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身体活动已成为延缓老年人认知老化、提高青少年认知功能、改善学生学习等的重要因素,然而基于特定认知效益的锻炼处方设计仍需探索。研究分别从单次身体活动和长期身体活动角度探讨身体活动强度、身体活动时间、身体活动频率、身体活动总量、身体活动类型与认知效益之间的量效关系。在此基础上,提出未来研究应该重点考虑身体活动4个要素的整体设计、考虑不同身体活动项目的认知效益、考察不同人群身体活动的认知效益、考察身体活动认知效益量效关系的机制等,进而为制定促进认知效益的身体活动方案提供循证依据。  相似文献   

身体活动是提高人们健康水平的重要手段.随着人们行为方式和饮食结构的改变,身体活动及能量消耗呈下降趋势,从而导致了诸如心血管疾病、2型糖尿病等慢性疾病的高发.由国家或专业组织编写的身体活动指南是人们提高身体活动量与强度的科学依据.通过对《2008美国人身体活动指南》制定的背景,以及在锻炼时间、锻炼的规律性、对不同人群的分类指导、力量与有氧耐力项目的重视及运动的安全性分析,结合我国的实际情况,认为应加强普通人群身体活动的科学研究、多部门合作搭建发展平台、重视身体活动的社会价值研究、强化身体活动干预并尽快研制我国公民身体活动指南.  相似文献   

身体活动水平是影响公共健康的重要因素,而提高人们身体活动水平的本质在于干预个体及群体的行为。因此,提高个体或群体身体活动水平有必要对身体活动的干预机制进行研究。本文综述了几种经典理论,分析其在国内外发展情况、在促进身体活动方面的应用情况、存在的不足之处以及未来可能的发展方向。最终综合各项理论,建立了指导、干预个体或群体身体活动的理论框架,为体育工作者、健康相关从业者、政策制定者等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

建成环境作为影响儿童青少年身体活动水平的重要因素之一,与其相关的核心成果在指导后续儿童青少年身体活动支持性建成环境研究,以及改善、优化儿童青少年个体的身体活动环境方面均具有重要价值。通过梳理全球儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域的核心成果,发现社区、学校、家庭的建成环境与儿童青少年个体的身体活动是全球儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域的研究热点。儿童保育机构与不同国家农村地区儿童青少年支持性身体活动建成环境的构建、评估与优化,以及如何利用建成环境对残疾、超重、肥胖等弱势儿童青少年个体进行身体活动干预,将是未来儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域相关研究者的首要关注点。我国儿童青少年身体活动建成环境的理论研究与实践干预主要体现在:不同场域建成环境与身体活动水平的关联性分析,国外身体活动指南与评价标准、体系的系统阐释,量化探讨建成环境对身体活动水平的影响,以及如何构建与完善身体活动健康促进框架体系。通过分析国内、外儿童青少年身体活动建成环境的相关成果,结合我国实际情况,尝试从研究方法、研究设计、测量指标与试验控制等维度,提出未来我国儿童青少年身体活动建成环境研究的优化策略。  相似文献   

检验老年人身体活动是否能够降低其患慢性疾病的患病风险率,以及不同身体活动负荷对降低老年人身体活动风险率的效果.共1 010名老年人参与本研究,其中男性392名,女性618名,平均年龄66.7士7.9岁,男性平均年龄70.4±6.7岁,女性64.6±7.7岁;采用国际上经典的老年人身体活动流行病学PASE问卷对身体活动和患慢性疾病情况进行调查.结果表明,老年人参加身体活动能够有效减低其患慢性疾病的风险率,在“中”和“高”负荷身体活动组的老年人患病风险率(RR)分别是高血压疾病(0.81和0.68)、Ⅱ型糖尿病(0.92和0.77)、骨质疏松(0.91和0.86)、心脏病(0.60和0.19)、高血脂(0.93和0.77),在其他身体活动类型和患病风险率的关系上也得出了类似的结论.研究认为,积极参与身体活动的老年人相对于较少参与身体活动的老年人患高血压、糖尿病、心脏病、高血脂等疾病的风险率明显降低,参与身体活动负荷越高,患慢性疾病的风险率越低.在身体活动参与的类型上,骑自行车等与交通型的身体活动负荷参与越高,降低患病风险率的效果越好.  相似文献   

