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G804.6 9803642第六届世锦赛生物力学研究报告[刊,中,A]/艾康伟∥田径.-1998(7).-15-17(DW)生物力学∥世界锦标赛∥跳远∥研究∥报告∥6届G804.6 9803640连续纵跳及其疲劳的生物力学研究=Abiomechanical study on the Repeatedvertical jumps and its fatigue[刊,中,A]/陆阿明,叶永延.郑亦华,黄敏∥浙江体育科学.-1998.-20(3).-3-6,22表6参6(SML)纵跳∥连续纵跳∥疲劳∥生物力学∥评定∥指标∥摸高对27名体育系男生30次连续纵跳的纵跳摸高高度,动力学指标进行测定,对数据进行统计处理、对应比较.结果表明:纵跳摸高高度是评价运动性疲劳的有效指标,10秒钟内纵跳的  相似文献   

采用运动学和动力学相结合的生物力学研究方法对跳高运动员下肢肌的承受能力进行研究,得出如下主要结论:①跳深纵跳练习可以作为提高跳高运动员起跳能力的专项练习;②跳高运动员起跳腿的承受能力直接影响缓冲和蹬伸过程,并最终影响起跳效果;③膝关节和踝关节,尤其是踝关节是二级跳高运动员下肢承受能力的薄弱环节。同时膝关节是最大缓冲时刻的“关键性环节”;④二级跳高运动员产生最大反跳高度的适宜高度为(35.0±4.56)cm,最大反跳高度为(48.00±3.78)cm;⑤适宜高度跳深的冲击载荷与摸高成绩、适宜高度跳深纵跳的反跳高度与助跑摸高成绩均呈高度相关,两者均是评价运动员起跳能力的重要指标。  相似文献   

纵跳摸高或助跑起跳摸高练习对增强下肢肌肉力量,提高弹跳力,发展动作的速率和灵敏性有着重要的意义。是田径、球类,体操运动专项训练中不可缺少的辅助练习手段之一。广东省中学体育试用课本高一高二年级四次出现纵跳摸高,助跑摸高教材。笔者在具体教学中过去采用在墙上钉板方法,让学生纵跳手摸木板,留下痕迹再丈量高度。但丈量高度较繁琐。经常出现学生在对起跳动作掌握不正确时往往会形成手臂和膝关节皮肤擦伤的现象。后来经过多次反复设计制作制成一种简易摸高器。其性能使纵跳摸高,助跑起跳摸高都能适用。高度表示明显,学生练习兴趣性又较高。现介绍出来供大家参考。一、固定式简易摸高器  相似文献   

<正>一、原地纵跳摸高的学练方法学生在进行原地纵跳摸高的练习中,教师可注重情境诱发,激发学生的学习兴趣。如,通过观看排球扣球、篮球原地跳起投篮、羽毛球扣杀等视频,理解原地纵跳摸高的技术结构,再有针对性地练习技术和体能。1.原地纵跳摸高的技术练习原地摆臂练习:让学生将双手放在背后,先练习无摆臂纵跳,再练习摆臂纵跳,通过这种练习对比,让学生体验摆动双臂能增加纵跳高度,激发学生学习的积极性。  相似文献   

跳跃练习的方法很多,原地纵跳、助跑纵跳是最基本的方法。在各种测定中常采用原地纵跳(摸高)以评价弹跳的能力。关于原地跳跃方而研究已有过报导。作者也曾对人体下肢形态、膝角与纵跳关  相似文献   

不同膝角静态蹲跳的生物力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用三维测力系统,对不同膝角静态蹲跳的测试结果进行比较分析:着重讨论了最大力值、蹬伸时间、冲量值等主要生物力学指标的变化规律及其对纵跳高度的影响。  相似文献   

人体疲劳的生物力学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对疲劳前后的两组纵跳中关节功率的变化及其与人体疲劳的关系进行了定量分析。纵跳动作用摄像机记录,录像资料用一套运动影像分析系统进行分析处理。纵跳中的地面反力由测力台进行测量。对两组动作中的关节功率进行了生物力学计算和比较。结果表明,关节功率能够明确地反映人体各部分的疲劳程度,是对人体疲劳进行定量描述的重要力学量。  相似文献   

