放式运动项目与闭锁式运动项目上均存在显著性差异.③应激可直接影响运动员倦怠,也可通过自我效能感及自尊等中介变量对运动员倦怠产生影响.  相似文献   

研究目的:确定我国球类集体项目运动员对球队组织信任的结构维度,编制相应的测量量表。研究方法:理论探讨、深度访谈、问卷调查、数理统计。研究结果:对214名篮球运动员的有效问卷进行探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析表明,运动员对球队组织信任量表包括能力信任和公正一致性信任2个维度,再用407名运动员的有效问卷进行了跨样本效度检验,进一步证明了2维结构模型具有合理性。研究结论:本研究编制的信任量表具有较好的信度和效度,可在今后以信任为基础的相关实证研究中使用。  相似文献   

身体自我描述问卷(PSDQ)的介绍与修订   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
在体育领域有关自我概念的研究工具中,Marsh编制的身体自我描述问卷(PSDQ)被认为是一个较好的身体自我概念的测量工具。通过对PSDQ进行初步介绍、检验与修订,主要包括:(1)因素分析;(2)分量表之间的相关;(3)题目与分量表的相关;(4)内部一致性信度和重测信度等,研究结果表明PSDQ在我国使用具有一定的信效度,但也存在l亏国外研究不符的结果,建议进一步修订和完善,以供我国研究使用。  相似文献   

Athlete burnout research has been hampered by the lack of an adequate measurement tool. The Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey (MBI-GS) are two recently developed self-report instruments designed to assess burnout. The convergent and discriminant validity of the ABQ and MBI-GS were assessed through multi-trait/multi-method analysis with a sporting population. Overall, the ABQ and the MBI-GS displayed acceptable convergent validity with matching subscales highly correlated, and satisfactory internal discriminant validity with lower correlations between non-matching subscales. Both scales also indicated an adequate discrimination between the concepts of burnout and depression. These findings add support to previous findings in non-sporting populations that depression and burnout are separate constructs. Based on the psychometric results, construct validity analysis and practical considerations, the results support the use of the ABQ to assess athlete burnout.  相似文献   


Athlete burnout research has been hampered by the lack of an adequate measurement tool. The Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey (MBI-GS) are two recently developed self-report instruments designed to assess burnout. The convergent and discriminant validity of the ABQ and MBI-GS were assessed through multi-trait/multi-method analysis with a sporting population. Overall, the ABQ and the MBI-GS displayed acceptable convergent validity with matching subscales highly correlated, and satisfactory internal discriminant validity with lower correlations between non-matching subscales. Both scales also indicated an adequate discrimination between the concepts of burnout and depression. These findings add support to previous findings in non-sporting populations that depression and burnout are separate constructs. Based on the psychometric results, construct validity analysis and practical considerations, the results support the use of the ABQ to assess athlete burnout.  相似文献   

编制运动员社会支持量表(SSQA),检验其信效度和科学性,实现社会支持的定量化评定,为运动员成长成才所需社会支持提供科学依据。运用量表编制的理论与方法形成运动员社会支持预调研量表,对460名运动员实施预调研。通过探索性因素分析形成正式测试量表,对1 056名运动员实施调研,采用验证性因素分析和信效度检验形成正式量表。结果:SSQA包含24个题项,分属教练支持、家庭支持、同伴支持、组织支持、政策舆论支持5个维度,累积解释变异量为68.419%;验证性因素分析表明量表拟合指数理想;SSQA内部一致性系数达0.908,重测系数为0.843,各维度Cronbach α系数和重测系数均达0.7以上;SSQA与效标量表相关系数为0.478,每个题项在各自维度中的负荷量均接近或大于0.6,在其他维度中的负荷量皆小于0.4。验证表明:SSQA具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为运动员社会支持测量的规范量表。  相似文献   

编制运动员社会支持量表(SSQA),检验其信效度和科学性,实现社会支持的定量化评定,为运动员成长成才所需社会支持提供科学依据。运用量表编制的理论与方法形成运动员社会支持预调研量表,对460名运动员实施预调研。通过探索性因素分析形成正式测试量表,对1 056名运动员实施调研,采用验证性因素分析和信效度检验形成正式量表。结果:SSQA包含24个题项,分属教练支持、家庭支持、同伴支持、组织支持、政策舆论支持5个维度,累积解释变异量为68.419%;验证性因素分析表明量表拟合指数理想;SSQA内部一致性系数达0.908,重测系数为0.843,各维度Cronbach α系数和重测系数均达0.7以上;SSQA与效标量表相关系数为0.478,每个题项在各自维度中的负荷量均接近或大于0.6,在其他维度中的负荷量皆小于0.4。验证表明:SSQA具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为运动员社会支持测量的规范量表。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to translate Arnold and her colleagues’ (Arnold, Fletcher, & Daniels, 2013) Organizational Stressor Indicator for Sport Performers (OSI-SP) into Chinese and examine its psychometric properties with Taiwanese athletes. In study 1, the psychometric properties of the items and the underlying structure of the translated Chinese OSI-SP were examined. In study 2, we used confirmatory factor analysis to examine the factorial structure and examined measurement invariance across genders. In study 3, we examined concurrent and discriminant validity via correlations among the Chinese OSI-SP, coping self-efficacy, perceived stress, and burnout to provide further evidence of criterion validity. Study 4 examined the test-retest reliability of the Chinese OSI-SP. Across these phases, results showed the 5-factor, 16-item Chinese OSI-SP had adequate factor structure, measurement invariance, criterion validity, and reliabilities. We suggest future studies may use this revised Chinese OSI-SP in Taiwan and other Chinese athletic settings.  相似文献   