短式网球(英文ShortTennis)是针对少年儿童身心发育特点和其身体负荷能力而于70年代后期起源于瑞典的一项运动。它依据网球的基本原理,富有网球运动的全部内涵,很快流传到世界各地,深受广大少年儿童的喜爱。1993年这项活动被介绍到我国,经过云南省...  相似文献   

张韧仁  周成林 《体育科学》2013,33(1):52-61,71
以65名上海体育学院学生为被试;在跑台上完成30 min自行调速的跑或走,并在实施前5min、期间30 min和之后15min进行情绪状态自评、行为和生理指标同步监测;兼顾访谈核实结果,探究一次性身体活动期间情绪变化及其短期情绪效益.研究表明,一次性身体活动期间情绪变化及其短期情绪效益显著,其中愉悦状态最佳时段为身体活动期间1~5min和身体活动之后1~15 min,活力状态最佳时段为身体活动期间6~20 min,流畅状态最佳时段为身体活动期间11~30 min,疲劳感受最甚时段为身体活动期间26~30 min,消除焦虑最佳时段为身体活动期间6~20 rnin和身体活动之后1~15 min,消除抑郁最佳时段为身体活动期间1~5 min和身体活动之后1~15 min;一次性身体活动期间情绪变化及其短期情绪效益还表现出层级和性别差异,坚持运动者更易在身体活动期间出现流畅状态和愉悦状态,尝试运动者更易在身体活动期间出现活力状态、身体活动之后出现流畅状态但同时也伴随着更强的疲劳感受,女性运动者更易在身体活动期间出现愉悦状态、身体活动之后出现活力状态,男性运动者更易在身体活动期间、身体活动之后出现流畅状态但同时也伴随着更强的疲劳感受;一次性身体活动期间情绪变化及其短期情绪效益还表现出积极情绪状态出现时伴随着提速现象.这一研究成果将为我们更好地监控身体活动促进健康提供理论支撑和方法指导.  相似文献   

使用韩国疾病管理中心的国家健康和营养调查(KNHANES,2019-2021年)数据分析父母身体活动对青少年身体活动、身体质量指数(BMI)的影响。结果表明:仅有10.1%的青少年达到身体活动标准,29.3%的青少年达到超重肥胖水平。其中父母身体活动与青少年身体活动具有相关性,而青少年身体活动与BMI具有相关性。通过使用Logistic回归,当父母身体活动都达标时,青少年身体活动提高22.429倍(95%CI:1.768~284.474)。只有父亲达标(OR=1.764,95%CI:0.949~3.329)、只有母亲达标(OR=2.229,95%CI:0.922~5.389)与青少年身体活动没有显著相关性。当父母身体活动达标时,会提高青少年BMI达标率,但没有显著相关性。研究结果认为:父母与青少年共同参与体育活动会对青少年子女的身体活动和BMI有积极影响。  相似文献   

着重介绍了国外青少年身体活动和运动动机研究.主要涉及身体活动和运动动机理论,竞技运动的参与动机与退出动机,身体活动与闲暇运动动机,竞技运动和闲暇运动动机的性别差异和年龄差异,身体活动水平与动机等方面,并分析了已有研究在跨文化、社会性动机和其他方面存在的问题.  相似文献   

于洪军  刘路 《中国体育科技》2012,48(4):113-123,136
从身体活动对慢性疾病预防和控制功效的视角,从身体活动对不同年龄群体的生理退化速率、死亡率、疾病发生率、心血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症、骨质疏松症、心理健康的影响等方面对国外相关研究进行梳理,对国外身体活动负荷标准的研究进行归纳,重点分类归纳了预防慢性疾病发生的成年人(18~65岁)、老年人(65岁以上)和已患慢性疾病群体控制疾病发展的不同群体间身体活动的适宜负荷方式和剂量,对身体活动与慢性疾病的研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