通过采用5种不同的纵跳方式,对12名女子举重运动员髋、膝关节的角度、角速度等生物力学参数进行采集,所获数据和举重专项成绩进行相关分析.结果表明不同纵跳方式中的纵跳高度和专项成绩都有不同程度的相关.其中60cm下落跳中的生物力学参数和专项成绩相关因素最多,尤其是下落后的纵跳高度和弹性能利用率和专项成绩高度相关,相关程度在0.8左右水平.并且根据相关分析结果提出一种针对举重运动员的肌肉快速力量和离心肌力的训练方法,即适宜高度为60cm的跳深练习.  相似文献   

纵跳摸高能力是优秀篮球运动员比赛争抢板球和原地起跳投篮的重要专项素质之一,纵向摸高素质的提高与多种跳跃素质(如助跑摸高、五级蛙跳、连续快速起跳等)可能具有密切的相关关系(假说)。男子篮球运动员纵向摸高素质与跳跃素质的相关关系和科学训练的研究是很有必要的。文章以山西省体育职业学院20名男子篮球专项学生为研究对象,运用测试法测出:原地纵跳摸高、助跑摸高、立定跳远、30秒单摇跳绳、五级蛙跳、立定三级跳各项数据并得出相应的研究结果,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

采用5种不同的纵跳方式,对12名女子举重运动员髋、膝关节的角度、角速度等生物力学参数进行采集,所获数据和举重专项成绩进行相关分析。结果表明:不同纵跳方式中的纵跳高度和专项成绩都有不同程度的相关。其中60cm下落跳中的生物力学参数和专项成绩相关因素最多,尤其是下落后的纵跳高度和弹性能利用率和专项成绩高度相关,相关程度在0.8左右水平。根据以上相关分析结果提出一种针对举重运动员的肌肉快速力量和离心肌力的训练方法,即适宜高度为60cm的跳深练习。  相似文献   

Warm-up protocols are commonly used to acutely enhance the performance of dynamic activities. This study examined the acute effect of low-load gluteal exercises on the biomechanics of single-leg drop jumps. Eight men and seven women (18–22 years old) performed 10 single-leg drop jumps on three separate days. The gluteal exercises were performed within the warm-up on day 2. Contact time, flight time, peak vertical ground reaction force (GRF), rate of force development, vertical leg-spring stiffness, and reactive strength index were determined. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to examine differences on all variables across days. Significant differences were found for contact time, peak GRF, and flight time between days 1 and 2 and for flight time between days 1 and 3 (p ≤ 0.05) with no significant difference in any variables between days 2 and 3. This suggested that the improvements in day 2 were due to practice effects rather than the gluteal activation exercises. In addition, a typical error analysis was used to determine individual responses to the gluteal exercises. The results using this analysis showed no discernible response pattern of enhancement or fatigue for any participant.  相似文献   

运动生物力学多参数同步测试系统的研究与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对众多的运动生物力学检测手段实现同步的统一处理,已经成为运动生物力学研究方法的一个重要方面,对提高运动生物力学科学研究能力和水平,促进运动生物力学学科发展具有举足轻重的意义.但由于测试仪器的生产厂商不同,造成信号规格和同步方式不统一,给这些仪器测得数据的同步造成困难.结合运动生物力学科研的实践,在应用现有运动生物力学测试仪器基础上开发出一套集视频、表面肌电、足底压力、三维测力台、激光测速于一体的同步测试系统.该系统首次将各仪器的相对延迟时间考虑到同步处理中,具有同步精度高,系统硬件传输距离远、稳定、可靠,系统软件界面友好、数据显示直现等特点,具有较好的应用与推广价值.此外,对其他测试仪器数据的同步处理也可提供一些思路.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (a) to assess the ability of the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) to predict performance (i.e. number of vertical jumps performed to a fixed jump height) of an intermittent vertical jump exercise, and (b) to determine the ability of RPE to describe the physiological demand of such exercise. Eight healthy men performed intermittent vertical jumps with rest periods of 4, 5, and 6 s until fatigue. Heart rate and RPE were recorded every five jumps throughout the sessions. The number of vertical jumps performed was also recorded. Random coefficient growth curve analysis identified relationships between the number of vertical jumps and both RPE and heart rate for which there were similar slopes. In addition, there were no differences between individual slopes and the mean slope for either RPE or heart rate. Moreover, RPE and number of jumps were highly correlated throughout all sessions (r = 0.97-0.99; P < 0.001), as were RPE and heart rate (r = 0.93-0.97; P < 0.001). The findings suggest that RPE can both predict the performance of intermittent vertical jump exercise and describe the physiological demands of such exercise.  相似文献   

