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大家知道,铅球在我们诸多训练项目中最枯燥,最单调,同时它的投掷技术也比较复杂。先后经历了原地推技术,侧向垫步式推技术,背向滑步式推技术和背向旋转式推技术。因而在铅球训练方面就有许多值得探讨的东西。我们知道影响铅球投掷成绩的因素有很多,但最主要的因素是器械出手时的初速度、出手角度和出手高度。所以我们在技术训练中一定要围绕这个中心展开。下面我就从技术训练的角度来谈一下如何提高和改进铅球出手瞬间的速度,角度和高度(注:在下面分析中均以背向滑步式右手推铅球为例)。旨在为铅球技术训练,尤其是给我们基层训练提供一定的技术参考。  相似文献   

为了尽快提高我国原有速滑优势项目短距离的水平,在2002年盐湖城冬奥会上创造优异成绩,运用运动技术生物力学诊断的方法,对世界和我国高水平选手的直道支撑腿技术进行比较,研究发现,国际优秀选手与我国优秀选手存在的主要技术差异是:国际优秀选手蹬冰时支撑腿膝关节角度降低造成臀部位置下降,延长了蹬冰距离;我国优秀选手蹬冰时支撑腿膝关节角度保持不变,没有延长蹬冰距离。同时也发现了薛瑞红的技术优势:她在非蹬冰内刃滑行时支撑腿膝关节角度下降,增大了转化为蹬冰腿时膝关节的伸展角度。  相似文献   

对跳马前手翻推手技术的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从运动学和动力学的角度,对跳马的推手技术进行定量研究,以便找出完成推手技术动作的技术关键,为青少年体操运动员的技术训练提供一些技术参数。  相似文献   

通过运动生物力学对轮滑板运动的带板跳技术研究得出:跨越障碍时,滑板者所需的起跳速度与起跳角度和障碍高度紧密相关。随着障碍高度逐渐升高,起跳速度和起跳角度存在增大的趋势。同时阐述了带板跳技术原理与方法。  相似文献   

米博 《冰雪运动》2008,30(4):15-18
采用标准的三维摄像DLT法和录像解析法,对短道速滑优秀女运动员3000m接力决赛中接力过程的踝膝关节角度运动学特征及相关模型进行了研究,通过统计学分析踝、膝关节角度与有关运动学因素的相关性,建立基于踝膝关节角度的预测模型,为接力技术诊断与训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

从技术统计看九运会男子排球决赛的技术运用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
朱征宇  陈子锐  付强 《体育学刊》2002,9(3):117-119
运用数理统计和分析对九运会男子排球前12名决赛阶段46场比赛的20063技术个数据进行了探究,结果表明:我国男子排球参赛队伍发球技术和拦网技术偏低,扣球技术缺乏制胜特点,各队应从系统的角度加强相关的技术训练。  相似文献   

本从波浪式蛙泳技术角度,简述了波浪式蛙泳的技术特点,认为运动员采用波浪式技术有助于速度的提高。  相似文献   

本文对背越式跳高的技术核心,从功能原理角度进行分析和探讨,为背越式跳高在训练中如何提高功率,利用能的转换,为解决跳高技术中经济性和实效性提供理论依据,供读者参考。  相似文献   

论背越式跳高摆动腿动作的技术原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据背越式跳高技术的动作方法,运用运动生物力学的基本理论,从运动学和动力学的角度,对背越式跳高技术中,摆动腿在起跳阶段的3个不同时段内的技术原理进行了分析与讨论。  相似文献   

现代短跑摆腿技术的分析及训练手段设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊丽华  曾强毅 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):116-117
通过对现代短跑技术的再认识,从运动的统一体特征、运动力学和运动生理学角度分析现代短跑的摆腿技术,论述了摆腿技术是提高跑速的主要因素之一,并设计了摆腿技术的训练手段与方法。  相似文献   

