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目的研究旨在比较核心动作经验教学与传统体育活动教学对学前儿童大肌肉动作发展水平的差异,为幼儿园、家庭与社会对促进学前儿童动作发展提供指导策略。方法通过教学实验法,将120名受试儿童随机分为实验组与对照组进行动作教学干预,对照组进行传统体育教学内容干预。结果 (1)动作教学干预后,实验组受试儿童大肌肉动作发展水平总分、移动性技能得分、操作性技能得分较实验前测均显著提高(P<0.01),实验组各年龄段单项动作技能得分都有明显提高,提高幅度较均衡。(2)经独立样本t检验,实验组与对照组大肌肉动作发展水平实验前测无显著差异(P>0.05)。实验后测,实验组大肌肉动作发展总体水平显著优于对照组(P<0.01),其中实验组比对照组操作性技能的提高幅度更为显著(P<0.05)。结论以动作体系为依据的教学能够有效地提高学前儿童大肌肉动作发展水平;动作教学对促进学前儿童大肌肉动作发展的效果明显优于传统体育教学;大肌肉动作发展测试第3版(TGMD-3)在研究中表现出较好的信效度。  相似文献   

目的:初步探索农村地区学前儿童基本动作发展情况,以Newell的约束模型(constraints model)为理论基础,为学前儿童设计发展适宜性的身体活动,并检验为期8周的体育教学活动对幼儿基本动作发展的影响。方法:以山东省潍坊市某农村幼儿园学前儿童(n=109)为研究对象,以班为单位随机分配到实验组(n=54)和对照组(n=55)。实验组儿童参与为期8周的动作技能发展课程,对照组儿童参与幼儿园正常的教学活动。课程开始前和结束后一周内,采用TGMD-2对受试儿童进行测试。结果:1)研究中农村儿童的移动技能和物体控制技能的基线均显著低于TGMD-2的常模。2)经8周基本动作教学,实验组的后测GMQ显著高于对照组(P<0.001),对照组的GMQ在实验前后没有显著差异(P=0.087)。3)性别对教学干预无显著影响(P=0.703);实验组的后测移动技能和物体控制技能得分均显著高于对照组的后测成绩(P<0.001)。结论:研究中农村幼儿的基本动作发展相对滞后,物体控制技能发展水平低下是主要来源;为期8周的基本动作教学活动能够有效地促进农村学前儿童基本动作技能的发展。  相似文献   

为了评价体操游戏健身方案对幼儿下肢运动能力的影响,运用影像分析方法分析不同年龄阶段幼儿实验组和对照组立定跳远过程的运动学指标变化情况。研究结果表明体操游戏健身方案干预对立定跳远远度的影响存在统计学差异;干预期间,实验组与对照组幼儿关节角度变化幅度结果之间无显著性差异,但实验组幼儿关节角度变化无论男生女生在实验干预前后有显著性的差异;进行体操游戏健身方案后的幼儿髋、膝、踝关节的活动幅度都相对提高,干预对膝关节运动幅度的影响要强于髋关节和踝关节;随着年龄的增大,训练时间增长,年龄大的幼儿关节角度变化幅度实验组比对照组明显增加。  相似文献   

立定跳远是由准备、起跳、腾空和落地四个技术环节构成,是发展下肢弹跳力和爆发力的主要运动项目之一,也是衡量学生体质健康的重要指标之一,并且,由于其简便易行,从而成为高中体育的重要课堂教学项目。但是,在实际教学中发现,高中阶段学生立定跳远成绩并未得到显著的提高。究其根本,在于教学中对立定跳远动作发展规律认识不足,认为立定跳远教学就是教会学生正确的动作,让学生重复练习即可。这种对立定跳远动作发展规律缺乏根本性认识,导致教学设计及教学方法有效性不足,从而影响立定跳远教学的质量。因此,本文对高中生立定跳远动作发展规律进行研究,并结合其发展规律对高中生立定跳远教学设计进行探索。  相似文献   

<正>立定跳远是封闭式田径运动项目,由预摆、起跳、腾空和落地4个技术环节共同构成。本文以水平二(四年级)《跳类》大单元教学中《立定跳远》一课为例,呈现课程设计的具体操作方法。运用“动物模仿秀”、超人游戏及软式栏架进行辅助练习,让学生循序渐进体验立定跳远的技术动作特点,同时利用软式栏架可创意拼插的特点,创设不同高度、远度的挑战目标,既实现了分层教学,解决了立定跳远的重难点,又增强了练习的趣味性,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

<正>一、及时性原则案例:小学低年级的学生学习立定跳远时,常见一些学生只关注跳的远度,忽视对技术动作的学习,在做起跳练习时经常出现两脚不自觉地向前移动并单脚起跳的现象,这与立定跳远"两脚同时起跳"的动作要领不相符,学生也不能真正地掌握立定跳远的正确的动作要领。简析:在体育教学过程中,由于学生自以为动作简单,没有注意教师讲解或没有细致观察教师的示范动作,导致学生出现错误的技术动作。  相似文献   