以中国义乌小商品城287名民营企业家为例,以体力活动阶段量表、国际体力活动量表(短卷)为评估工具,探讨民营企业家体力活动阶段分布特征,体力活动量及阶段分布与体力活动量的相关性。结果显示,民营企业家阶段分布特征明显,体力活动量较低,不同体力活动阶段的体力活动量有差异。  相似文献   

为全面了解四川省城乡居民参加体育锻炼的行为状况,对推进群众体育事业可持续发展提供科学依据。2008年在四川成都、自贡、广元三市采用"入户方式"进行问卷调查。结果显示,有32.1%的四川省城乡居民在2007年参加过体育锻炼,且全省"经常参加体育锻炼"的人数比例为23.7%(含在校学生).日常生活中,体育锻炼项目以健身走和跑步为主,不同年龄段人群所选择的项目明显不同;同时,省内居民参与体育锻炼的意识有所增强,以"防病治病"为目的的人数比例最多,但有近70%的人在体育锻炼中没有接受过科学指导;而没有时间、缺乏参与体育锻炼的场地是目前省内城乡居民参与体育锻炼的主要阻碍;城镇居民在参加体育锻炼人数比例、经常参加体育锻炼人数比例、参加体育锻炼的消费等调查指标上都高于乡村,城乡差异明显存在。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to highlight important research needs related to physical activity in 3- to 5-year-old children. We identified research needs in 3 major categories: health effects, patterns of physical activity, and interventions and policies. The top research needs include identifying the health effects of physical activity, the effects of physical activity on the development of healthy weight, the effects of physical activity on learning and behavior, and the health implications of sedentary behavior. Research questions concerning patterns of physical activity include determining the prevalence of 3- to 5-year-olds meeting the current physical activity guidelines; the social and environmental factors that influence physical activity in home, preschool, and community settings; and how physical activity tracks into later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Research questions about interventions and policies include identifying the most effective strategies to promote physical activity in home, child care, and community settings and to reach diverse populations of young children, identifying effective intervention implementation and dissemination strategies, and determining the effectiveness of national, state, local, and institutional policies for increasing physical activity. In conclusion, research is needed to establish a full understanding of the health implications of physical activity in 3- to 5-year-old children, to better understand the nature of physical activity behavior in this group, and to learn how to promote physical activity in young children.  相似文献   


Numerous epidemiological investigations have shown that low physical fitness and low physical activity are related to the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Most studies, however, have not examined both variables concurrently to determine which has the strongest association with CAD risk. The purpose of the investigation was to cross-sectionally examine the relationships among physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD. Male law enforcement officers (N = 412) from the City of Austin, Texas, were subjects for this study. Physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD were assessed through health screenings and from data collected as part of an annual physical fitness assessment. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed that physical fitness, but not physical activity, was related to several single CAD risk factors. Percent body fat, smoking habits, and Type A behavior score were negatively related to physical fitness level, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was positively related to physical fitness level. Univariate analysis of variance found both physical fitness and physical activity to be significantly related to a composite CAD risk score. Low physical fitness and low physical activity were associated with a high CAD risk score. These data suggest that physical activity must be sufficient to influence physical fitness before statistically significant risk-reducing benefits on single CAD risk factors are obtained, although minimal engagement in weekly vigorous activity provides a significant benefit for the composite CAD risk score. It is plausible, however, that physical fitness is a stronger measure than physical activity and optimally characterizes the relationship among physical activity and CAD risk factors.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to investigate how combinations of different epoch durations and cut-points affect the estimations of sedentary time and physical activity in adolescents. Accelerometer data from 101 adolescents were derived and 30 combinations were used to estimate sedentary time, light, moderate, vigorous, and combined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Data were analyzed with repeated measurement analyses of variance. Large differences of sedentary time and times of different physical activity intensities were observed between 1 s and longer epoch durations using virtually all cut-points. Generally, sedentary time, moderate physical activity, vigorous physical activity, and combined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity progressively decreased, whereas light physical activity increased with longer epoch durations. The extreme differences between cut-points were large and increased with longer epoch durations for sedentary time and for all physical activity intensities except for vigorous physical activity per epoch duration. Caution is required when cross-comparing studies using different epoch durations and cut-points. To accurately register adolescents’ spontaneous intermittent physical activity behavior, short epoch durations are recommended.  相似文献   