Using a multiphase approach, the purpose of the present study was to develop a psychometrically sound questionnaire to measure protégés’ perceptions of peer athlete mentoring functions. Phase 1 consisted of three stages: (a) item development, (b) assessment of content validity via think-aloud interviews with peer mentored athletes, and (c) assessment of content validity via an expert rating panel. In phase 2, 377 Canadian National team and varsity athletes who were peer mentored completed an initial 42-item version of the Athlete Mentoring Questionnaire (AMQ) and its factor structure was examined using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), and hierarchical ESEM (ESEM-within-CFA). Measurement invariance testing was also performed in phase 2. The final version of the AMQ contains 34 items that measure six peer athlete mentoring functions. It is hoped that the development of the AMQ will spur research in the emerging area of peer athlete mentoring.  相似文献   

Given the significance of monitoring the critical environmental factors that facilitate athlete performance, this two-phase research aimed to validate and refine the revised talent development environment questionnaire (TDEQ). The TDEQ is a multidimensional self-report scale that assesses talented athletes’ environmental experiences. Study 1 (the first phase) involved the examination of the revised TDEQ through an exploratory factor analysis (n = 363). This exploratory investigation identified a 28-item five-factor structure (i.e., TDEQ-5) with adequate internal consistency. Study 2 (the second phase) examined the factorial structure of the TDEQ-5, including convergent validity, discriminant validity, and group invariance (i.e., gender and sports type). The second phase was carried out with 496 talented athletes through the application of confirmatory factor analyses and multigroup invariance tests. The results supported the convergent validity, discriminant validity, and group invariance of the TDEQ-5. In conclusion, the TDEQ-5 with 25 items appears to be a reliable and valid scale for use in talent development environments.  相似文献   

球类集体项目运动员对教练员信任的测量   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
信任是球类集体项目运动队中人员合作的基础,对于球队运动训练过程的顺利进行以及最终比赛成绩的获得都有着非常重要的作用。研究目的:编制符合球类集体项目特征、且符合心理测量学要求的运动员对教练员信任量表。方法:经过理论探讨、访谈等方法形成理论构想和条目池,分别以214名和407名大学高水平篮球运动员为被试,主要运用探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析等数理统计方法对量表进行信效度检验。结果:最终量表包括能力、仁爱心、公正一致性3个维度共计10个条目,具有较好的信效度。结论:量表的信效度符合心理测量学的要求,可作为球类集体项目运动员对教练员信任状况测量的有效、可靠的工具。  相似文献   

PurposeThe purposes of this study were to examine the trajectories of athlete burnout across a 2-month period characterized by high physical, psychological, and social demands to explore (1) whether several subgroups of athletes representing distinct burnout trajectories emerged from the analyses and (2) whether athlete burnout symptoms (reduced accomplishment, sport devaluation, and exhaustion) developed in tandem or whether some burnout dimensions predicted downstream changes in other dimensions (causal ordering model).MethodsOne hundred and fifty-nine table tennis players in intensive training centers completed a self-reported athlete burnout measure across 3 time points within a 2-month period characterized by high demands. Data were analyzed through latent class growth analysis.ResultsResults of latent class growth analysis showed 3 distinct trajectories for each athlete burnout dimension, indicating not only linear or quadratic change but also stability in longitudinal athlete burnout perceptions. Results also suggested that the 3 dimensions of athlete burnout did not develop in tandem. Rather, the likelihood of belonging to particular emerging trajectories of sport devaluation and physical/emotional exhaustion was significantly influenced by the athletes' perception of reduced accomplishment assessed at Time 1. Thus, reduced accomplishment predicted downstream changes in the 2 other athlete burnout dimensions.ConclusionAs a whole, these results highlighted that the multinomial heterogeneity in longitudinal athlete burnout symptoms needs to be accounted for in future research.  相似文献   

The development of cynical attitudes towards elite sport is a core symptom of athlete burnout and has been associated with dropout from elite sport. To date, this phenomenon has mainly been studied by investigating explicit attitudes towards sport, whereas athletes’ automatic evaluations (i.e. implicit attitudes) that have been shown to influence behavior as well were not considered. This study aimed to compare explicit and implicit attitudes towards sport of young elite athletes with high (N = 24) versus low (N = 26) burnout symptoms. Using self-reported measures, general and athlete burnout symptoms were assessed. Additionally, a single-target implicit association test was administered to examine participants’ automatic evaluation of sport. Statistical analysis revealed greater emotional/physical exhaustion and sport devaluation in athletes reporting high compared to low burnout symptoms. Implicit attitudes towards sport did not significantly differ between the groups. Furthermore, no significant correlations were observed between different athlete burnout symptoms and implicit attitudes. Athletes with high burnout symptoms show a tendency to explicitly detach themselves from sport, thus fostering sport devaluation as a core symptom of athlete burnout. However, this process does not seem to be reflected in their implicit attitudes towards sport.  相似文献   

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