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建构主义学习理论下研究性学习策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对研究性学习以及建构主义理论的深入探讨,提出和论证了建构主义学习理论是研究性学习的重要理论基础并对研究性学习策略的建构主义理论根源加以剖析。  相似文献   

网上学习实践与特定的"学习环境"、"学习理念和发展策略"之间有着必然的、或相互依托、或相互制约的关系,而对"网上学习生态学"的研究仅是"小荷才露尖尖角"。本文将"学习"看作是一个需要精心呵护、有茁壮成长潜力的"生命",并以干部网上学习生态环境保护为研究视角,以丰富的问卷调查数据为依据,以社会建构主义哲学思想、有意义学习理论、成就和支持学习文化理论为指引,深入探讨了一套适合我国干部网上学习可持续发展的、与Web2.0时代接轨的"土壤"改良方案、个性化和主动性促学策略,以及动态性学习内容设计方法等。  相似文献   

朱桂琴 《成人教育》2006,(11):28-29
建构主义学习理论认为,知识仅是一种解释,但具有动态性;学习者是学习的主体;学习是学习者主动建构知识意义的过程;学习具有社会性和文化性。建构主义学习理论视野下的成人学习策略主要有自律学习、自主学习、合作学习和问题定向学习。  相似文献   

作为建构主义思潮的重要流派之一,社会建构主义理论主要强调意义的社会建构,学习的社会情境、社会互动以及协作与交流等.这些主张与网络学习的策略设计之间具有内在的关联性.本文旨在通过阐述社会建构主义理论的基本观点,揭示基于社会建构主义网络学习策略设计原则,揭示社会建构主义在指导网络学习策略设计中的实际应用.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论与学习者学习策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章探讨了建构主义学习理论对学习者学习策略的要求,提供相关的可选学习策略,并结合实际提出大学生运用学习策略时要注意的问题.  相似文献   

在个性彰显与共同创造的Web 2.0时代,发展与时代接轨的干部网上学习策略,将是有效提升我国干部复合认知能力、促进组织可持续发展的必经之路。本文从新时期干部网上学习需求和问题辨析出发,以先进的学习理论为指引,探讨一套适应于我国党政机关、大型企事业单位、党校、行政学院和干部学院的Web2.0技术支持的干部网上学习发展策略,如"组建虚拟探讨团队"、"创建个性化虚拟空间"和"激励主动性发表"等。随后,文章还深入探讨了包括"决策人"、"政策"和"评估"等创新型干部网上学习策略实施保障体系。  相似文献   

高校英语教学网络自主学习模式具有坚实的教育理论基础和现实实践条件,在教学过程中应侧重培养学生积极有效的自主学习策略和能力。教师应从建构主义和人本主义的角度出发,以现代认知语言学理论为基础,激励学生的自主学习意识,帮助学生形成积极有效的学习策略,拓展学生的自主学习空间。  相似文献   

建构主义是认知心理学派中的一个分支。建构主义学习理论强调以学生为中心,认为学生是认知的主体,是知识意义的主动建构者。这一理论对学生的自主性学习具有很重要的意义。本文建议从注重培养自主意识、尽量满足学生需求、不断优化学习策略、不断丰富语言实践等方面提高高职英语自主性学习能力。  相似文献   

听力自主学习是提高听力的有效途径之一。建构主义和人本主义是自主学习的理论基础,元认知理论是自主学习的核心,Oxford关于学习策略的研究为自主学习提供了科学有效的指导。本文立足语言学习理论,通过分析Oxford的学习策略,研讨听力自主学习中师生双方所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

本文以建构主义观点为基础提出了大学英语口语学习的优化方法。以建构主义及其学习理论为本,分析了大学新生在英语口语学习方法上存在的障碍和问题,提出了从建构主义学习观出发,英语口语学习策略的三个方面——改变"被动接受型"学习为"主动探究型"学习;改变"个人奋斗式"学习,提倡"社会合作型"的学习;改变"去情境"的学习,创造"情境化"的学习来提高大学生英语口语学习的效率。  相似文献   

This research develops a knowledge acquisition and construction framework for e-learning for Management Accounting students at the University of South Africa, an Open Distance Learning institution which utilises e-learning. E-learning refers to the use of electronic applications and processes for learning, including the transfer of skills and knowledge over a distance. It is important to the knowledge construction process to understand how students learn in order to determine a set of suitable learning strategies. Studies have shown that e-learning applications are seldom used, sometimes because of inappropriate content and technologies. Other prohibitive factors are cost, poor or inadequate technology infrastructure (or a lack of access to such infrastructure), and a shortage of human resources. We propose a framework for addressing these concerns and consider how constructivist theories may enrich such a framework.  相似文献   