研究目的:探究铁链、弹力带与恒定阻力结合的可变阻力训练方式对爆发力的影响。研究方法:检索铁链、弹力带与恒定阻力结合的可变阻力训练相关研究文献,将最大力量、动作速度和功率输出3个指标与恒定阻力训练相关数据进行对比。结果:较多的研究显示,铁链、弹力带与恒定阻力结合的可变阻力训练方式相对于传统的恒定阻力训练,在最大力量、动作速度和功率输出方面让训练者获得更大的效益。也有部分实验显示,可变阻力训练虽然取得了效果,但未见明显的优势。结论:铁链、弹力带与恒定阻力结合的可变阻力训练对爆发力影响总体是正向的,但内在机制尚不明确。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to compare the effect of the constant load and self-paced exercise with similar total work on autonomic control after endurance exercise. Ten physically active men were submitted to (i) a maximal incremental exercise test, (ii) a 4-km cycling time trial (4-km TT), and (iii) a constant workload test with identical total external work performed at 4-km TT. Gas exchange was measured throughout the tests, while blood lactate, heart rate, and heart rate variability (HRV) were measured during the passive recovery. Power output measured at the last lap (i.e. 3600–4000?m) of 4-km TT (316?±?89?W) was statistically higher than power output measured at the end of the constant workload exercise (211?±?42?W). The 4-km TT produced higher values of blood lactate concentration (8.8?±?2.1?mmol?L?1) than the constant workload test (7.8?±?2.1?mmol?L?1). The heart rate recovery measured at 60?s (constant workload: 37?±?7?bpm; 4-km TT: 30?±?6) and 120?s (constant workload: 57?±?9?bpm; 4-km TT: 51?±?9?bpm) were higher in the constant workload than in the self-paced exercise. The HRV (i.e. RMSSD30s) was statistically higher in the constant load exercise measured at 120, 420, 450, 480, 540, and 570?s than the self-paced exercise. These findings suggest that the autonomic control responses were dependent of the endurance exercise modalities, with parasympathetic activity being delayed after self-paced exercise, as evidenced by post-exercise heart rate indices.  相似文献   

通过对分别采用慢速结合快速减重和匀速减重两种不同减重方式的摔跤运动员赛前减体重期间的体成分、免疫系统、内分泌系统、氧运转系统、物质能量代谢及力量素质的有关指标进行跟踪监测和对比研究,结果显示:对运动员体成分的改善,慢速结合快速减重优于匀速减重方式;对运动员免疫能力、内分泌系统、能量物质消耗、力量素质的影响,慢速结合快速减重小于匀速减重方式;对运动员氧运转系统能力影响,匀速小于慢速结合快速减重方式。  相似文献   

Optimizing generalized motor program and parameter learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments examined generalized motor program (GMP) and parameter learning. Experiment 1 examined the effects of bandwidth knowledge of results (KR) about relative timing in constant and variable practice. The purpose was to determine if movement stability created by the bandwidth manipulation is associated with increased GMP learning and if bandwidth KR interacts with constant and variable practice. Participants were asked to depress four keys sequentially, using the same relative timing structure. Constant practice had one absolute timing requirement, whereas variable practice had three different absolute timing requirements. The results indicated that GMP learning was enhanced by constant practice (independent of the bandwidth KR condition) and by bandwidth KR, when variable practice was used. The findings suggest practice conditions (bandwidth KR, constant practice) that increase movement stability during practice enhance GMP learning. Parameter learning (during transfer), however, was enhanced by variable practice. Experiment 2 attempted to determine how constant and variable practice conditions could be combined to enhance both GMP and parameter learning. The results indicated that developing a stable GMP early in practice--by providing learners with constant practice early in practice--and refining parameter learning later in practice--by providing them with variable practice late in practice--were effective for both GMP and parameter learning. This suggests a hierarchy in the development of programmed actions with a stable GMP being a requisite for developing an effective and stable parameter rule.  相似文献   

古往今来人们一直往想健康长寿的秘方,为了追求长寿而不断地探索。随着人类社会不断进步、经济的不断发展,人们物质生活和精神生活不断提高,人们的健身理念也在不断地更新和发展,由传统的为追求长寿而向更深层次发展,更多地是追求生活质量和生命质量。就此,从生命科学角度讨论人们健身的理念,提出生物、心理、健身三位一体的理论并对其加以探究,指出只有充分发挥三者相融的健身理念;才能达到最佳健身效果和满足人们的身心方面良好需求。  相似文献   