Influence from parents and friends on adolescents' self-reported level of leisure-time physical activity was examined through measures of (a) perceived leisure-time physical activity of parents and best friend, (b) perceived direct support for physical activity from parents and friends, (c) direct help from parents in exercising vigorously, and (d) perceived value of physical activity of parents and friends. The present analysis included 904 students in western Norway (M age 13.3 years, SD 0.3) who took part in a health behavior survey, which included questions regarding physical activity. Students completed a confidential questionnaire at school All four measures of influence were positively related to students' activity levels. None of the examined measures was clearly stronger than the other. Parental and peer physical activity level and parental and peer support for physical activity seem to influence the reported physical activity level of the respondents. The findings indicate that, by serving as models and supporters, significant others have an important impact in promoting physical activity in young adolescents.  相似文献   

Influence from parents and friends on adolescents' self-reported level of leisure-time physical activity was examined through measures of (a) perceived leisure-time physical activity of parents and best friend, (b) perceived direct support for physical activity from parents and friends, (c) direct help from parents in exercising vigorously, and (d) perceived value of physical activity of parents and friends. The present analysis included 904 students in western Norway (M age 13.3 years, SD 0.3) who took part in a health behavior survey, which included questions regarding physical activity. Students completed a confidential questionnaire at school. All four measures of influence were positively related to students' activity levels. None of the examined measures was clearly stronger than the other. Parental and peer physical activity level and parental and peer support for physical activity seem to influence the reported physical activity level of the respondents. The findings indicate that, by serving as models and supporters, significant others have an important impact in promoting physical activity in young adolescents.  相似文献   

城市建筑环境与居民身体活动和健康关系是当今运动健康促进研究的新领域.通过分析城市建筑环境对居民身体活动与健康的影响,建立城市建筑环境影响居民身体活动与健康的研究模型.结果显示:1)城市建筑环境可引起居民身体活动不足进而影响健康,影响身体活动的城市建筑环境因素主要有街道网格布局、风景园林、健身康乐设施和土地规划使用以及环境安全性等; 2)目前,研究城市建筑环境对身体活动与健康影响主要有概念、综合和数据等3种模型; 3)在我国城市化高速发展进程中,应重视城市建筑环境与运动健康促进问题的研究.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to identify correlates of physical activity behavior in a sample of rural, predominantly African American youth. Three hundred sixty-one fifth-grade students from two rural counties in South Carolina (69% African American, median age = 11 years) completed a questionnaire designed to measure beliefs and social influences regarding physical activity, physical activity self-efficacy, perceived physical activity habits of family members and friends, and access to exercise and fitness equipment at home. After school physical activity and television watching were assessed using the Previous Day Physical Activity Recall (PDPAR). Students were classified as physically active according to a moderate physical activity standard: two or more 30-min blocks at an intensity of 3 METs (metabolic equivalents) or greater, and a vigorous physical activity standard: one or more 30-min blocks at an intensity of 6 METs or greater. According to the moderate physical activity standard, 34.9% of students were classified as low-active. Multivariate analysis revealed age, gender, television watching, and exercise equipment at home to be significant correlates of low activity status. According to the vigorous physical activity standard, 32.1% of the students were classified as low-active. Multivariate analysis revealed age, gender, television watching, and self-efficacy with respect to seeking support for physical activity to be significant correlates of low activity status. In summary, gender and the amount of television watching were found to be the most important correlates of physical activity in rural, predominantly African American youth.  相似文献   

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