This special issue of Learning and Instruction examines the role of emotions in academic learning, with a special focus on emotions in computer-supported academic learning (or e-learning). Three central research challenges concerning emotion in e-learning are: identification (e.g., what are the key emotions in e-learning?), measurement (e.g., how can we tell how strongly a learner is experiencing each key emotion during e-learning?), and explanation (e.g., what are the causes and consequences of the learner's emotional state during learning?). A useful goal of research on emotions in e-learning is to test an affective-cognitive model of e-learning with links among an e-learning episode, the learner's emotional reaction during learning, the learner's cognitive processing during learning, and the learning outcome.  相似文献   

通过探索当前数字化学习和移动学习设计的原则和模型,本文试图找出设计云学习的有效方法。同时,文中还介绍了好的网络和移动电子学习产品的图像和设计特征。然而,如何更好地设计移动学习和云学习,仍然需要更多系统的研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the views and opinions of e-learning experts regarding future trends in the e-learning arena. The Delphi technique was chosen as a method of study. This technique is an efficient and effective group communication process designed to systematically elicit judgments from experts in their selected area of expertise. The 35 experts who participated in this study were asked to rate 16 statements according to what they think will probably happen (probability) and what they would like to see happen (desirability). Findings show that participants believe that the use of new technologies will change current educational theories and methodologies and will have impact on instructor skills, effort, feedback, and interaction as well as on the process of learning assessment. Concerning the future of e-learning, participants view a future tendency toward the provision of full online degrees, yet they are skeptical, stating that the e-learning setting will not completely replace the frontal educational setting. Regarding the impact of social and mobile technologies on e-learning, experts seem to view the role of social and mobile technologies as facilitators in the transfer and sharing of information in e-learning settings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of e-learning by comparing the learning outcomes in conventional face-to-face lectures and e-learning methods. Two video-based e-learning contents were developed based on the rapid prototyping model and loaded onto the learning management system (LMS), which was available at http://www.greenehrd.com. Eighty-five Korean agricultural high school students were randomly assigned into the two groups: face-to-face lecture (control group), and video-based e-learning (experimental group). The students of the experimental group logged onto the LMS in the school computer lab and completed each e-learning module. All students were required to take a pretest and posttest before and after learning under the direction of the subject teachers. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine any difference between the two groups in terms of learning outcomes. One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was also administered to verify whether there was any difference between the two groups after controlling for the covariate variable: pretest score. According to the results, e-learning resulted in better learning outcomes than face-to-face lecturing. These findings suggest that the use of well designed and appropriately applied e-learning could be worthy even in agricultural education, which stresses hands-on experience and lab activities. Further research should focus on a different e-learning content type in different agricultural subject fields and its relationship with learning outcome.  相似文献   

Web-based and adapted e-learning materials provide alternative methods of learning to those used in a traditional classroom. Within the study described in this article, deaf and hard of hearing people used an adaptive e-learning environment to improve their computer literacy. This environment included streaming video with sign language interpreter video and subtitles. The courses were based on the learning management system Moodle, which also includes sign language streaming videos and subtitles. A different approach is required when adapting e-learning courses for the deaf and hard of hearing: new guidelines must be developed concerning the loading and display of video material. This is shown in the example of the e-learning course, ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence). The usability of the e-learning course is analyzed and confirmed using two methods: first, the Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) evaluation method, and second, the Adapted Pedagogical Index (AdaPI), which was developed as part of this study, and gives an index to measure the pedagogical effectiveness of e-learning courses adapted for people with disabilities. With 116 participants, of whom 22 are deaf or hard of hearing, the e-learning course for the target group has been found suitable and appropriate according to both evaluation methods.  相似文献   

网络学习生态系统构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习科学的发展需要从多学科的视角来审视,用生态学的视野审视学习活动就产生了学习生态观.用生态学的整体性视角审视网络学习,也迫切需要人们去构建网络学习生态系统,但由此产生的诸如网络学习生态危机与平衡、网络学习中的情感交互、网络课程的生态设计与开发等新问题又需要人们进一步探寻.  相似文献   

当今我国高等教育已经进入大众化时代,在就业形势日趋严峻的今天,各高职院校都非常重视职业指导工作,但从专业建设的角度来研究职业指导鲜见有人涉及,本文就是从这一新的视角,与专业建设相结合,探索如何推进高职院校职业指导工作。  相似文献   

面向个人终身学习的数字化学习资源生态化发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,终身学习理念的不断深入,数字化学习资源作为终身学习的重要组成部分越来越受到研究者的普遍关注。终身学习环境下的数字化学习资源应具有丰富性、可共享、个性化、动态更新等特征,这与教育生态学理念不谋而合。因此,文章以终身学习为研究背景,提出了一套数字化学习资源生态化发展模式。该模式融合教育生态学与本体理论,将其应用到数字化学习资源的组织、生长,进化与演变各阶段中,实现数字化学习资源的有序化组织,自我生长,优胜劣汰的进化以及生命周期的演变,以满足终身学习者对数字化学习资源的需求。  相似文献   

个人因素对E-learning的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E-learning已是当前学习不可缺少的一部分。文章在介绍E-learning的特点和理论基础之上,着重从八个方面分析了网络学习者的个人因素对E-learning的影响。为有效地提高E-learning的效果和交流质量提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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