立定跳远是体现身体素质的一个重要项目。在平时的教学中,学生往往出现蹬腿无力,腾空高度低,收腿不积极等现象。根据以上情况,我在教学中采取如下做法,取得较显著效果。1.讲解示范立定跳远的动作要领,给学生建立一个正确的技术动作概念。2.立定跳远,落到1.2~1.5米(适当距离)的海绵垫子上。3.逐渐加大离海绵垫的距离进行立定跳远。充分调动了学生学习的积极性,提高学生学习的兴趣。同时,由于海绵垫子有适当的高度和远度,通过视觉使大脑产生刺激,促使学生改变蹬地方向,增大  相似文献   

儿童是形成并发展多种基本动作技能的关键期.运用美国大肌肉动作发展测试第二版(TGMD-2)对我国山东省济南市随机抽取的1 046名3~10岁的儿童(平均6.6±2.07岁)进行测试,将结果与美国常模进行对比,同时结合香港和巴西儿童基本动作技能发展情况进行比较研究.结果显示:济南市3~10岁儿童的移动和控制物体能力随着年龄的增长逐步提高,且移动能力的发展要好于物体控制能力的发展;位移动作中,跑、立定跳远、侧滑步和跨跳的表现较好,而单脚跳表现相对较差;物体控制动作中,踢球动作表现较好,原地拍球和上手投球的表现较差;位移动作技能发展整体上要好于美国儿童,只是达到优秀水平的儿童较少;物体控制动作发展水平达到优秀的极少,大部分处于平均及以下的水平,发展出现迟缓的儿童达到了62.33%;整体上儿童基本动作技能发展优秀的太少(0.9%),处于平均水平的儿童相对较多(58.59%),而发展滞后(处于平均水平之下)的人数也相对较多(38.05%).  相似文献   

<正>在立定跳远教学中,学习好立定跳远的基本动作和发展学生的爆发力是教学的关键,在课堂上如果只是反反复复地练习基本动作,学生就会觉得课堂内容非常乏味。如何提高学生在立定跳远教学中的积极性?通过实验,把小垫子运用到立定跳远教学中和传统的立定跳远教学进行对比,立定跳远教学中采用小垫子辅助教学可以起到集中  相似文献   

目的为了研究增强股后肌群力量训练对初中生立定跳远的影响。方法采用实验法对72名初中生进行测验,采取两种训练方法,即用下肢力量训练与下肢力量训练+专门的股后肌群训练。结果两种训练方法均可提高跳远成绩,对照组、实验组干预前后成绩相比有显著性差异;实验组在增加专门的股后肌群训练的干预后,立定跳远成绩明显优于对照组,干预后的对照组成绩(188.75±24.09cm)与实验组成绩(205.33±26.38cm)存在显著性差异(p=0.007,t=-2.785);从不同性别分析,男、女生在干预后的跳远成绩都有明显提高,男生干预后的对照组(204.00±19.97cm)与实验组(224.50±17.31cm)之间有显著性差异(p=0.001,t=-3.468),女生干预后的对照组(169.69±12.31cm)与实验组(181.38±11.90cm)之间存在统计学上差异(p=0.010,t=-2.730),男生在第4周之后实验组与对照组有明显性差异,女生则在第12周之后实验组与对照组之间出现显著性差异。结论下肢力量训练可以提高跳远成绩,但增加专门的股后肌群力量训练对提高立定跳远的成绩效果更佳。  相似文献   

This study compared performances and motor delay classifications for the Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition (TGMD-2) and the Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder (KTK) in a sample of 424 healthy children (47% girls) between 5 and 10 years of age. Low-to-moderate correlations (r range = 0.34–0.52) were found between assessments across age. In general, both boys and girls demonstrated higher raw scores across age groups. However, percentile scores indicated younger children outperformed older children, denoting a normative percentile-based decrease in motor competence (MC) in the older age groups. In total, the TGMD-2 and KTK classified 39.4% and 18.4% children, respectively, as demonstrating very low MC (percentile ≤5). In conclusion, the TGMD-2 classified significantly more children with motor delays than the KTK and the differences between children’s motor skill classification levels by these assessments became greater as the age groups increased. Therefore, the TGMD-2 may demonstrate more susceptibility to sociocultural influences and be more influenced by cumulative motor experiences throughout childhood. Low-to-moderate correlations between assessments also suggest the TGMD-2 and KTK may measure different aspects of MC. As such, it may be important to use multiple assessments to comprehensively assess motor competence.  相似文献   