中国足球协会的改革需要公民社会参与   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国足协与国家体育总局足球运动管理中心是“两块牌子、一套班子”,行政机关与行业组织合二为一,是政府行政权力的延伸,造成了职能僵化和权力滥用,必须深化改革。随着公民社会的兴起,中国足球协会的改革和公民社会的参与形成了相互依存的关系。一方面中国足球协会的性质和目前的“乱作为”需要公民社会的参与,实现足协公共决策和公共服务的优化;另一方面公民社会参与有利于遏制中国足球协会公权力专断,实现公民社会参与下的中国足球协会职能的不断转变、服务体系的不断完善、服务方式的不断创新、社会组织的不断健全。  相似文献   

The literature suggests that the oxygen uptake (VO2) response to the onset of moderate-intensity exercise may be both mature from childhood and independent of sex. Yet the cardiorespiratory response to exercise and the metabolic profile of the muscle appear to change with growth and development and to differ between the sexes. The aim of this study was to investigate further changes in the VO2 kinetic response with age and sex. Participants completed a series of no less than four step change transitions, from unloaded pedalling to a constant work rate corresponding to 80% of their previously determined ventilatory threshold. Each participant's breath-by-breath responses were interpolated to 1 s intervals, time aligned and then averaged. A single exponential model that included a time delay was used to analyse the averaged response following phase 1 (15 s). Participants with parameter confidence intervals more than +/- 5 s were removed from the sample; the results for the remaining 13 men and 12 women (age 19-26 years), 12 boys and 11 girls (age 11-12 years) were used for statistical analysis. Children had a significantly shorter time constant than adults, both for males (19.0+/-2.0 and 27.9+/-8.6 s respectively; P<0.01) and females (21.0+/-5.5 and 26.0+/-4.5 s respectively; P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the time constant between the sexes for either adults or children (P>0.05). A significant relationship between the time constant and peak VO2 was found only in adult males (P<0.05). A shorter time constant in children may reflect an enhanced potential for oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that the oxygen uptake ( V O 2 ) response to the onset of moderate-intensity exercise may be both mature from childhood and independent of sex. Yet the cardiorespiratory response to exercise and the metabolic profile of the muscle appear to change with growth and deve . lopment and to differ between the sexes. The aim of this study was to investigate further changes in the V O2 kinetic response with age and sex. Participants completed a series of no less than four step change transitions, from unloaded pedalling to a constant work rate corresponding to 80% of their previously determined ventilatory threshold. Each participant's breath-by-breath responses were interpolated to 1 s intervals, time aligned and then averaged. A single exponential model that included a time delay was used to analyse the averaged response following phase 1 (15 s). Participants with parameter confidence intervals more than - 5 s were removed from the sample; the results for the remaining 13 men and 12 women (age 19-26 years), 12 boys and 11 girls (age 11-12 years) were used for statistical analysis. Children had a significantly shorter time constant than adults, both for males (19.0 - 2.0 and 27.9 - 8.6 s respectively; P ? 0.01) and females (21.0 - 5.5 and 26.0 - 4.5 s respectively; P ? 0.05). There were no significant differences in the time constant between the sexes for either adults or children ( P > 0.05). A significant relationship between the time constant and peak V O 2 was found only in adult males ( P ? 0.05). A shorter time constant in children may reflect an enhanced potential for oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

跑鞋能量特性的理论探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过人在跑步中鞋的能量特性分析,得出如下结论:在跑速一定的情况下,鞋子越重,人体所消耗的能量就越多;在跑步中,鞋子水平方向的运动使人体消耗的附加能量比鞋子垂直方向运动要多得多;在受力大小一样的情况下,软鞋子内储存的弹性能比硬质鞋子内储存的弹性能要多;鞋子的弹性能能否被人体运动所利用则要考虑时间效应、频率效应和位置效应等几个因素。  相似文献   

现代篮球运动创新理论综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代篮球运动的迅速发展和旺盛的生命力,来自于篮球运动理论的不断创新。篮球运动理论的不断发展、创新,是为了在竞争中获得主动,并为现代篮球运动水平的提高起着至关重要的推动作用。因此,以篮球运动实践为依据,运用综合分析再综合的方法,研究篮球运动理论创新的方法,探讨篮球运动理论创新的新进展,对我国篮球运动的发展有着十分重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

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