Currently, only epidemiological injury data have been reported for the new extreme sport of aggressive inline skating, or trick skating. No studies have examined the biomechanics of this sport, which involves repetitive jumping and landing from railings, ramps, and ledges, often over 1 m in height. We present results of a pilot study that examined the effect of skater experience and lower extremity biomechanics on energy absorption ability, and observed balance strategies used during two basic tricks. In these tricks, the skater jumps onto an elevated rail and maintains balance while standing in a single position (stall) or sliding along the rail (grind). Lower extremity joint kinematics, impact force characteristics, and general movement behaviours were examined during landing and balance phases. Ten male skaters performed ten stalls and ten frontside grinds on an instrumented grind rail, capable of measuring vertical force. Vertical impact force was found to decrease with increasing skater experience in stalls (r = -0.84, P = 0.002) and grinds (r = -0.84, P = 0.009). This might imply that less-experienced skaters are (subconsciously) more concerned about maintaining balance than refining technique to minimize impact force. Similar to drop landing experiments, peak impact force decreased with increasing knee flexion during stalls (r = -0.65, P = 0.04). During stalls, skaters demonstrated classic balance maintenance strategies (ankle, hip, or multi-joint) depending on trick length. During grinds, skater centre of mass never passed over the rail base of support, suggesting the use of momentum produced from obliquely approaching the rail.  相似文献   


Ankle sprains are the most common injury in regular badminton players and usually occur at the end of a match or training. The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of fatigue produced by badminton practice on the lower limb biomechanics of badminton players. It was hypothesized that fatigue induces ankle kinematic and lower leg muscle activity changes which may increase the risk of ankle sprain. Ankle kinematics, ankle kinetics and muscles activities of 17 regular badminton players were recorded during lateral jumps before and after an intense badminton practice session. Post-fatigue, ankle inversion at foot strike and peak ankle inversion increased (+2.6°, p = 0.003 and +2.5°, p = 0.005, respectively). EMG pre-activation within 100 ms before foot landing significantly decreased after fatigue for soleus (?23.4%, p = 0.031), gastrocnemius lateralis (?12.2%, p = 0.035), gastrocnemius medialis (?23.3%, p = 0.047) and peroneus brevis (?17.4%, p = 0.036). These results demonstrate impaired biomechanics of badminton players when fatigue increases, which may cause a greater risk of experiencing an ankle sprain injury.  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   

研究发现当前运动性疲劳的定义在定位、翻译、起源等方面存在不足之处;"运动性疲劳与恢复"的提法不科学,并明确指出运动性疲劳的生化研究宏观上包括两个方面,即"运动性疲劳的监控"和"运动性疲劳的恢复";诸多研究在探讨"过度训练"时,不应该忽略对"疲劳"或"运动性疲劳"的说明。  相似文献   

Qualitative biomechanical principles for application in coaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many aspects of human movements in sport can be readily understood by Newtonian rigid-body mechanics. Many of these laws and biomechanical principles, however, are counterintuitive to a lot of people. There are also several problems in the application of biomechanics to sports, so the application of biomechanics in the qualitative analysis of sport skills by many coaches has been limited. Biomechanics scholars have long been interested in developing principles that facilitate the qualitative application of biomechanics to improve movement performance and reduce the risk of injury. This paper summarizes the major North American efforts to establish a set of general biomechanical principles of movement, and illustrates how principles can be used to improve the application of biomechanics in the qualitative analysis of sport technique. A coach helping a player with a tennis serve is presented as an example. The standardization of terminology for biomechanical principles is proposed as an important first step in improving the application ofbiomechanics in sport. There is also a need for international cooperation and research on the effectiveness of applying biomechanical principles in the coaching of sport techniques.  相似文献   

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