Process-oriented motor competence (MC) assessments evaluate how a movement is performed. Product-oriented assessments evaluate the outcome of a movement. Determining the concurrent validity of process and product assessments is important to address the predictive utility of motor competence for health. The current study aimed to: (1) compare process and product assessments of the standing long jump, hop and throw across age groups and (2) determine the capacity of process assessments to classify levels of MC. Participants included 170 children classified into three age groups: 4–5, 7–8 and 10–11 years old. Participants’ skills were examined concurrently using three process assessments ((Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition [TGMD-2]), Get Skilled; Get Active, and developmental sequences) and one product measure (throw speed, jump and hop distance). Results indicate moderate to strong correlations between (1) process assessments across skills and age groups (r range = .37–70) and (2) process and product assessments across skills and age groups (r range = .26–.88). In general, sensitivity to detect advanced skill level is lowest for TGMD-2 and highest for developmental sequences for all three skills. The use of process and product assessments is suggested to comprehensively capture levels of MC in human movement.  相似文献   

Background: Fundamental motor skill proficiency is essential for engagement in sports and physical play and in the development of a healthy lifestyle. Children with motor delays (with and without disabilities) lack the motor skills necessary to participate in games and physical activity, and tend to spend more time as onlookers than do their peers. As such, intervention programs are crucial in promoting motor skill development of children with motor delays. While mastery climate (MC) interventions have shown to positively impact children’s motor performance, what is unknown is the impact of cognitive strategies used by children within these climates. Furthermore, although vigorous play seems to be related to the development of gross motor skills, it is still unknown if children with and without disabilities would benefit from exercise play (EP) interventions.

Purpose: This study examined the effects of MC and EP interventions on the motor skill development and verbal recall (VR) of children with motor delays. The sample included children with and without disabilities.

Research designs: One hundred and thirty-eight children from 27 urban public schools were referred to the present study. Children were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development second edition (TGMD-2) and a VR checklist. Sixty-four children (18 with disabilities and 46 without) met the inclusion criteria, which was a score less than the fifth percentile on the TGMD-2. Participants were randomly assigned to the MC or EP 14-week interventions emphasizing gross motor skill practice.

Data collection and analysis: Children were assessed at pre- and post-intervention. A 2 (groups)?×?2 (disability) × 2 (time) analyses of variance with repeated measures on the last factor was conducted. Change scores, t-test comparisons on the delta scores and Cohen’s D were also calculated.

Results: The MC group demonstrated significant and positive changes over the intervention period. Further, the MC group showed superior locomotor and object control performance and higher recall of verbal cues (p?≤?.05) at post-intervention compared to the EP group. Children with and without disabilities within the MC showed similar patterns of improvement. The EP intervention did not demonstrate significant improvements.

Conclusion: Children with and without disabilities showed improvements in motor skills and VR when exposed to an MC, incorporating the six TARGET structures. These structures included (a) providing feedback and encouragement, providing opportunities for decision-making and establishing personal goals, (b) including parents in the recognition of children’s achievements, (c) creating opportunities to experience leadership and self-pacing, (d) guiding children to use verbal cues and modeling when practicing gross motor skills, and (e) providing demonstrations and teaching children to self-monitor their performance. Instruction is therefore seen as critical to learning gross motor skills, as demonstrated from the findings. Although there were opportunities for vigorous play within the EP intervention, the children did not show improvements in motor performance or VR. These findings suggest that new trends in teacher education physical education to prioritize physical activity over good motor skill instruction may not be advantageous for children in the early years, and should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The Test of Gross Motor Development – Second Edition (TGMD-2) is a widely used evaluation tool of children’s fundamental motor skills (FMS). This study illustrates how exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) addresses current limitations associated with TGMD-2 factor structure. Using the normative dataset from the TGMD-2 manual, we test alternative measurement models using ESEM and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and assess measurement invariance between boys and girls and across age. Findings highlight complexity and poor discriminant validity in the two-factor solution that is accentuated when relying on CFA independent clusters assumption. Results also demonstrate differential item functioning (DIF) across age for three of the 12 TGMD-2 indicators. Taken together, this study provides valuable information on the need to reevaluate the TGMD-2 factor structure and can guide revisions for the third edition of the TGMD.  相似文献   

王珏  杨红春  陈谦 《浙江体育科学》2012,(5):105-108,112
对浙江省25所幼儿园3~6岁的5 267名学前儿童进行立定跳远和10m连续跳测试,观察浙江省学龄前儿童的下肢力量发展情况,旨在为评价学前儿童下肢的活动能力及其发展趋势以及探寻运动素质发展敏感期提供参考依据。结果发现3~6岁幼儿的立定跳及连续跳成绩随年龄的增长而显著增加。性别因素对两个指标的测试成绩有明显的影响,但对两次测试的变化率没有影响。分析得出浙江省城市3~6岁男童立定跳能力显著强于同年龄段女童,在3岁时增长速率最大;连续跳成绩男女组在相同年龄段几乎没有差异,结合立定跳成绩分析显示,女童的下肢协调性优于同年龄段男童。  相似文献   

Different countries have different methods for assessing movement competence in children; however, it is unclear whether the test batteries that are used measure the same aspects of movement competence. The aim of this paper was to (1) investigate whether the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2) and Körperkoordinations Test für Kinder (KTK) measure the same aspects of children’s movement competence and (2) examine the factorial structure of the TGMD-2 and KTK in a sample of Australian children. A total of 158 children participated (M age = 9.5; SD = 2.2). First, confirmatory factor analysis examined the independent factorial structure of the KTK and TGMD-2. Second, it was investigated whether locomotor, object control and body coordination loaded on the latent variable Movement Competency. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated an adequate fit for both the KTK and TGMD-2. An adequate fit was also achieved for the final model. In this model, locomotor (r = .86), object control (r = .71) and body coordination (r = .52) loaded on movement competence. Findings support our hypothesis that the TGMD-2 and KTK measure discrete aspects of movement competence. Future researchers and practitioners should consider using a wider range of test batteries to assess movement competence.  相似文献   

目的调查轻度智障儿童基本运动技能(FMS)与体力活动水平,探讨二者之间的关系,为该群体运动参与能力的提升及其健康促进提供指导思路。方法选取上海市65名轻度智障儿童作为调查对象,运用TGMD-2和ActiGraph GT3X+三轴加速度传感器分别对其FMS及体力活动水平进行测量和评价,对相关数据进行统计分析。结果轻度智障儿童FMS平均总得分为(67.82±7.31)分,其中位移技能得分显著高于物理控制技能(P<0.01),男生位移技能得分显著高于女生(P<0.05),但物体控制技能无显著性别差异(P>0.05)。15.6%的轻度智障儿童能满足每天60 min中高强度体力活动(MVPA)推荐量,男生平均每天MVPA时间显著高于女生(P<0.01),周末日体力活动时间显著高于上学日(P<0.01)。总体上轻度智障儿童的低强度体力活动(LPA)、MVPA和总体力活动(TPA)时间与FMS得分均呈正相关(r=0.351~0.547,P<0.05)。FMS得分对轻度智障儿童平均每天MVPA时间、TPA时间具有解释意义(R^2=0.381,P<0.01;R^2=0.409,P<0.01)。位移技能是解释每天MVPA时间的唯一变量(β=0.490,P<0.01)。结论轻度智障儿童的FMS发展与体力活动水平整体呈正相关关系,基于该群体技能发展层面的体力活动促进是该领域相关研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

Background and purpose: Attentional focus cues have been shown to impact motor performance of adults and children. Specifically, an external focus of attention results in improved motor learning and performance as compared to adopting an internal focus of attention. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of an internal and external attentional focus cue on children’s object control skill performance during a commonly used motor skill assessment.

Methods: Using a within-participant design, a total of 44 children (Mage?=?7.7 years, 20 boys and 24 girls) completed all three attentional focus conditions. The object control subscale of the Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd Edition (TGMD-2; Ulrich, 2000. Test of Gross Motor Development-2. Austin: Pro-Ed.) served as the motor skill assessment in present study. The TGMD-2 is a normed and criteria-referenced assessment frequently used to assess fundamental motor skill competence in children. The object control subtest of the TGMD-2 assesses a child’s ability to complete six fundamental motor skills – striking a stationary ball, stationary dribble, catch, kick, overhand throw, and underhand roll. All participants completed the object control subtest of the TGMD-2 under three different attentional focus conditions: baseline (i.e. neutral focus), internal, and external. The internal cue focused on movement performance and the external cue focused on movement outcome. In all three conditions, a video demonstration of proper skill performance was used to ensure no difference in visual demonstration, but the overlaying audio was changed to encompass each attentional focus condition. Children’s motor performance was recorded and later coded by a single researcher blinded to the study. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to determine if children’s motor scores changed among the three conditions.

Results: Findings demonstrated that children’s performance differed among the three conditions (F(2,43)?=?3.5, p?Post hoc analysis revealed that children scored significantly better in the external cue condition compared to the baseline (difference?=?1.98, p?Conclusion: Children performed better when given a verbal instruction to focus their attention externally rather than a verbal instruction with no attentional focus cue. No significant differences exist between the internal and external focus condition or between the neutral and internal condition. Our findings align with the literature and support that external attentional focus cues have a positive effect on motor performance. From a teaching and learning standpoint, using consistent instructions appears to be essential for young learners. Slight changes in verbal cues can have a significant effect on how well children execute fundamental motor skills.  相似文献   

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